
Anyone else remember the puzzling Malasyan airlines plane with top AIDS research that went down in *check notes


This is enough conspiracy for today =P.


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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Moriarty

🙋🏻‍♀️ I do!

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Being a scientist in certain fields is quite dangerous these days.

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there were also 2 German scientists who died in strange circumstances, one 'fell' off his balcony but his wife insisted he was shot. He was an expert on graphene

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That whole thing was super weird!

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What also died in that plane was 3 patent holders. There was a 4th patent holder= Rockefeller who got all the benefits. I wanted to see what was so special about this product. It's a microchip- to be used in the WEFS "internet of bodies" and internet of things. There's a long sordid tale about microchips that spans back a few decades- one honorable mention is an in an interview with Aaron Russo who created the film "Freedom to Fascism" where he says he was friends with the Rockefellers and that their goal was to microchip everybody. Way back before that- the founder of the company that would become Lockheed Martin gave an interview discussing how his company was the first to invest in RFID chips when One day he was reading the news and some woman had reported being microchipped. These things started showing up in ppl. He didn't mention if these were "abduction" cases but it seems the people had no idea how they got in their bodies. He goes on to say that someone had stolen the tech and he never found out who stole it because the person who had info on who it might be got murdered. A more recent interview with a man regarding a completely different topic (trans stuff) who had worked for intelligence said in passing that they were spraying nanodust on things to track supply chains. I think some of the conspiracy theorists who sound the most crazy might actually be onto something about all this nanotechnology and microchipping but just don't know how to fit all the pieces together or the expertise to understand how it works. The AIDS researchers might just as significant but I'm sure Rockefeller orchestrated that too.

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In Sweden they offer microchip in the hand so you do not have to carry a member card to certain places (the one I read was a fitness club). Some people are crazy enough to want these things. I am very hesitant to anything that has to enter my body ! No needles, as little meds as possible, only some vitamins and herbal products from a trustworthy source!

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The new economic system will commodity all of nature and us which means they need to tag, track and trace us.They call it human capital markets. I have not seen many ppl focusing on this aspect of our brave new world. A school teacher in Philadelphia Allison McDowell saw programs being rolled out in schools to harvest kids biometric data and has been speaking out. We are going to see more and more erosion of bodily autonomy. https://wrenchinthegears.com/2020/03/12/human-capital-markets-digital-identity-the-united-nations-sustainable-development-goals/

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Of course

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Coincidence takes planning.

I live in NC. Many of my friends are anti gun and were clutching their pearls about this “mass shooting”. They now fully view me as a conspiracy nut because i was adamant that this was not like other mass shootings, and pointed out the same curious set of coincidences you did. They knew none of this info, and frankly couldn’t be bothered with it. Sadly, i think that’s the headspace of many of my fellow Americans.

To me, this seems like espionage or assassination disguised as a “disgruntled Grad student”. And is just part of an ongoing silent war.

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100% concur with literally every sentence. It is global though my friend, not merely an American thing. You are not alone.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Moriarty

I wonder if it’s pure apathy, or a broader feeling of impotence and the ability to actually do anything about it. The masses are so controlled that it feels more like everyone’s resigned to this fate.

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I think it’s impossible for people to accept the level of evil that exists in this world. I’ve always been a “conspiracy theorist”, but thought my sister was crazy for insisting pedos were everywhere, controlling govt, Hollywood, etc. I knew it existed but thought was just a few bad apples. My mind would not accept something so horrific. Now I feel really stupid for not believing it. I refer back to that mindset when I try to understand how the masses don’t get it. And there’s that part where their lives are more blissful than ours. 😔

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It’s learned helplessness. We have no systemic power. It’s every man for himself out here.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Moriarty

As someone who is (unfortunately) familiar how Intelligence world, uses “assets” to send messages (blackmailing, exploiting, bribing, or other sordid tactics) I am convinced what "seems" to you like "espespionage or assassination disguised as a “disgruntled Grad student” is exactly what is happening. I dont enjoy reading about but will remain loyal subscriber anyway. A lot of other things to love about @hiddencomplexity

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Seems science is a deadly pursuit.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Just tying off some loose ends...

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About the poll.... I didn’t do it because either way you go I will a) subscribe to the new substack b) happily read whatever you publish on this one (time permitting). I am subscribed to other people however if I get too many emails yours are in the “must read category” while many others are not. So do what feels right to you 😊

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Itsjustananalogy, I'm kinda in the same place on this as you are. Instead of using the poll, then, I want to write a bit about my advice or desire on this.

JP, I think a number of existing subscribers AND new subscribers in the future may come to this Substack for the medical material and find other articles, especially far out ones, just in the way, and in fact they may decide not to subscribe because of the other stuff. And that would be too bad. You're very good at this and should keep doing it as the subject and your medical work evolve.

I was just listening to someone talk about how The New is growing as a part of our experience in this world. He calls it HyperNovelty. Navigating through an increasingly novel world, with all of its myriad (inter-related) changes, is going to be somewhat of an art form. A lot of people are going to need help in waking up to that changing rate and breadth of change. And for those interested in surfing these rising waves of change, it's going to be challenging and fun.

If, and I say if because I don't know what you are considering covering in a second substack, IF you are thinking about using your ability to see big pictures from emerging small and seemingly unrelated events and writing about these rising waves of novelty, then I really think a second substack would be the better idea. Get that stuff out into its own environment so neither you nor your second set of subscribers will have to move through your medical stuff or mix with medical subscribers to see how your larger complexity (i.e., novelty) articles evolve and link up into a bigger picture of the new world that is hurtling into our conscious existence.

To protect your medical subscribers from Novelty stuff they may not want to bother with or be associated with, I think you should focus this substack on medical articles. To allow your own freedom to pursue Novelty or whatever you're planning to branch out to, and to give us as commenters more freedom to engage you on Novelty or other emerging topics you will be covering without dealing with medical stuff, that second substack would be better to have.

I think you need to protect your medical subscribers while opening up the floodgates for other, stranger explorations. I would very much say you have a unique talent to link things in ways most cannot, so having a second substack where you can go anywhere you want to go, well, that will be a heck of a ride for those of us who want to get a leg up on the coming world so we can surf into it with a sense of elan.

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I agree with this

Get that stuff out into its own environment so neither you nor your second set of subscribers will have to move through your medical stuff or mix with medical subscribers to see how your larger complexity

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Bing Liu! Dr Bryan Ardis spoke about him and the synthetic snake venom peptides in the sequences in the spike glycoprotein... Tell me more!

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I guess when your planning (and successfully killing) millions, what's a few more people?

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"It's nothing personal Jack. It's just good business"

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Just cleaning up some loose ends...

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FWIW, I would prefer you do not delete the Twitter any time soon, even if you are done posting on it. There’s a lot of great content/info on it that can be accessed via search or scrolling back. Seems a shame if it would suddenly be gone.

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JP - Fourth - their collaborative endeavor. All the answers can be found in their aspirations Mr. Mulder. Pun intended.

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trying to recall if you have written about the issues of mrna spike being found in the body weeks and month after injection. saw this one today, but recall at least 2 studies long time ago as well https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/prca.202300048

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I have written about Spike persistence, I saw this paper earlier today, good because I can write about both perspective since there is also Spike persistance from the infection (although most likely only a problem in Long Covid, while the mRNA spike may be a problem for many of the injected).

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We’ve learned so much about the truth,......these covert shenanigans just seem a little over dramatic.

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