
They will need some form of hemorrhagic fever to pull whatever bs they intend to next year, off.

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Interesting that new UK Govt policy is to pepperpot immigrants throughout the country. Perhaps to hasten spread.

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Stay out of the chocolate pot and you’ll be fine.

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Sounds like 2025 will be fun then

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They have that in stock.

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Katherine Watt has an article predicting hemorrhagic fever is the next scare based on Federal Register notices following the same sequence as Sars-Cov2. She is wondering how they will pull off the scare without a PCR type test to amplify pre-existing genetic material.

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They will need images of it at least.

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That Nipah stolen from the NLM in Winnipeg is my guess

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Professor - One more day, just another "plague". MBP = Monkey Business Pox. The operative word is business, Carpe Diem Mr Mulder.

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Thrilled you are back! Take your time, I withdrew myself and am carefully preparing....I will only tiptoe in from time to time.

"Someone is taking its sweet time, trying to be as invisible as possible, with a low footprint." 😊

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2nd smartest guy in the world exolores what we all know... it's a result of destroyed immune systems due to recent gene therapy shot.

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Not just the mRNA. One day soon people will come to accept it though.

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Surely the elites don't think they will be immune to all this... are they all just demon possessed? Think I'll move to a cave for the next few yrs.. live off sprouts.

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They are not immune to thiis. We gotta pay attention to who is not getting sick, because a lot of elites are getting severely sick.

Someone wanted to clean the slate of "undesirables elites" a little bit has been my operating perspective since 2020. Well, it shifts a little here and there as I learn more.

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Aug 20Liked by Moriarty

Moriarty, welcome back. It's good to see you back up and at least walking forward if not yet running.

With this comment, you have my brain running over lots of ideas.

Are these elites dying of disease after stupidly swallowing their own "medicine", or is that a story given out after they are tried by tribunal and executed by the white hats?

Or is this a Dark Black group within the Black Hat group eating their own, either due to rampant greed and wanting what those dying elites have or in order to pull up the ladder of traceable relations before the white hats can find the Dark Black group as well?

Of course, it's probably something else that I have no clue about. I'm rarely devious enough in my thinking. :-)

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The elites where dumb enough to pick their own poison, that is the thing. None of this was preplanned, they made it as they went, probably planned by a very small group of individuals to push their tech.

But someone messed with the virus and they took the bait. The entire planet took the bait.

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That's funny, my wife told me today about lots of billionaires keeling over recently...

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Aug 20Liked by Moriarty

Maybe adrenochrome is just too good (tinfoil hat in full swing)

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You are all scaring me. This sounds like a sci-go movie.

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Jynnios, the monkey pox vaccine, carries live viruses that are capable of infecting. This vaccine reduces immunity presumably through some adjuvants. That is why cdc is suggesting two shots 4 weeks apart, as I understand.

This reduced immunity period will mostly certainly lower the defenses, especially if one is already on other shots such as flu. Wouldn’t the shot alone create the conditions you described for human parvovirus, nipah, and anything else out there to move in or show up in the body? Then there will be secondary opportunistic infections that will come later.

So the monkey vaccine may be the problem, no?

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I think the severe adverse reaction rate is 3.6% on that one.

What fun, what fun, what fun.

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NZ is running out of gas – literally

This country is collapsing


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Check out The Day Tapes and Toronto Protocols. Explains a lot about why and how we are here.

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And so the prediction unfolds.

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You guys are scaring me. This sounds like a Sci-fi movie.

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It is more like "to inform and considerate" than "to scare" but I get it. Sometimes I think I am inside a sci-fi dream too lol

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