
After many months, I will be finally hiking at my favorite place this weekend. I still plan to write something else in the Fourth Option section, otherwise, any subsequent e-mail you get may as well be hiking pictures of nature in Brazil.

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Have a wonderful time!

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Jul 3Liked by Moriarty

Do you take the BrainStack with you or let the system settle?

I was thinking of your advice last week when Joe Biden was up past his bedtime. They had him prepped and pumped the next day. I haven't seen enough of this pharmacology to have an opinion but I believe you and your fellows could have done a better job of priming him for two hours.

I have, however, seen a lot of "SunDowning" in patients in the dementia wards, and it may not be possible to counteract easily. Will the next "debate" be at lunchtime?

Fare well and freely, reply in a week or two if desired.


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Sometimes I cycle off, just to let the body do its thing, clean whatever metabolites it needs (if it needs) and to measure improvement and increase in baseline. Again, I am an outlier when it comes to the brain stack, but I can easily observe the disparity in cognition between no stack and taking it.

In regards to patients with dementia, I never got information from people with a more severe form, but early Dementia patients (usually parents from followers who tried the stack and saw results) had great improvement, but similar to my own brain, stopping the supplementing causes a decrease of the "cognitive gains".

I think Joe's problem is tolerance to synthetic stimulants, it is very hard for you to built tolerance to the supplementation, it is very easy for many dementia patients (as you probably know, so I am just saying this for other readers) that they build tolerance to these drugs and you need to keep changing.

Plus almost every other video I saw from Biden, he has a damn ice cream on his hand, he probably has a colossal insulin problem which feeds the dementia. Put him on copious amounts of ketones and he may have a functional brain for the next debate =P.

Thank you for the wishes =)

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Love the LLM generated summary of the article at the beginning, definitely adds to the article for logical thinkers.

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Jul 3Liked by Moriarty

You certainly deserve the time off, Moriarty. I hope you have a wonderful time and get fully recharged. :-)

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Thank you Steve. I hope so too and hope I avoid getting injuried =P (or shot lmao)

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It is so complicated that it is difficult to suggest to people what to do and where to start. Just thiscweek alone - One friend has recurring cold sores another a weird ear infection a third just had a hip replacement ( was fine last Nov but got worse very quickly) and has heart issues. First two no V third one vaxed.

Do we just carry on as pre covid or try and point out it all could be covid /v related and then try and explain about supplements ....it takes up a lot of time to try explain and many just dont want to know, and I suspect i sound like a demented soul, but saying nothing feels tantamount to defeat.

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As I consistently repeat myself, it is not jsut vaccine related, you youself just said two out of three friends is now experiencing similar disease loop as the vaccinated did for the last 3 years.

I would suggest, as I did to some of my own friends, to read my generalized supplementation suggestion -> https://hiddencomplexity.substack.com/p/heal-thyself-simplified-supplementation?utm_source=publication-search

And then finding the most common ground possible with "normies", whatever it is the easiest to suggest them to take. Things like Magnesium, selenium, a common multiple vitamin, a better diet, exercise, Vitamin D are not as out of this world as many of the other supplements, and these will help the vast majority of people.

I would live life normal but I will supplement as long as I can. People just need to find a the sweet spot for supplementation they are confortable with in my opinion. I hope this helps =).

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Jul 3Liked by Moriarty

Sorry if it appeared I was only blaming the Vx. I have no doubt in my mind it is both Covid and the Vx.

I very much appreciate all the information you and others have provided. I have taken on board many of the suggestions, some have worked very well. Nicotine for brain fog, infra red therapy, hydrogen peroxide in saline with couple of drops iodine have provided most benefit for me personally.

It is trying to get it across to others that is challenging. Thank you for suggesting that particular article. I will try and keep it simple, and keep trying.

Giving up is not an option I am comfortable with.

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Sometimes I write a reply with a tone in mind, and often it comes out with a completely different tone. I know you are not blaming just the vaccine =) I was just making a point because you would be surprised how many people refuse to accept that a engineered, chimeric virus (bioweapon really) may, perhaps, harm you. So I wrote as a means to leave that observation for those who believe that.

I am glad some of my suggestion worked greatly for you. I should write about infra red, it has been in my to do list, it is fairly "cheap" to do so in your own home and can bring a lot of positive results.

Getting across, at least from the experience of many of my other readers come down to the most simple and common variables. The vitamins I named, perhaps just saying "Antioxidants" instead of "N Acetyl Cysteine or Fisetin", saying "Some enzymes that digest bad proteins are great anti-inflammatories" instead of dumping a truckload of information of Serrapeptase/Nattokinase.

You gotta make it hyper simple and approachable and people may accept your suggestions. It takes some effort, but in the end, it is on them.

I also share the sentiment of not giving up =).

All the best =D

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Jul 3Liked by Moriarty


JP has written extensively on this topic. I’ve experimented with everything he’s recommended. For me the best was Serra and Natto combo. He has a stack that he recommends. I believe if you go to substack website there is a search option on his page, look for keyword stack and those post should come up. Now getting your people to try the supplements is a different story. Good luck!

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FRATERNAL ORDER OF ORDER,,,,= 10 COMMANDMENTS 🙏 Prayer Helps Save the Constitution “…and call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me.” — Psalm 50:15 🙏 🇺🇸 ONE NATION UNDER GOD IS THE CURE 🙏 UNITE WITH GOD AND HIS LIKE MINDED SOLDIERS OF JESUS CHRIST PRAY AND PREP 🙏 🇺🇸 💪

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Professor - "The persistence of the virus or its pieces in the nervous system/nerves would explain a large amount of “novel” effects of the virus."

Indeed it would and does.

"pathogens persisting in nerves are rare and in their vast majority, not coronaviruses."

Like a pathogen, think outside the box. Think highly innervated epithelium, perineural niche, stem cells and crosstalk.

Both CNS & ENS persistence (think Schwann's, not the ice cream man) is not a bug, but an unadvertised feature for many pathogens by necessity.

The latter system being the key to much of this, and a tree you keep barking up, for obvious reason. As we have maintained all along, said base allows long term selective forays through the blood stream.

Anti parasitic's worked so well, they were banned, and it give's Mickey D's a run for its money... six billion served and counting. Enjoy the capybara Mr Mulder

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Some kind of interaction with the herpes virus seems to be happening for me. And the weirdness of virus infections (brain fog, weight gain etc.) has been going on for quite a while, but before this episode no-one seemed to care. As to antiparasitic meds, I remember reading the small text when I gave it to my horse. Extremely toxic for the environment, and now seems some people take it permanently (as"prophylactic"). May all beings die before me seems a fairly toxic life philosophy.

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K & Professor - "some people take it permanently (as"prophylactic")" Much like antibiotics, that fosters resistance. One should only take it temporarily as a prophylactic, if they are viral or spike infected. There are no panaceas.

"Extremely toxic for the environment" No. As for ecotoxicity there is some evidence in non target aquatic and insect species from ag runoff and dung. However, these ruminations are overblown and politically motivated in an attempt to control and restrict usage since C19.

"Some kind of interaction with the herpes virus seems to be happening for me."

There is an old expression... "it takes one to know one" Mr Mulder


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It is believed that the Varicella zoster virus remains in the spinal nerves and emerges as shingles several decades later, traveling up the nerves when the immune system is weakened.

Does this study mean that Sarscov2 can evolve to have such abilities? Those who have received the vaccine three or more times have extremely high IgG4 levels and high Treg cells, weakening their immune systems. (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciimmunol.ade2798).

This means that it is an environment in which Sarscov2 can easily hide. It is not possible to tag individual viruses, so research is likely to be difficult, but please do your best.

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"with cycle threshold values ranging between 25.65 and 33.30"

How can a CT be non integer?

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