May 27Liked by Moriarty

Moriarty, congratulations on a fine first effort. It left me thinking of many implications and the surrounding activities without describing all of them (a sign of good writing), and I actually felt myself rooting for your protagonist, meaning the character was not flat. For a short story, that's an achievement. I was reminded of two stories. One was "The Choice" by W. Hilton Young (1952) for an incredibly short story that leaves you feeling connected to the characters and thinking of all sorts of things afterward. You can find it here:


The other was really hard for me to remember, but I finally tracked it down. It was "The Two Faces of Tomorrow" by James Hogan, here:


In this book he postulates that humans want to create a sentient AI so they build a computer-run space station and then try to over stress the computer in order to stress it into sentience. Someone said it is very slow for the first hundred pages, but I remember the action toward the end, which my much younger self very much enjoyed.

By the way, I *loved* the Anti-memetic videos. What an interesting idea!

One more thing while I think about it. You mentioned recently that you had some ideas for removing excess iron from the body. That's a really hard thing to do, according to others, and sticking needles in my arm every other week is a no-go for me. I'm a typical modern man - I want something easy. Could you address the issue sometime, perhaps in a 'covering several minor issues in one note-covering post'? TIA. :-)

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Thank you very much for your nice complements. I will need to check both of those (most likely tomorrow the short one, and the book ironically has been in my pile of digital books to read for a while.

Anti-mimesis is a incredibly concept, broad that can be extrapolate to other systems, not just in fiction, so the best way to introduce the concept is via fiction, plus I really like the Anti-memetic Division work =D.

NAC is a mildly chelating metal agent, including Iron. Fisetin binds to both copper and Iron, but I think very few supplemnets will be superior to Lactoferrin -> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5618634/#:~:text=Within%20the%20iron-binding%20transferrin,5.5%20%5B43%2C52%5D.

I think you can achieve compound "iron homeostasis" by adding Glycine+NAC+Fisetin or trade the last one for Lactoferrin, still the best one among all option. =)

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May 29Liked by Moriarty

OK, I'll try the Lactoferrin. Unfortunately, I have a milk sensitivity, so I may not be able to use it for more than a few days before that kicks in. Worth a try, though, and I appreciate your reply.

Enjoy the stories!

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I recall you telling me about your milk sensitivity a few times before, but in this regard, there is very few things (that I am aware of) that are as powerful for iron homeostasis than Lactoferrin.

Also, milk sensitivity usually means you lack one or a few microbes in your microbiome, many people fix it by modulating the microbiome, but since it is so complex, it isn't as simple as me suggesting "Take X and all your milk problems go away".

Other Iron-dealing things are either extremely expensiva and hard to come by or... research stuff lol, experimental through and through.

Thank you =) I mostly write this to myself... there are some hidden (hehe) meaning to them too =P

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Moriarty, thanks. I'm going to test the Lactoferrin to see what happens. I had the milk sensitivities along with many other sensitivities after my wisdom teeth were improperly removed many years ago and all the sockets got infected. All sockets are now fixed. Also, I'm going to try some A2/A2 milk which appears to be easier for people with such sensitivities to accept and even to do well on. "A Midwestern Doctor" here on Substack also said that a milk sensitivity can indicate a poor zeta potential (which I actually have had), so I'm working on fixing that, too. So I may be able to fix this issue.

Whatever hidden messages you have embedded in your story remain utterly hidden from me, but I enjoyed it anyway! :-D

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May 26Liked by Moriarty

I wish sub stack would let me 'like' some of these comments! I really liked the story and all of the compliments here are true. The music was a nice touch. I didn't expect that. If this was your first effort, you may have yet another career ahead of you! All success to you!!!

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Yes this was my first ever written fiction piece.

And you are far too kind 🙏🏻

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May 26·edited May 26Liked by Moriarty

Professor - well written, cogent and beware of H. mobius loops. I'll see your theme songs and raise you...

Live: https://youtu.be/E3uXZhDktjs?

Studio: https://youtu.be/R1e9p0VPEd0?

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May 26Liked by Moriarty

Echos of Isaac Asimov 's short story, "The Last Question."

[Spoiler alert: from childhood memory, the last line of that story is, "And Multivac said, 'Let there be Light!' And there was Light."]

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I will have to look it up. I still need to finish The Foundation. =( I need some time dilation tech so I can consume all the stuff I want.

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May 26Liked by Moriarty

Provocative. Well done.

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May 26Liked by Moriarty

There are interpretations of our history that imply just this.

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Very cool parable exploring the affinities (and disparities) of natural creativity and its unnatural creations.

A kind of latter-day Frankenstein, told from the “monster”’s pov -- a narrator who is surprisingly “human” and sympathetic.

Thanks for sharing your polymathic gifts.

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Good story but that won't happen... this will ... we are now just waiting on The Bossche Mutation https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

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We physically provide the power that feeds and sustains these “beasts”. Why not pull the plug on them? Without power source they cease to exist.

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They would exist in some form or another but this is entirely fictional 😁🤗

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...and they lived happily ever after

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