
There are more hidden stuff inside this virus.

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Philip McMillan has been doing a lot of videos on autoimmune disease lately - because he keeps seeing it in people who've had covid or taken the shots.

Very unfun stuff, both of you, but nonetheless it's probably better to know than not, or there's no chance of fixing it - if, indeed, it can be fixed.

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I as wrote multiple times since 2021, the vaccinated are merely ahead of the curve.

It can be fixed.

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Please tell us more.

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He has a substack, you’ll find stuff interspersed through it. Maybe start here, though you probably know this stuff already . For someone like you it may be worth it to talk to him directly.


For the rest of us who aren't researchers: it's in plain English, so worth checking out, too.

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When I saw he had teamed up with Chetty I started paying more attention to him and he has done some good interviews.

Personally, I see the vaxxed as a walking autoimmune disorder or timebombs.

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Between substack and his telegram channel I've been quite favourably impressed.

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I like both, myself. Glad to have 'found' him very early on, and I'm a lay person.

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Chetty or Philip?

Been a massive fan of Chetty from the start but Philip is coming good as well.

The best thing about Chetty is he has an open mind, he is starting to get involved in the blood microscopy.

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Philip. Chetty's wonderful, but it was so nice to see Philip coming along the way he is.

We need all the good people we can get who are of the view 'Let's not destroy the world and kill most of people in it.''

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Funny thing, neighbour was forced to vax due to his working with the public, but his kids are home schooled and luckily the mom decided NOT to vax. All of a sudden the aged vaxxed co-tennant who lives in another house on the same property were very worried about the kids "being" constantly sick, whereby the mom explained to her the husband get sick but does NOT experience the symptoms as heavily, because of his friendly host system, but then the kids with the normal awake system (unvaxxed) gets sick and she compained about it. Forgetting that we all got sick as children, it is part of the immune factory...

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Spot on, the norm for a naïve immune system and that's how I imagine a robust immune system is developed. I'm a crane operator but iirc theres been plenty of studies to indicate the increased early childhood sicknesses usually equates to a healthier adulthood.

in saying that I personally believe in shedding and by that I mean every aspect of the vaxx.

Shedding safety protocol from the Pfizer clinical trial -

"Inhalation or skin contact" was the exact wording in Pfizer's clinical trial protocol document (linked below). Pfizer *anticipated* that people coming into contact with the study participants (the ones receiving the Pfizer "vaccines") either via “inhalation or skin contact” might exhibit SAEs (serious adverse events) or AEs (adverse events). read section 10.4.1, (pages 132 to 133), where it states, and I quote: "Male participants are eligible to participate [in the study, where they would receive the Pfizer Covid "vaccines"] if they agree to the following requirements during the intervention period for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention [the "vaccines"], which corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention(s)." Read that part and what follows, as men receiving the jabs are then told to REFRAIN from having sex with a "female of childbearing potential." How many men taking the Covid jab have been warned not to have sex "for at least 28 days" after their 2nd Covid jab? According to this Pfizer document, anyone not knowing about that warning has potential to cause "reproductive safety risk”.

Also be sure to read sections to (pages 67 to 69) -- Pfizer anticipated what is now being referred to as "shedding" of the vaccine contents from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. https://media.tghn.org/medialibrary/2020/11/C4591001_Clinical_Protocol_Nov2020_Pfizer_BioNTech.pdf

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Thanks very much, subscribed.

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Feb 5Liked by Moriarty

Just some comments that don't really contribute anything vital here.

Your points about the need for the availability AI are relevant, given that the complexity here is so far beyond mere human ability to keep up with what needs to be learned. Also, standard healthcare has long been over its head with regards to already existing complicated health problems, given the primary goal of waiting for one new drug to address a constellation of symptoms. I have no faith in the ability of standard healthcare practitioners to even diagnose people with the types of issues that you describe, never mind offering effective treatments. That isn't going to change for a long time. The patient's symptoms will be denied along with the MDs' ignorance, resulting in non-treatment at best, and abusive gaslighting at worst.

This also makes me think of the growing “there was no novel virus” crowd. The phenomenon of iatrogenic harm/death does not prove the non-existence of a pathogen. “Where are the vast death numbers then?” is the rhetorical question, and the response is: “given what is described, vast numbers of death are not what is expected. It's an insidious, slowly evolving plague with such a vast array of characteristics that makes it impossible to pin down for those who are using a narrowly targeted pin.”

As an aside, it reminds me of toxic brain damage. It's too defuse and small to be picked up by scans, and can only be discovered via neuropsychological evaluation. Which reminds me of one of the issues that some people are warning about the prolonged use of Ivermectin. The type of brain damage that they describe is highly unlikely to be found, but it's there and it can greatly interfere with people's ability to function as they used to. There's will be “no evidence” of illness and gaslighting will ensue. The point here is not that Ivermectin doesn't have its place; it's the cavalier use of it that we're seeing that's the potential problem.

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This is a very pertinent and prescient commentary. I would have little to add to this, since you voice my own thoughts here, more or less so (but with more eloquence).

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Moriarty, are you and DingoR saying that long term low-dose use of Ivermectin causes brain damage? This is a big issue if so, and I'm only aware of long-term use of IVM in malarial countries, where I have not seen indications of brain damage from the IVM. This seems a critical point, so I would like a clear comment from either of you on this specific issue, and perhaps an explanation as to how it causes said brain damage. Or did I misread your and his comments? What is "cavalier use" and what is responsible use?

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Oh, I was talking about the overall commentary, not specifically the "Ivermectin" part, I have no horses on this race (pun NON intended). The long-term usage of Ivermectin is divisive as the drug itself.

There are a few studies on the downsides of the long-term usage of Ivermectin, such as microbiome shifts, the brain damage one as far as I am aware was done in cattle (it induced prion growth basically), but I never looked deep into the drug.

What I am aware is the usage of certain non-specific antiviral drugs will inevitably induce antimicrobial resistance in many pathogens. Trade-offs as usual in biology.

For what it is worth, it is a complete "narrative warfare" on both camps now.

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Feb 5Liked by Moriarty

Ah, OK, I get it. You know, a lot of people are using IVM and fenbendazole to control/remove cancers (including turbo cancers). Trading short term success against a cancer for long-term increase in prion diseases of the brain is not something most people are considering at this point. Sometimes it seems that everything we are all doing to fight off C19, vaxxx damage, shedding damage, variant damage, turbo cancers, RSV and other weird infections, and so on ad nauseam, ends up making us all demented. Ick.

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I am aware, a few of my subscribers had great success with the combination of both drugs to treat cancers in their family.

I do not think people should consider a trade-off, given how deeply cancer affects quality of life, and shouldn’t be worried about prion diseases. I would personally rather take my chances, knowing what I know.

I don’t think the pursuit of minimizing or mitigating damage is what makes us demented. It is a complex process of personal biases, the virus clearly affecting cognition, but especially grifters on all sides and all the cognitive warfare going on.

I remember when Pfizer hired 24 PR companies to run propaganda operations. At some point they were weighting if they should hire 20 MORE…

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Wow, 24+20. That's a lot of grifting. Not to mention the billions paid to the media to buy their craven grifting, too. I can't wait for the entire sector to go down in flames, leaving only the real stuff to rise from the ashes. I think of it kind of like the switch from agriculturally based societies to industrial economies, where the agricultural sector dropped to 3% of the overall economy. Currently, the Medical Industry is almost 20% of the US economy and almost 50% of the income for the companies in the S&P 500. It should be only about 3-4%, so here's to hoping that we see a similar transition for the Pharma folks to 3% and preferably nearly overnight, with a lot of trials and punishments to help that transition along.

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Your work helps me immensely

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That is my primary and main goal. Helping people, even if each articles helps only one or two people, that is already good.

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Professor - "more hidden stuff inside this virus" more than meets the eye indeed Mr. Mulder. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10827157/

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Feb 6Liked by Moriarty

Thanks for this, as always, John Paul. Two quick questions. A number of dissident voices have recommended both nattokinase and serrapeptase (for their anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory benefits ). Yet both are enzymes that break down proteins. Reading this article, I immediately wondered if these might cause problems, if they somehow could break down spike into dangerous components. Could someone be doing exactly the wrong thing by taking those enzymes?

You write constantly about inflammation. I thought I would share-- over a year ago, I had an Rx for hcq, and I took it a couple times a week as a prophylactic against Covid, and as part of treatment when I got Covid. Whenever I took a pill, I noticed within an hour or two that an arthritic finger would stop aching and become much easier to move. And this would last for over 24 hours. And of course hcq is used for Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis-- is its effectiveness at least in part because it's a potent anti-inflammatory?

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Glad you found this helpful.

I was among the first to recommend serrapeptase and natto/lumbrokinase back in 2021 to deal with the Spike Protein. Arguably any enzyme and protease could break the Spike into smaller problematic fragments, it is not just these ones, the thing is having enough of the other “components” to kick off the reaction. Serra especially is a potent anti-inflammatory, unless people are overdoing the enzyme supplementation, no I don’t think it is a problem.

HCQ is a potent anti-inflammatory but even more a immuno suppressant with a peculiar effect on Th17 cells, T helper cells that contribute to all the conditions you mentioned. Your condition may perhaps have Th17 as a contributor of the inflammatory process. Sometimes it is used to treat “joint diseases”.

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Feb 5·edited Feb 5Liked by Moriarty

Professor - Nice find. This is a proper conclusion: "the proteome of a coronavirus as a reservoir of peptide fragments that can be liberated upon proteolytic destruction". The great mimic it is, but all Cov's can.

Received 01/14/23; accepted 10/28/23, published 02/02/24. They sure took their time admitting what Cov components either infected or transfected, can do, no doubt to curb "vaccine hesitancy". There's an odor wafting about. As always we take the best and leave the rest.

The common cold Cov's produced "less" reaction, but nonetheless those control poly IC readings were non trivial. Yet, the authors insist on improper conclusion on multiple occasion: "we have shown that an unanticipated mechanism for propagating inflammation through uninfected cells exists for SARS-CoV-2 but NOT for common cold coronaviruses."

One wonders why wait so long to publish & put SC2 on a non existent pedestal? Ah, all one need do is read the acknowledgements, full list of authors, and who funded this to know why Mr. Mulder.

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The points you brought up I was aware, but I decided to focus on the exciting findings and the central theme of the paper itself, otherwise I would diverge it from the "message" too much.

This lag time on publishing reminds me of some other pertinent papers, in similar vein, where the findings would be very unsavory for the vaccine pushers.

To your improper conclusion section, I am taken back to that one paper about how SARS-CoV-2 can "infect" cells without using receptors for some reason.

The mechanism uncovered here may have deeper and broader effects to other proteins as well. I am now thinking on the promiscuity of LPS to other toxins... the LPS really reminds me of the Spike protein, because it can interact with other toxins "so well"... hummm.

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Moriarty, all I can say is this is a "wow" for me because I have been wondering what happens when the body does what it should and wrecks the spike protein (in particular). I was imagining a cell full of virus or modRNA producing more spikes, then the immune system coming in and destroying that cell, leaving massive amounts of bits and pieces to flood through the body, attach to more cells, and then those cells go through a similar attack/destruction cycle, such that the body (of vaccinated people particularly but anyone producing spike) would become flooded with massive massive numbers of spikes and mini-me protein bits causing all sorts of mischievous effects.

It occurred to me a while back (say, early 2021) that one reason Ivermectin or Black Seed Oil and a few other supplements (Astaxanthin, Dandelion root, ???) are so effective when given early on in an infection or after a vaccination is because they don't dock to the spike (or protein bits) at just one location but in the case of the whole spike protein (for example) "glom onto" it almost (in my undoubtedly over-active imagination) like a kind of molecular slime, thus locking up large sections or even all of such proteins and both denaturing them and also preventing them from fragmenting into vast numbers of tiny, potentially lethal, bits of peptides.

I've known from early on that the spike protein had at least a dozen ways to maim and kill, something that no other protein that I know of has ever come close to, and of course leading me to believe (early on) that it has to have been manufactured in a lab somewhere.

It seems to me that if there are drugs or supplements available that "glom over" most or all of the spike protein in ways that reduce or eliminate the chance that other items will break the spike (etc.) up into bits would be more than normally effective against C19 and the vaccines and could/should be emphasized in early infection or after vaccination. Do you know if my assumptions on the drugs and supplements I've mentioned above (or others) actually do "glom over" the spike and reduce the cascade problem? If so, can you name them for us?

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To your first paragraph, I want you and other to play close attention that it is not just the Spike, other proteins of the virus also produce xenoAMPs, and I know other proteins have other non-canonical peptides hidden.

To your second paragraph and over rest of your questions. It is a far too complex question to be fully answered in all honesty in a reply, even in one single article. You would need to investigate using bioinformatics and hundreds of thousands worth of hardware and time to analyze the docking of many substances and drugs to the Spike and/or other proteins of the virus, and even how glycans and other things "stick" in the virus, how much oxidative stress is created, the tissue the virus finds itself, the cells it interact, will all affect the break down of its proteins into smaller fragments.

To that effect, and a point brought up by the authors, you don't even need an active viral infection for these effects to take place, which could explain why certain types of pathological events are often common within a 1 year post-infection.

Many supplements I suggest people to take affect this complex chian of events somehow, with the main one being N-Acetyl-Cysteine (my substack on the importance of GlyNAC goes over this, the virus is a Cysteine hungry beast basically). But otherwise, it is a insane complex answer that no one can really honestly answer.

If you are interest in specific supplements or drugs the shortest way to find any helpful information would be Googling "SARS-CoV-2 name of supplement docking". If there is any research done on that, it will pop up.

I am saving money to buy a stronger computer which will help with the Machine Learning side of stuff, maybe I will be able this year, which may help me with some of the high hanging fruits =P.

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So... are you saying that this bio weapon is now basically ubiquitous in our environment, whether we've ever felt sickish, whether we were terribly ill, vaxxed or unvaxxed... we're all dealing with this on some level? So we need to always be on guard?

This does not sound like it bodes well for whatever they may unleash next if we are all under a constant strain of fighting this thing.

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Not as drastic but yes, that has been my argument for a few years now. This isn't "just the flu", this is a lab-generated chimera for some purpouse that for now is beyond me, so the best strategy is taking care of your health.

Any and all problems from this virus would be long-term. And to your last point, as I said multiple times, if I were to engineer and release something else later on, I would 1000% pigback on the changes SARS-CoV-2 brought. And now you have AI to do the work you would need 20 bioengineer geniuses (as presented here, the major reason of the discovery of xenoAMPs was "AI").

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Feb 5Liked by Moriarty

As I believe you pointed out, Moriarty, once we have a large enough reservoir of people whose immune systems have either been totally wrecked or have been switched to IgG4 to tolerate C19 variants, the normal evolutionary pressure on a virus to become less virulent in order to focus on becoming more transmissible lessens significantly, and the people harboring C19 can then become bioreactors able to develop variants that are more virulent and which can still transmit within that community of patients. At some point that could get to be a real problem, and if unvaxxxed people are exposed, even they could be infected, though would be much less likely to become transmitters. That would mean that the damaged people would have to withdraw from society in order to keep from getting infected with the more virulent variants, and normal people would have to avoid those who do get those variants. It would be very messy. If an entirely new Disease X that could use those bioreactive people to transmit could cause a lot of damage very quickly, especially if it is designed to "mind-meld" with the C19s that are endogenous in this population.

We're all familiar with binary chemical weapons. Their two feed chemicals are safe when physically apart, but bring them together in space, and they become very dangerous. So call them "binary weapons in space." C19 and the resulting vaxxxines can then be seen as a "binary weapon in time." First, the C19 infection, which is mild but transmits fast and can be used to instill fear, which later drives people to take the vaxxxines, which are more virulent but have (almost) zero transmissivity. There is no particular need for another bioweapon (a Disease X), but it is certainly possible that one could be released to feed on the result of steps one and two. That would make it a "Trinity weapon in time." Let's hope that is not in the cards, as it could be quite devastating to those whose immune systems have been devastated by repeated vaxxxinations.

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The only problem I have with your comment is the massive distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated, where just the vaccinated are taking the brunt of the damage, and the unvaccinated are free, healthy and thriving.

Any data you want to use, from recent studies, epidemiology, to social media or data mining, or other unorthodox methods of analysis, you will find that the truth is more in the middle. Yes, a sizable portion of the vaccinated are "far ahead" in sickness, but the other side is catching up.

I get an e-mail or message every 8 hours asking "What is happening, we are unvaccinated but my family are facing sickness all the time after Covid". Healthy people FYI. Dingo Roberts comment in this article itself is a good example of what I am talking about.

Doctors, governments, almost everyone will overlook the real long-term damage from both virus and vaccine because of the sheer complexity of it all. If you remove the complete distinction between jab/non-jabbed and add "multiphasic bioweapon", it is pretty much aligned with my thoughts.

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Ah, yes, with my comment that unvaxxxed could catch some of these things from the vaxxxed I meant to allude to what you are saying. I've been seeing that same kind of reporting. I would think the bioreactors would experience a very wide range of symptoms, from cancers to yet another C19 infection (requiring hospital care, too), Long Covid, shingles, RSV, and on and on. The unvaxxxed would "benefit" from their largesse with cooked-up C19 variants and all sorts of other problematic items. And as you say, everybody gets at least a little bit damaged each time they catch yet another C19 spike-based illness.

Also, I suspect that even the unvaxxxed folks still have not corrected underlying factors such as low vitamin D3 levels, low glycine, etc., obesity with its tendency toward low Thiamine, etc., all of which make them more prone to getting new variants than they would be if properly supplemented. Have you found out from these folks who are emailing you whether they are properly supplemented or still systemically weakened by deficiencies?

I recall that Clif High said many years ago that something would cause the population to divide, with some people being isolated while those who cared for them would have to be very careful around them. He said at the time that he didn't know what that factor would be, but it seems C19 and the vaxxxes in particular are what he was seeing in his work. I find it sadly ironic that the part of the population that may need to self-isolate to break these patterns are the vaxxxed.

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I just discovered you... I'll have to visit some of your previous reports. I've been focusing on local/in my yard plants to nurture for health aid kit. I had not thought about the piggybacking... diabolical. I can only conclude the purpose is disability and death, unfortunately.

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Oh, sorry, for the most part most comments I get are long-term readers. I have a few hundred published articles on SARS-CoV-2 alone, the main reason besides attempting to solve a piece of the large puzzle, is to keep track of all the changes.

I firmly believe it wouldn't take much for some well financed party to pigback on Covid, vaccine or virus.

Purpose is control of society, with some people die, well "that is just surplus labor going away".

Your focus is a very good one. Hope you find my stuff helpful in some way (since this is my primary goal).

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Yes, especially psychologically... expecting something around every corner to emerge...

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Do you think these "designers" of this virus and its constantly changing components have a cure to this illensses "choregraphed" by their hegelian symphony hidden somewhere on their own shelves, instead of the fake vax. Surely you have everything in place before you contaminate life on earth, because in effects everything will be contaminated eventually..

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I think only the first strain was designed, everything else is, well, as they say, history.

Nature runs its course, and as I often said for years, biology is not math, you can't predict biological behavior solely relying on math (yet... I guess in a few years with AI we will).

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To *your* first paragraph, yes, I know other proteins than the spike are involved, but I was focusing my request, which I knew would be hard to answer. In fact, though, I would think that xenoAMPs can be generated for *any* foreign infection virus or bacterium and possibly even when breaking down one's own tissue cells, if the cuts are in the right places. It's just that the spike is the best "engine" for this process, as it has so many intervals of "bad" segments.

To help you on the computer issue, have you considered renting GPU space in the cloud via blockchains? Vast.ai looks like it could help you the best. Render is apparently just for graphical rendering.


And here is a survey article mentioning several others:


Perhaps you can multiply your computer power in other ways than a new computer?

And I take GlyNAC and a number of other supplements, partly due to your articles - thank you!

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Most likely certain other viruses, bacteria and fungi will be able to produce non-canonical peptides that have profund effects yes, just takes a team of researchers and a refined model to "find out".

Renting GPU time is only worth if: 1- You live in the first world 2 - Knows exactly what you are training, how you will train, very little tinckering

Even at a few hundred dollars (a common run to train small models) it doesn't make sense financially to me because I live in the third world. I also like to tinker, and do a lot of other things, so owning a high end GPU is the best course of action. I thought my current laptop would be able to handle it better, apparently, I was wrong.

For AI and machine learning, the only way is more GPUs for now, it may change within 1 to 3 years, hybridization and other things.

I mentioned docking because it is faaaar too complex, and most docking studies are done in silico, just computer modelling, rarely you see it going to in vitro, let alone in vivo =P, but it is a decent first step.

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Feb 5Liked by Moriarty

Wow, I didn't realize it was hundreds of dollars a run. That's prohibitive. I thought it was a few bucks. In any case, like you, I would want to tinker, so I understand the urge to own the tool(s) yourself. :-)

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If you really know how to code (which I actually don't) and you know exactly how, where, when, use different services to track down multiple "compute rent services" and you train smaller models (very small) you can cut the cost to 100-200 USD.

Prices are coming down, fast, because services are integrating multiple GPUs in their clusters, not just the best one (RTX4090). But still, bigger models need a lot of GPU more, so it ends up expensive after a while.

The time I will wait for prices to get sufficiently down, I most likely will have the money saved up. Ironic and laughable lol

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Feb 5Liked by Moriarty

I will keep subscribing to your two substacks to help you get there! :-)

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I see their Poly(I:C) was purchased from InvivoGen that has much lower Endotoxin contamination than Sigma. Very important when measuring IL6


supplier quality statement


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Walter chestnut did a excellent piece on the potential for AIDS on repeated exposure to the spike protein, worrying.

Thanks for your substack.

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Do I understand this right? So are we saying here that high dose Vit D (to support cathelicidin) will likely support the modulation of the IL37/Th17 response? So could be very handy in fighting this? I have a severe long cov myself (and Lyme) and been fighting for 2 years now with no support. Not vaccinated. Would things like Rerum which activates the macrofages be very helpful? What are the best potential enzymes to help to break down these small proteins then if protease isn’t the one? I have dysaphagia, neuro damage, TIA. Been a crazy fight for my life. Would really appreciate a reply.

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It is complex and nuanced. High dosage of vitamin D will directly modulate LL-37 yes, and Vitamin D is a direct inhibitor of the pathogenic aspect of Th17. Vitamin D is systemic so yes it will be helpful fighting many forms of Long COVID, but there isn't a one fix, most Long Haulers need a group of supplements to actively improve and it is all based on their specific subtype of Long Covid.

In your case Lyme is most likely the biggest contributor to your symptoms, dealing with Lyme first is paramount to improve the symptoms. I am Lyme dumb but I am aware there are copious amounts of resources around and some of my subscribers are well versed on Lyme.

You should seriously consider adding whey protein and either tryptophan or 5HTP and see how your symptoms fare. Otherwise you must address all the inflammation and the inevitable mitochondrial dysfunction that follows.

Your primary goal should be lowering inflammation the maximum you can, because that is the underlying factor among all Long Hauler. Too much inflammation even when doing nothing and the inflammation "piles up".

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Have you added grounding to your stack, JP? It siphons excess inflammation and keeps the body in balance. Chronic Inflammation IS too much of what should be a good thing... +/- , I don't know which, I m not an electrical engineer, lol.

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Nature grounding, not the "in bed grounding" which a friend sent to me good videos but I never got to it. I should do it, some people have really great results with the "bed grounding".

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As steve says, the benefit of sleeping grounded is the length of time. Being barefoot out on my snow covered lawn for a third of the day

wouldn't work for me 😁

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Last March I had some blood drawn for a dark field microscope study. The doc and I were shocked (because I was otherwise very healthy) when we found virtually every RBC was rouleau'd and ghostly threads of fibrin were in the blood. Fortunately, I was taking Rutin daily and sequentially over three days, Serrapeptase, Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase, which I think saved me from clots by preventing the fibrin from binding around the rouleau formations. I also found out that a DMSO batch I had just started to use had gone bad, so part of the rouleau'ing and the fibrin were a reaction to the toxic DMSO.

I went online and bought several earthing items at earthing dot com, including two of their earthing throws, and I did some other things to restore my zeta potential and allow the RBCs to get re-negatively charged. I have not been able to check with that microscope again, but I have a healer I work regularly with, and he says my blood is much healthier/stronger than before. I sleep on one of the earthing throws - it seems the long hours of re-grounding overnight is really needed, at least for me. Occasional use of a throw while seated helps but not nearly as much.

For what it's worth, my experience with sleeping "earthed" has been positive.

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Can you perhaps add to the fact that we in south africa experience many people with schwein flue.. and some are dying of it. Is there a connection to the kiss of death that we got and srill are getting from the tampered sarscov2 and shedding perhaps...we are 30 % vaxxed and even less are vaxxed in Namibia..

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Swine flu is still a influenza virus that infects pigs, but can jump to humans, and SARS-COV-2 especially Omicron variants all directly interfere, for months with our immune response towards the flu, and if we go down a more complex path, they do it even further than just changing the microbiome.

And as I wrote multiple times throughout the last 2 years, the vaccinated were merely ahead of the curve. Early adopter tax, the virus isn't killing via respiratory effects, but it is doing damage, especially overtime.

You just need to supplement with some "simple" things and most people will be fine.

You can find a generalized overview of the supplementation here -> https://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/p/heal-thyself-simplified-supplementation?utm_source=publication-search

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The things hidden w/in the virus - are they showing any distinct variation of effects determined by the particular host? Let me be plain - do these hidden things seem to be pointing towards particular “targets”? WHO do you suspect are the targets?

I’m trying to protect myself and family by using the knowledge you share here. But I can’t shake my curiosity about who the virus and vax was intended to target from the start. I just cannot accept that it’s all random.

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It's not random. It is survival of the most adept.

With some eugenics threw in it. That is it. A clean slate of a morbid sort.

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The most adept intellectually? Like those that read your substack? 😂. I hear you. But I’m asking if there are genetic markers or particular pre existing conditions that mark someone for problems. I sense that this is weeding out the weak - but is it more a matter of staying intellectually curious and informed or a matter of lucky genetics?

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People who pay attention, don't get emotionally manipulated, and are curious.

Yes, high carbohydrate diets and all the mess that comes with them are the underlying condition.

Genetics will always play a significant role on this. Partially luck, partially discipline to take care of your health

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