Jun 23Liked by Moriarty

the DoD remains true to its scorpion nature.

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One of the heads of the hydra.

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For what it’s worth my two sons with ASD take a version of your brain stack and they have made huge gains in spite of their autism.

If only autism researchers would use your work to spur further research on how supplements can affect ASD symptoms!

I’m just a mom who has decided to try everything but the kitchen sink and thank God I did!

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From a "scientific" perspective I am well aware that it can be highly effective on improving autism and its symptoms but I try not to make the claims because what if some parent is desperate, try and see no improvements. But I am glad you tried and brough your kids good results =).

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Is the brain stack something to cycle or a permanent stack? I’m taking many of these as per of my regular stack but not Piracetam, Niacin or Phenylalanine. Piracetam seems difficult to come by even in China

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You can cycle it, but I think most people who tried just stay on it permanently because of the significant improvements they experience.

Piracetam is tricky because China used to be the biggest producer in the planet, but before the pandemic, for whatever reason (I think it is the government wanting proper regulatory and quality oversight) they cramped down on many labs, and suddenly the FDA also did the same, and the EU.

Basically, overnight the entire supply chain was constrained.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Moriarty

I remain unconvinced that Wuhan was the origin of SARS-CoV-2, despite US attempts to make it appear so. Look at the history of Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill and see WIV as a subcontractor.

There is sufficient in the open literature, see RFK Jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci."

Three levels deeper is the US Army Biowarfare Lab at Fort Detrick, and DARPA.

Look at the timing of Pfi$er and Moderna vaxx patents and try to convince yourself that the WIV release was "new" or "unexpected."

I am still hesitant to try "Brain-Stacking." What if I became as smart as I was when I was fifteen? (Mild apology to Mark Twain- "When I was fifteen my father was pretty ignorant. I was surprised how much he had learned by the time I turned twenty-five!")

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While I do understand the arguments, I am now convinced by all the information presented by Breakfeast dogs on Twitter plus my own research that the PLA subvert the research. You can find videos of Baric stating that "Sometimes when you are researching bat viruses, it can become quite dangerous to do on your own backyard, so you continue the work somewhere else *small laughter under his nose".

Depending on your age (or levels of inflammation, but mostly age) you can "recover" a lot of cognitive power, in fact the older you are, the more milage you get from the stack, from what users told me throuhgout the last 3 years. I think it is a worth experiment for a week or two on your case for curiosity sake =P.

This is lack any significant evidence, but I suspect that the same genes that make you suceptible to Alzheimer's are the same genes that make you more sensitive to some of these substances (especially Piracetam), so that will definitely play a important role (I have the genes, RIP my brain).

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Jun 24Liked by Moriarty

Thanks Moriarty for the brain stack information. I’m really struggling to source the Nootropil here in Australia. Even my usual online pharmacy doesn’t have it. Is it equally difficult where you are? Are they cutting off supply of this medication like they did with HCQ and IVM?? Have I become a complete conspiracy nut?

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In certain countries like the US, Canada, Australia and especially many inside the EU Piracetam is very hard to source, you will have to try online markets, such as ebay, and other places, but I think even at that, Australia is hard.

You can use the rest of the "stack" especially caffeine and phenylalanine, and you will experience the "cognitive gains" perhaps not just as drastic as many describe.

I live in Brazil and I buy locally, it is not exacly widely avaiable but I know a couple labs that sell it.

IVM and HCQ supply are normalized, have been for 2 years now, it is just that the demand skyrocketd. But they did in fact cripple the supply in 2020 and 2021, when one of the few places that produced HCQ for the whole planet... suddenly caught fire.

No, you have no become a conspiracy nut, you are just now seeing patterns you didn't before =).

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Jun 24Liked by Moriarty

Muito obrigada for your reply. I am half Portuguese and half Irish! We doctors here in Oz are still scared off prescribing HCQ and IVM so although supply chains may have recovered, the lies and propaganda have continued to affect their availability. I read that another poor doctor has been fined $44K in Canada for prescribing the above!

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There is a significant amount of political excrement in regards to what good willed doctors did in 2020, especially on that, if I am not mistaken many of these fines and legal battles are retroactive, from what doctors did during the first 2 years.

You should consult the legal situation and how the board sees prescription of both drugs in your region and in Australia as a whole, but I get why many still don't.

Brazil's situation is kinda strange. Our country lacks the centralized and manpower to effectively ban anything, so we can always find anything, if you are willing to pay it. Now IVM is pretty cheap here, many compounding pharmacies sell it. Which it was the same everywhere for people who want to use it.

HCQ remains bitterly expensive and hard to come by here, since 2020.

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IVM is $189 for 40 pills in US.

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Do you care to guess who owns the supply chain of IVM in the US ? You will be surprised and pissed. I paid 10 USD for 120 pills 12 mg each, to give you perspective.

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I heard Merck bought it. And they “just happen” to have Remdisiver, too. Hmmmmm, make $0.10 pills available or $1000???

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Jun 24Liked by Moriarty

Just curious if you have ever looked at the supplements made by Researched Nutritionals? They have done a ton of research on ATP production and there are some published articles out there regarding the attempt to use various fatty acids etc to rebuild/repair cellular structures in order to reverse inflammatory effects. I myself have been taking their NT Factor Energy with some good results (although it takes longer to get results if you don't take triple doses to start but it is $$$$$$). I did find that after several months of taking I have had some pretty darn good days lately (but in all honesty have been fully functional--just not feeling like myself energy wise for years). I did add taurine at around the same time as well as ashwagandha and magnesium so it could just be all of the above but their research is interesting. They also make TriFortify which is a reduced glutathione in MCT which is supposed to be highly absorbable. Also $$$ Just throwing some info out here into the void.

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Yes I have looked into their prodocuts and similar ones, but since I live in Brazil, importing them to even just test is absurdly expensive (taxation in Brazil is 100% and they tax the SHIPPING COSTS which makes me 10x madder lol).

I do think their products and similar products are effective, but I have been suggesting for almost a year for everyone to supplement with Taurine, because exactly that, it is incredible what just Taurine alone can do to energy levels and inflammation =D. So does Magnesium, another nutrient that I consider obligatory, not just a suggestion =P.

Taking glycine+NAC or Glycine+liposomal glutathione has incredible effects on antioxidation and energy levels too, and it is not super expensive =D.

Thank you for sharing the information.

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Thanks for the Brain Stack info. I’m already doing most of it, without the aspartame (a carcinogen?) so I’m eager to try adding the phenylalanine and gingko.

The Stack should probably be required for DoD accountants, they have so much GoF funding to track lol

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The DoD can't account for over 3 TRILLION dollars, or 60% something of the budget. It is insane, and purposefully done to fund all these things.

Aspartame is a complex issue, but yeah it is clearly not beneficial to you consuming long-term, and its most impactful effect is on the gut, shifting the microbiome (long-term). Now people can experience it without it (ironically enouhg aspartame is mostly phenylalanine, but the problem arises from its chemical structure and breakdown.

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According to this source (C.A.Fitts), DoD was already missing over 21 trillion in 2015 -- my tax dollars at work, I mean at large..


And as you probably know, it was Defense Secretary D. Rumsfeld who got aspartame’s approval confirmed by the FDA (the chemical was manufactured by a company of which Rumsfeld was ex-CEO) -- in this case the circle of toxins marketed through military interests is complete, prefiguring today’s covid shots.


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Jun 24Liked by Moriarty

The DoD can track a gnat’s every move through four counties, but can never seem to keep track of a dollar they spend on illegal activities.

I’m beginning to think there’s more truth in the majority of conspiracy theories than the nightly news.

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Jun 24Liked by Moriarty

Professor - "Due to limitations in the DoD's tracking systems, the full extent of DoD funds provided to Chinese research laboratories for research related to the enhancement of pathogens of pandemic potential is unknown."

Brings this to mind.. https://youtu.be/NlJGfFqYEms?

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That is one of the classics hehe =D

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Jun 24Liked by Moriarty

Another herb to investigate for the Brain Stack would be gotu kola. Recommended to me by a yogi from India years ago.

On the olive leaf extract, can you recommend a dosage? I have recently acquired some. Alcohol content is 45%.

Thank you for all the information you share! Greatly appreciated sir! 🙏

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I have taken note and will research and see if I can source locally and test it myself (everything I suggest I test on myself for long periods hehe).

Follow whatever the manufacturer of the extract says, Olive Leaf extract is more powerful than the pill, I think a few drops is enough.

Glad I can help =)

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Jun 24Liked by Moriarty

I too experiment on myself. 🤪 Took gotu kola as a tea in the past. Plan to add it back to my regimen. One thing at a time.

Thank you for your reply Moriarty!

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That’s disappointing.

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