
This substack was complex as it is, so I decided to end it where I did, otherwise I would get severely more complex, at least I connected with older pieces so reader can dive into further context and understand how far this rabbit role goes.

Tomorrow post has science is the name and source but it is about propaganda.

Happy Easter to all of you =D !

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Excellent review John.

Consequences becoming apparent now😵‍💫

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Happy Easter!! ✌️❤️🌻

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I have a few transfected (vaccinated) friends who are having noticable trouble with their thinking capacity and memory.

Thanks for the reminder about serrapeptase, just ordered some. 🙏💕 Although I didn't take the shot and am not around many transfected people, I think shedding is a thing.

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Very timely post! Based on your prior posts, I've added natto and serra to my personal stack along with your Gly-NAC recommendation. One supplement I have been taking for many years is Niagen which enhances cellular NAD+. The science behind this looks solid to me but I'm not an expert such as you. I encourage you to take a look here https://www.truniagen.com/science/

This post seems to explain what lead up me to getting these LabCorp test results in Feb 2023

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Ab Dilution A, 01 >25,000 U/mL Negative<0.8.

Spike Ab of > 25,000 is out of range high for the test, so not even able to know the true level. Current theories are: (1) residual COVID infection in the brain or (2) autoimmune response. I'm send you post to my Doc so we can discuss anything else I can do in my protocol.

Thank you John Paul

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Apr 8, 2023Liked by Moriarty

God bless your ways ! Thank you for all your research !

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Terrific post!!

Will share your. research.

Thank you!!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Moriarty

I'm so grateful someone suggested your substack. I've been struggling for the past 3 years with leg pain and I relate it to a Delta infection (mild), thought it was allergies, but lost sense of smell for 2 weeks, continued my jogging routine, no problems. A few weeks later started feeling electric shocks thru my leg, then knee pain, then limping. Developed tendinopathy of the knee and severe arthritis in the hip. Now I will use Nato and Serra starting slowly and increasing the dosage. As a health coach I knew to add NAC ,Vitamin D3 and others but I can't seem to find the correct formula to start feeling better. I hope the Natto and Serra will work. I hope the pain and limping will subside.

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Excellent. Great post.

This info is valuable.

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It is complex but your explanation helps. So this is not from the vaccine 💉?

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R Lipoic acid and glutathione combo will probably sufficiently modulate the response away from Th2 and Th17 for most people.

Have been saying as much since the beginning but might as well be speaking Greek.

Artemesinin also cited in the literature to modulate Th17.

Interestingly artemesia annua worked brilliantly with the early 'variants' stopping the inflammatory cascade within hours.

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I had Delta...no vaccine at all. Should I still take Natto? I bought some just case.

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Will 72h+ fasting clear the spike or does it have to be serrapeptase ?

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So I can't use Nattokinase because it isn't systemic? ("you must add serrapeptase if you want to degrade Spike Protein, Serra unlike the other enzymes, is systemic")

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There is no "spike accumulation". The S spike's half-life is about 24 hours. What is happening instead is the persistent PRODUCTION of the spikes. Says the reference 31 in your post above (https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.06.14.22276401v1): "Strikingly, we detect SARS-CoV-2 spike antigen in a majority of PASC patients up to 12 months post-diagnosis, suggesting the presence of an active persistent SARS-CoV-2 viral reservoir." Same with Patterson's monocytes. And with post-jab mRNA persistence of 5 months, re-jabbing with it every 6 months, and some of it imbedding in the DNA, the picture is complete.

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John Paul, I am a complete layman but have read thousands of medical papers in the last three years to better understand the complexity of the (excuse my language) shit show we are now all experiencing.

My question is for the health and safety of my kids and I hope you can guide me to better make decisions for their health.

We are all unvaxxed and will remain so as I understood from day 1 that this virus is man-made and a biological weapon and I never understood the decision to use the most toxic component of the virus let alone turn one’s own system into a spike producing factory.

What I am struggling to understand is the nuance of the disease and your article.

In studies conducted, do we have a completely naive control group which remain unvaccinated to compare these findings too? How many of the subjects were infected with C-19 but also injected?

Are you saying that vaxxed and unvaxxed long term are ALL at risk of progressive inflammatory diseases? (vaxxed just accelerated)

Should we ALL be detoxing using nattokinease and serrapeptase? What about bromelain and NAC or even adding a course of Ivermectin ? My eldest daughter who was never sick pre-Covid is now continuously getting colds and infections. I’m going to have her D3 and zinc levels checked but based on your article, think she may need a proper spike detox?

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