The viral trigger for type 1 diabetes goes back in literature quite always. Many years ago Denmark had a mumps epidemic and in the 2 years after the mumps epidemic diabetes rates skyrocketed. Type 1 diabetes is also a listed adverse event of the mmr vaccine, undoubtedly since it’s a live virus vaccine introducing the mumps virus into the body even if attenuated.

Celiac disease also has a high prevalence in t1D and undiagnosed celiac can seem to make those genetically susceptible more likely to develop t1D.

All in all, it’s sloppy research to not mention any previously discussed mechanisms of cause for t1D. The increase in DKA is no mystery - it can happen so quickly and early stages it looks like a gastro virus. With all the “stay home” messaging, kids who may have otherwise been diagnosed at the frequent urination stage were likely missed and so were in full DKA by the time they sought medical help.

This is first time I’ve heard of EBV as a trigger, but I’ve long believed that any virus can trigger it, some are just more likely to than others. Also auto-antibodies can take years to damage the pancreas to the point where it no longer creates insulin, so the timing is actually less specific than is being let on. There is testing that can be done to show if or how many auto antibodies someone has. (Have to have a first degree relative with t1D to participate.) If someone is negative for all they can become positive at any time but those who are positive don’t turn negative again. Onset of insulin dependence after the antibodies are present can vary from weeks to years though so there is still a lot that needs to be learned.

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There is a whole another side of this, if people wanted I could write about, T1D looks like many other diseases, loss of immune tolerance, the IDO from Kynurenine is present at lower levels in many type 1, at this point I gander it is another metabolic trap create by chronic infections or a flood of autoantibodies one too many times, and this exposure leads to loss of tolerance and some depletion or meager response to certain nutrients, thus creating a "doom loop".

Remarkable comment btw thank you I will pin it

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Had a bad flu almost 30 years ago on New Years Eve, 3 months later I was diagnosed Type 1. I have other autoimmune issues now as well.

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Do you mind sharing the immune issues ? There might be a common link besides the flu ?

Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻

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Years ago, I remember reading about a link with coxsaci (sp) virus and gene expression for T1D.

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Everything seems under control now but I have been diagnosed with Hashimotos, lichens planus, lichen sclerosis all round the time of menopause. I do have some arthritis. Recently found out I have low IGA and IGG levels.

I take good care of myself, never had an A1C over 6% Im a personal trainer and exercise every day, eat mostly animal based diet now. ( though at the time of T1 diagnosis I was a vegetarian for many years and definitely not healthy).

Never had a flu shot or covíd shot.

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A lot, and I mean a lot of people with Hashimotos have either Herpes or Epstein Barr infection most latent, perhaps if you are able you could check that up. Incidentally same viruses can set off T1D. The lichen are often linked to immune dysregulation, especially interesting in this regard is Interleukin 17. The lower IgG levels are protective in many ways it is how the body attempts to compensate. Hope you stay like that or better yet, improve 🙏🏻

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Yep. Have H as well.

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Great article, but scary! Molecular mimicry with Galactin-3, sialic acid etc, creates a snow ball effect of autoimmunity and CD8 incapacity that leads to all sorts of downstream pathologies. mRNA technology, encouraging our cells to produce spike epitopes is literally insane because of the danger of autoimmunity leading to T1D, and modern hyperglycaemic nutrition just makes it worse. If this is bio-engineered, it is insidious!

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Thank you Geoffrey, and indeed it is one of the scary ones, and I tried to "simplify" it leaving aside quite a few other latent pathogens that also play a role. The "feedback" loop you just described is the unspoken villain of the Spike in my opinion, adding the fact that this virus literally manipulate Endotoxin potentializing its effects.

We often joked in 2020 that this was "airborne AIDS" but after a while I often joked "It is more like airborne diabetes".

This is bio-engineered I have no doubts about it, the only doubt left, the question in the air is the reason, the goal. Was this just virus research ? Attempt to creating a universal vaccine to a lot of different pathogens ? The list of crazy ideas goes on.

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Good German doctors not letting us down: Müller, J.A., Groß, R., Conzelmann, C. et al. SARS-CoV-2 infects and replicates in cells of the human endocrine and exocrine pancreas. Nat Metab 3, 149–165 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42255-021-00347-1

"Infection-related diabetes can arise as a result of virus-associated β-cell destruction. ... We show that SARS-CoV-2 infects cells of the human exocrine and endocrine pancreas .... We demonstrate that human β-cells express viral entry proteins, and SARS-CoV-2 infects and replicates in cultured human islets. Infection is associated with morphological, transcriptional and functional changes, including reduced numbers of insulin-secretory granules in β-cells and impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. In COVID-19 full-body postmortem examinations, we detected SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein in pancreatic exocrine cells, and in cells that stain positive for the β-cell marker NKX6.1 and are in close proximity to the islets of Langerhans .... Our data identify the human pancreas as a target of SARS-CoV-2 infection and suggest that β-cell infection could contribute to the metabolic dysregulation observed in patients with COVID-19."

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Thank you bird. I decided to solely focus on the latent aspects and many other potential pathways, because there is a lot of contention between "the experts" and "the science" on the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the liver and pancreas directly.

Here we have a level of evidence independent of that.

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Please continue your valuable research. I have just published a book on the Covid pandemic, climate change and the role of viruses as habitat builders, called Pandoras Box. My mother survived the Spanish Flu but died during Covid, which prompted me to do the book. Your work is much needed in understanding the real causes and choices we face.

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Thank you for your words of encouragement Geoffrey it does mean a lot. I will try to see if the book is available here where I live =D.

My grandmother survived the Spanish Flu, but her brain took the heaviest burden from the jabs (not my choice jabbing her, clearly).

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This makes sense. Since the fungus that gave us the citrus scare years ago, they have been spraying this new anti-fungal, tasteless to humans crap on everything.

It is the anti- fungal effecting our hormones, so Epstein -Barr and other thyroid problems.

Gaits is adding his new “O-Apeel” to all the food on his farms. Tasteless and odorless. Makes the veggie or fruit last longer to market so I imagine an anti fungus as well.

Wash everything with baking soda. Wash hands.

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Berberine or metformin and NAC and Chaga tea. On top of the mega C and D3 zinc and B1.

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Yes. My mum avoided the jabs but got the nasal tests. Not sure what can be trusted I. The pandemic. My book is on Amazon.

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I know you’re a science guy but I have to ask a more philosophical question.

Why are they trying to kill us?

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While the focus is science, I have many other substacks on other subjects, just the last 6 months that were focused on SARS-CoV-2 by serendipity basically.

To your question, it isn't as in-depth as I would like, but partially answered here -> https://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/p/the-origins-of-the-wef-beliefs

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