Oct 25, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Too late. Venezuela has been vouching for Hezbollah sleeper cells for 15 years with passports saying they're Carlos and Juan. They have safe-houses filled with explosives in every Western country. Israel is going to flatten Gaza grind the blood of children into the concrete dust for months. This was the only sure way they could see to win.

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It is not just Hezbollah. How many MSS assets and Chinese SOF teams got through the border in the last 3 years alone ? Among other adversaries.

Israel ia digging its grave and taking the West with it. Well depending on the perspective that is the plan...

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Maybe they'll start fighting each other like drug cartels in a turf war. Speaking of which, may as well add them to the list, they were here first.

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The most likely scenario is the upper echelon of certain Intelligence services collaborating via back channels, so these teams end up "cooperating" without knowing one is helping the other directly.

If they fought each other it would be good for us, but not very likely. Highly trained people tend to be wary of each other and stay out of each other's way unless mission/command dictates otherwise.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Standard compartmentalization, I agree. And while my comment was meant to be humorous, I suppose there may be a grain of truth to it, like factions of freebooters might argue over looting the corpse of a once-great empire. It has happened, and is certainly complex enough with 5+ 5GW types involved.

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Just what they wanted,.....everyone in fear, borders in anarchy, playing right in their hands.

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Chaos is opportunity if nothing else. And also good for business (war business).

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Thanks Moriarty, for your level headed and clear assessment of the situation. The geriatric elites in the West still think that the US is the sole superpower like in the 90's and they are "the movers and shakers while the rest of the world can only watch" as per Rumsfeld. They are in for a rude awakening, but as usual the common people will pay the price.

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" Israel keeps baiting and bravado’ing the region into a larger conflict...."

Yeaaaah, about that. I receive notifications from the Jerusalem Post about news and for the last 18 days at least 99% of those alerts have been notification of warning sirens in Israel being trigged by rockets, drones, and an occasional guided missile from either Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, and a variety of other antisemetic/antichristian organizations. So I am struggling with how that comports with your description of the situation. All of the baiting, allow me to repeat that, ALL OF THE BAITING has come from the Arab world, particularly Iran and its proxies.

Israel has the right to self defense and if that self defense requires the systematic destruction of rocket launch sites, military infrastructure including operation centers and those responsible for 7 October -- I am well with it.

Israel is the victim and not the perpetrator. If you want to pick on misapplied military support for a conflict then I suggest that the Ukraine, source of a substantial portion of the Biden crime family income should be your focal point.

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Israel can NOT win a war in the Middle East alone, so it is baiting the entire region into a wider conflict so it can get Papa US and Mama EU to intervene and fully support the country.

The baiting refers to that.

I am tired of fighting someone else's wars so I will be sitting this one out, good luck for all parties involved, as China eats EVERYONE'S CAKE.

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What a guy.

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I am former military with multiple deployments in the Middle East, direct combat role, and lost most of my friends to suicide or combat.

I ain't dying for greed assholes playing politics. This goes to every nation on the planet.

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Thank you for your service.

I can understand your position. Having said that, there is a perspective that’s being overlooked.

Since Abraham was made King over the Jewish Nation they have not had a moments peace. The October 7th mass scare had nothing to do with Israeli “greed”. Further, I disagree with your assessment that Israel can’t win this war — unless of course the U.S. demands that Israel appeases the terrorists.

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Israel can easily defeat Hamas (at a global PR cost, as you can easily see all around social media). Israel can't defeat a multi-front war against all its neighbors, unless they want to live in a nuclear wasteland of their, and Iran's making. And China has been puppetering a lot of these events from a confortable and deniable distance, that is the "problem".

China has been slowly, patiently undermining the entire Western "democratic" structure, and its critical infrastructure too. It has been fomenting proxy wars wherever it can. Iran's missile program only exists because of a Chinese proxy, list goes on.

The terrorist attack and Intel failure was an massive oversight is on the Israeli political elite and politicians for believing that terrorists would stay quiet, just because they stopped doing minor scale attacks.

To understand by cynicism regarding politics, you need to take as a broad "political greed", rather than a local "Israeli politicians are greed", I am talking in a global, genelized way, not specific to this situation. That whole region has been a powder keg for centuries too as you pointed out.

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An apartheid state is the victim..hmm..make it make sense

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Except — there is no apartheid state.

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For what it's worth, I share your sympathy for Israel in this conflict (but I don't know that much about it all and maybe my opinion would be different if I knew more). I know that Israel has a history of ruthlessly pursuing their self-interest. The strafing of the USS Liberty comes to mind as an example of that ruthlessness. The ultimate problem is probably great powers stoking the fires. I guess I could have it wrong though.

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Question JP- is there any truth to different IC groups CIA whatever actually intercepting info (chatter?) or does that happen only in the movies? I think that most cities are not equipped at all against cyber attacks or attacks on infrastructure. Especially mid size cities, maybe Atlanta etc are better prepared? I bet that instead most people who work in those positions are greedy and undermining their citizens already, and wouldn’t see any real plan of attack coming (sad to think this).

I also bet that even if the IC or anyone knew something was planned they wouldn’t warn citizens.

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Yes- consider Coventry in WWII.

It somewhat makes sense if there is a competent strategy and a necessary outcome.

Otherwise it is just power for control and self-aggrandisement.

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I'm expecting a cyber attack on either the electrical grid or the internet. Even EMP weapons attack. Just my hunch. Hopefully it won't affect us in Canada during the coldest months of winter. It's hard to keep warm in a high-rise apartment in the city when we're not allowed to have a wood or gas fire-place, or propane heater. We did buy a back-up generator for our building so that people don't get stuck in the elevators etc...

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EMPs are not that easy to "do", the tech necessary to build such systems is advanced and specific parts are regulated, so if someone does it, it will be traced back to them or if parts are smuggled it will also be traced back tothe country responsible.

Cyber attacks and physical attacks on the grid, if things escalate are most likely.

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Sounds like massive gov’t overreach to me.

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Everything is an excuse for them to over reach, always.

That is the main concern... Well that and massive loss of life.

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That's what happens when you live in Canuckistan with Justin Castro as your leader. I think our elections have been rigged here for a long time.

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I don't believe in democracy since I was 16. And my time working in Intelligence made it even "worse", Inam basically over "politics".

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As U.S. citizens find ourselves being used as pawns so are the people of Israel and Gaza and many if not all the nations. At least we do not stink as badly as does the opposition.

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Can anybody explain a motivation for the open borders under Biden? I have been wondering if some deep-state economists are trying to solve the problem of an aging population in America by allowing a flood of younger illegal immigrants? I am puzzled by all this craziness. I don't follow the news or politics that closely, but the open borders probably hurt Biden politically; he must think they are worth the price for some reason.

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If I had to simplify very crudely. Aging population + cheap labor. Downstream there is cultural differences, politics, bla bla bla, but the primary motive is economic. Cheap labor.

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Obama is making his father's dream into reality - reducing America to 3rd world status. Pretty much everything Biden has done (nevermind all the money they've sent him) helps China more than the US so, despite Americans not wanting to admit it, it's rather obvious he's a Chinese agent. That's why the borders open.

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I havent' been following current events for the past 20 years, so I guess I don't know what to think about it all. It seems to me that America's culture and education system have been the main engines of American decline. The political corruption is just a reflection of the cultural corruption.

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You are exactly right.

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