Mar 25Liked by Moriarty

Astrology is real. If you follow the medievalists, that is. I won't bore you with it, but the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in 2020 - that was the marker. Even people who don't watch the stars have to have noticed that the world wasn't the same anymore and it's not going back.

All is changed, changed utterly.

It can't all be misery, but the next 240 years...not humanity's best.

But, as a friend of mine is find of saying, there are a lot more of us than there are of them, and they're frightened of us.

How do we leverage that?

PS: Thanks for the Deus Ex clip 😃

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Mar 25Liked by Moriarty

Thank you for introducing the conspiracy post. I have a couple of thoughts.

The Naked Emperor <nakedemperor.substack.com> in his March 17, 2023, post laid out his appreciation of the course of the plandemic. He specifically noted the Sept., 2019, Repo crisis as a trigger for the premature onset of the programme. This was an indication of the incipient failure of the international financial system. Most of us recall the subsequent episode when the price of a barrel of oil in the futures market fell to - US$40 per barrel ( and none of us owned a tanker!) The loss of $30 billion in the Rothschild accounts is credible in the situation which existed.

SARS-CoV-2 was circulating early in the fall of 2019 (I caught my first case from a patient near the end of Nov., 2019.) The world could have ignored it as easily as I did if it had not been promoted as the "Killer" successor to SARS-1. (It took me about two years to figure out what I had had on the basis of the patient's lab result!)

A group of people understood that SARS-CoV-2 was a biowarfare product. We do not know the exact extent and composition of that group. Ralph Baric, as noted, was involved. I have unconfirmable suspicions that very much more was known at Fort Detrick than I will ever be able to access. This gives me some part of a reason why visible "elites" may have been advised to take the Vaxx, whether the underlying threat was revealed or not. Recall that the mRNA technology had been a failure for at least 20 years and that Moderna is a CIA-affiliated enterprise.

In 2018 I knew nothing of the techniques of engineering specific proteins. I had taken a few genomics lectures in 2010-12 and visited the PCR lab at BCWCH, but my last formal immunology instruction was in the dark ages, 1977 or 1978. My appreciation of genetic engineering came from my father who, on biting into a winter California strawberry, rendered the opinion "We don't have much to fear from these genetic engineers if the best they can do is make a strawberry that tastes like a potato." Times have progressed but the local fresh strawberries in June are still superior!

The mention of CRISPR-Cas9 and some of the Inovio electroporation techniques (DNA vaccines) in some financial newsletters about 10 years ago piqued my interest. With 4 years to read Covid literature and Substack I now have a slight understanding of some of the potential as noted in today's post.

The complexity and persistence of the schemes to concentrate power while harnessing the wealth and productivity of 8 billion humans has been a feature of the energy production of hydrocarbon fuels. In the viewpoint of certain parties our utility may have peaked and we are now or shortly will be redundant and disposable.

We should study a little history and determine how to survive and thrive through the collapse of the current US imperial regime. I am contemplating the possibility of a stealthy hydro generator in the nearby river, and considering reading up on methanol production and distillation to run a small generator. I have enough books that I think I could revert to 1970's level technology quite happily.

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Mar 25Liked by Moriarty

there are 3 or 4, sometimes even 5 eclipses every year. So they are not uncommon. They do have an effect though, but because they occur so often, it's difficult to measure that effect and to link eclipses to global events.

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trying to read between the lines here. are you suggesting that the coming eclipse is a good time to execute a plan or that plans are generally executed after eclipses , or that eclipses seem to have some kind of effect? I suppose all could be tru. what I do find interesting about the idea of scienced into a separate species is the way in which UFO and aliens have been given more air in odd places. what it sort of suggested to me is a potential. if powerful elites could manufacture an idea of aliens then it is possible to achieve the separation of superiority and claim to be aliens. it would be more appropriate to our times to claim to be aliens then claim to be gods, but both achieve the same ends. So for me, I see the aliens stuff as the building bullshit to mask the powerful elite as other worldly rulers. common would it really be so hard to manufacture this lie? all that is needed is the right agencies to make it so. with the kind of deadly capacity and technology available it can be done.

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Moriarty

If this is a permissible place to schizo post - I saw Dune Part 2 in the theaters this weekend (a movie about the threat of impending war) and 5 of the 7 trailers were movies about the threat of impending war. I think this is a low quality signal, but a notable one. (Two of the movies also involved giant gorillas, but I think this is incidental).

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Mar 25Liked by Moriarty

“What could be so massive you would distract an entire species with a biological weapon, and multiple wars?”

Not wanting to sound like a broken recording of Chicken Little but the sky is really falling or more accurately the magnetosphere is collapsing. Currently due to cyclic pole shift our largest and perhaps only buffer for charged particle biosphere mayhem is the magnetosphere. This is not conspiracy it’s good ole empirical fact and implications of this fact make pandemics, war, and societal upheaval look like consolation prizes in a contest of disaster scenarios. Perhaps the raison ultime for all these “conspiracies” is the planet may be approaching a natural catastrophe where the survivors are not the ones with the deepest bunkers but rather the lucky few who are psychology, physically and spiritually fit enough to walk and chew gum while enduring a cyclic catastrophe of biblical proportion.

Eyes Open/No Fear!

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Just found this...searching for longevity? Impact on males/females?


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Mar 26Liked by Moriarty

I still don't understand how I missed Deus Ex completely in the 2000s. I'm currently playing it through for the very first time (70%) through and with the pandemic just behind us it is very spooky. Game is absolutely brilliant. The story is linear but still you can go on different paths and solve problems in different ways.

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Mar 25Liked by Moriarty

What fun, Moriarty! I disagree on a few points, though, so now for my schizo. :-)

Original date for C19 release probably 2024 in Hillary's second term - no election, Dems declare martial law and take over. However, Trump won in 2016, so the Dems (and others) moved the release to 2020, specifically planning a false flag release at the Dem convention in July of that year, just enough time for a sudden pandemic, the release of "proof" that the Trump forces did the release, impeachment, conviction in Senate and in public opinion. Trump actually loses in Nov 2020.

However, Trump forces instituted "Operation Warp Speed (phase 1)" and secretly caused the release of C19 sometime in 2019, which startled the Dems. After regrouping, they impeached him and mounted the plan they had intended, but had to do it early and much less effectively, even as Trump and his crew mounted the public "Operation Warp Speed (phase 2)".

Note that I think pretty much all political conventions are scheduled in August, just before Labor Day and the beginning of the main campaign period. However, before 2020 the Dems scheduled their 2020 convention in *July*. After C19 surprised them early, and after the first few months of 2020 had passed, they *rescheduled* their convention to August. I think that was because they no longer needed 4 months from convention to election period to play out the epidemic that would have been started by them at their own convention (where they may have planned to sacrifice *their *own *attendees *and *their *families*) in order to assure they could use what would have been called "C20" to leverage Trump out by the Nov election. With that no longer needed or possible, they did something unprecedented - on short notice and no particular reason, they actually moved their convention to August from July. I think they switched to go with the normal political process giving the best rollout, because they no longer needed the four-month "infection / spread / impeachment / conviction / mail-in ballots only / Trump loss" timeline. Case closed?

And I heard many statements on the internet that the elites were infected not through taking the vaxxxines but through the adrenochrome manufacturing and distribution network, a much more precisely targeted method of poisoning, with zero collateral damage. Coincidentally, at least part of that network apparently begins in China, possibly in ... Wuhan.

What did Trump and Xi Jinping discuss when they dined together in the Forbidden City in late 2017? Oh, to have been a fly on one of those walls!

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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Liked by Moriarty

Professor - Excellent sleuthing. The degree of separation between conspiracy and news is now only 90 days.

Gates Cow Farts: https://youtu.be/N6z8BqsHQl0?

"I have consistently said since 2021, that ALL elites took the vaccines" Again, nobody who was CC'ed took it. Re: Higgins, Royals, Trudeau, etal. there are always those who drink too much of the Kool-Aid, and were NOT copied on the memo for other reasons.

We need to have that talk Mr. Mulder

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Mar 25Liked by Moriarty

Distractions are the main mechanistic tool for them to be able to commit their social, political and medical/"biological?"changes undetectable and without questions. To put their quick cancer injections on the by now (hopefully) suspicious market. Yesterday i was having a friendly social discussions with 2 gp specialists, and one mentioned a strange phemomena with more ceasarians been booked than natural births ever... why would that be? Is it greed been used as a tool, or the machine expecting medical drs to promote unnatural birth procedures that used to be limited to women who could not give birth th e natural way

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Thanks for being so open and also for rightly qualifying your observations as hypotheses.

Since if we started to build on this as facts without a coherent and validated thesis we could be already acting as the lower level specimens of Galton and Russel.

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I don't really think things moved early or late on this. it seemed to be quite in sync actually. I think the plan is executed when a sufficient degree of global regulatory capture is attained. I don't think it would be on a timeline , so much as on a stage criteria of achievement. and those that would take up such a thing would do it the moment the door is unlocked. I started to follow the vaccine issue with the birth of my first child almost 10 years ago. but even earlier then that there was some things that I just happened to bump into and notice. like the 1996 Bretton woods agreement and the consolidation of the global resources and markets and its divisions. the subsequent way the globalism embarked on aligning laws toward a common goal. here is Canada the harper government and governments around the world past laws to make international bodies governors of their own national bodies. and once this was achieved then it was tested first with swine flu. and attempts were made to mandate actions and such and data and study took place. that was the first real global push to field test the system. leading up the the pandemic the world was upside down and divided by populism and trump in such an odd way that directly contributed to how so many acted during the pandemic and still to this day. so we see steps and stages to some consorted end. but its really not good. but there is something special about challenge and something special about spirit that has a power that really can be like water do all sorts of things that can not be planned for. so aside from the nutrient stacks and such friend, centre and get in touch with the inner magic and be ready for the impulse, and have the practice and wisdom to know of the intuition and act to it.

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I like your thinking and some really good info about Russell and in turn the Fabian Society, Tavistock Institute and the Frankfurt School. Which is, IMO, essentially the WEF, Atlantic Council, et al. Along with being more or less integrated into the larger Foundation System (google Norman Dodd). This system literally launders drug money and then uses this relatively untraceable money to fund the movements and then the crisis actors that carry on with drag queen story hour. That infiltrate, fund and organise white nationalist movements. Or of course BLM and other left wing movements. The politics is irrelevant. Divide and conquer. Create the problem. Then show up with the hero and answers to solve it. Hegelian Dialectic 101.

Sorry, ranting. But I say this to give some context re the pandemic. I am in agreement. It was released 5-8 years early. This was somewhat an act of desperation (not the only purpose obviously ). Covid in 2020 primarily was to give the Managerial Class a kick in the ass. And basically telling them to pull their heads in and to do what their told. Think Panama Papers. Even Epstein. These are essentially warnings to others on the payroll. These were MAJOR exposes. No one goes to jail. Do you get it?

It is an unprecedented time in history. The .0001% wet dream is nigh. AGI - the Luciferian Rationalists own God.

This also means fully autonomous drones and robots to take over all of these pesky human jobs of the aforementioned Managerial Class.

In the meantime though the Managerial Class are waking up at various levels. They have kids too. They don't want their kids growing up in UN Smart City Gulags.

For ref I call the Managerial Class ppl involved in military, govt, big corps, NGOs. You have to think about it in terms of espionage, infiltration and subversion. This has always been the game. Even back to Babylonian times. Many of the Managerial Class are useful idiots for the most part. But are still acutely aware they serve a master and at the least their "bonus overtime" will be cut off if they don't tow the line.

IMO they are a smaller and less powerful network than they would like us to believe. Sure they have a shitload of resources. But almost everything is focussed on the internet. We have been ghettoised. Social Networking Science is a thing. We are very often talking to bots, ourselves and a few other like-minded ppl. Hard to reach anyone else on the web these days (unless approved). This is their world now. 99% of the "good alt media" is a controlled release by an asset of some level. Sure 97% could be fantastic true info. But critical points that join dots will be left out.

Ppl suprise me. They will rant all day about how the MSM is corrupt. And think they will find the truth in the Wil West Alt Media. Hahaha

The answer is get political. Get out on the streets. Lobby your local politician. Run for politics. Attend rallies and talk about these issues. They don't have a solution for that. They thought they had subdued everyone enough.

They are all in on web based psych warfare

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At least one Sunday from the month should be conspiracy Sunday ;)

What I really like about the "collecting data for longevity" part is that it makes a lot of things make sense. Why target 1st world population? Data might be gold, but good structured/organized data is diamond (or lithium or cobalt). Talking from a third world country perspective, full status of patients is extremely low, data collection or storage nonexistent or extremely unreliable.

But having not only the information of the reaction to the virus/vaxx, but the history of the body prior to the reaction... I'm not sure it can be solved, but at least I understand why they tried in this particular moment of history.

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In certain prophetic warnings it is said that a time will come when it will be necessary to eliminate all tech from our homes for our safety. Your mention of frequency makes me now see a connection possible there. Prior it made no sense to me how tech could be dangerous (other than the obvious spiritual/moral dangers). But might we be affected by the signals that all our stuff is receiving?

I have no idea how any of this is going to go but if I have to go full Amish in order to stay healthy I will gladly do it.

Btw I like your hypothesis on these things - you’re mind is a good blend of big pictures and rational thinking mixed with an over arching moral framework and understanding of how fallen human nature makes people behave generally.

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