Jan 10, 2023Liked by Moriarty

I wish the “like” button said “read” instead. Under no circumstances do I like what I read. Am I surprised? No. Was this done by design or ignorance?

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In my opinion it was done by design, but perhaps it is a unforseen byproduct of something else they designed and this wasn't intended/thought out.

I don't see.the likes as likes, more like "I read the whole thing and appreciate it".

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Jan 10, 2023Liked by Moriarty

It’s just weird to say “like” I press it so you know I read it. So we are in the same page.

It is really disturbing to think this is by design. I had hoped it wasn’t true.

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Thanks. Your candlepower is amazing.

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Gets worse every day. For 3 years.

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I don't think so, but to help people long-term we must understand this thing pretty damn well. Most people will be fine.

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Wow, incredible. 😬

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Moriarty

In your paragraph just above the J Immunology screen capture you discuss the EV's carrying both spike and virus inclusions. I don't know the kinetics for the rate of production of spike vs intact virus, but I have seen an assessment that each viral particle displays from 9 to about 30 spikes.

I assume that in natural infection there will be excess spikes available, but when vaxxed this should be at least one order of magnitude greater.

I wonder if this is part of the mechanism for the increased morbidity and mortality if one is injected while infected, or becomes infected in the two week "grace period" after injection. The additional spike would be acting as a viral enhancer.

I do believe that much of what you and independent researchers are now publishing was known long before the release of the initial SARS-CoV-2 strains. The inclusion of the gp120 in the spike protein seems to me to be the developers giving the middle finger to the world.

I trust that your leg is healing well and your mobility improving.

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There is much discussion between the kinetics of spike production between the viral infection, and even the mRNA, the best aproximation I found was in regards to severity, the paper was published in 2021 but it became so hard to find and I lost it in one of my many crashes back at the time.

In this regards, there will only be excess spike between moderate and severe cases, skyrocketing in ICU/ventilator.

It has been one of the arguments that me and a few others held for most of 2022 (in regard to your third pagraph".

I am still trying to figure out what the 4 pieces of GP120 and the hairpin insert are doing there, if they were merely molecular clamps that backfired, or they had multiple purposes, or a single purposes and everything else was uninteded consequences.

My leg is healing and mobility has been improving remarkbly, thank you.

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Jan 10, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Ev’s can “transport apoptotic and inflammatory molecules leading to cell death and other inflammatory diseases [15].”

Smoking gun for systemic mRNA progression and vaccine related injury? Scary topic but a critically important conversation.

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I wouldn't call if a smoking gun, but a huge stride towards the right direction on understand the systemic effects of the mRNA vaccines, LNPs themselves cut through everything, the exosomes will transport the entire virus, the virus with other pathogens, and Spike galore.

It is a important topic to be aware of.

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Sounds like this virus isn’t a virus.

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My argument since March 2020

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Moriarty

I’ve gotta ask: so what is it then? Synthetic AI bioweapon? Venom petites? If you could sum it up in one sentence, what would you say sars-cov2 is?

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I don't know, nobody does. In my particular opinion, they were research a dual use virus (bioweapon and for something else, the something else is up in the air) and inbetween engineering and becoming to dangerous to do so in the US, and shipping it to China in Wuhan, someone messed with the virus.

This is 100% manmade, and whoever designed this was a singular genius.

I have described SARS-CoV-2 before.

The Great Accelerator. Weaponization of homeostasis.

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Baric and Shi are the evil geniuses. All backed by US DOD.

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I'm still trying to figure that out. Aerosolized nanoparticles with synthetic peptides? Self-spreading transfecting vaccines? Chemical poisoning with an EMF trigger? It's hard to tell.

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Same. Still trying to figure all this crap out as well. Been looking into Dr. Tau Braun’s work recently and he makes a convincing argument for venom peptides. I still need to dig further though.

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I am grateful to you for all of the good work you were doing. I do not have the scientific chops to understand all of it, but I get the gist and hope that the word here is spreading to other scientists and doctors. Your work is very important.

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

I saw some things. I have SLE. I have worked very hard to be strong and healthy; no way I was going to get jabbed. It didn’t make sense. Thanks for your feedback. I was asking for a friend whose ulcerous colitis and gout has flared. He unfortunately took 2 shots. They want him to take humira.

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The pathways that SLE causes damage and flare ups and the pathways that SARS-CoV-2 and the Spike use to induce damage and everything else, are very similar, they share a lot of the same pathways, same with UC, don't get jabbed, take care of your health, large doses of antioxidants when you get some sort of infection.

Glad you are strong and healthy now !

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I have a quick question that I can’t find the answer to: do you know relationships between the shot and lupus coagulant?

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There are some shared pathways between the shot and Lupus and all the damage lupus can bring short and long term.

One of the reasons we called the jab (and the virus to a minor degree) "The Great Accelerator".

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023

Slowly rolling out their methodology, Along with some distraction and misinformation. the body is resilient. Likely they have the solution, for this warfare. Will we ever nelieve them again?. Prions infections by eating,- has that hypotheses ever been proven?

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deletedJan 10, 2023·edited Jan 10, 2023
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If I am not mistaken, you use/used to read Walter, so perhaps that skewed how you interpret some of the news.

EVs/exosomes are too new as a scientific field, we are just starting to understand them, and I don't like to "shill" my posts too often, in fact, I often don't link my own writings that I find necessary to understand certain topics because it just feels wrong. I stick to everything I wrote so far as how to minimize/abrogate what the virus may do to anyone, nothing changed in that front, I also hate writing meaningless "dunking" posts or "I was right posts" but there are many papers on supplements I advise people to take, doing exactly what I proposed they would do.

Peptides as therapeutics have a few problems. Hard to patent in certain cases, hard to get approval for human use (over A DOZEN of the best peptides to heal almost anything are naturally occuring inside our bodies, and NOT APPROVED for human use, think about that for a second), hard to get approved (big pharma hates peptides, can't make money out of it), and depending on the complexity, incredibly hard to scale.

Politics will also come into play, as countries will want huge sums for other countries to produce their patented treatments.

I think there is a lot of Intel (spy) games around these, biotech itself is riffled with spies in every side. Daoyu himself also created a peptide inhibitor, tested it, and it went nowhere, other potent (alsmost perfect in fact) inhibitors from China were also published and... vanished.

In the end, it is all just human greed.

Sorry you felt that way and wish you a peaceful and blessed week (praying hands emoji here)

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Dear John Paul

Thank you for your comments and for sharing your observations about what could have skewed my interpretation of some of the news. Also thank you for reaffirming that nothing has changed when it comes to what we could do to minimize what the “virus”/bioweapon can do to us.

I understand that peptides as therapeutics have a few challenges. I hope that you and Daoyu (whom I have nothing but deep respect from early days on Twitter, he was phenomenal) could find processes to frame thinking about peptides, as therapeutics, in ways that overcome “problems” and make solutions possible.

There are thousands of grants, thousands of new emerging business models supported by user centric design initiatives all around the globe facilitating innovation and new ways to forge prototypes, test the solutions, pivot if need be until the final product is reached. When I hear “hard” as in your statement: ” Hard to patent in certain cases, hard to get approval for human use (over A DOZEN of the best peptides to heal almost anything are naturally occurring inside our bodies, and NOT APPROVED for human use, think about that for a second), hard to get approved (big pharma hates peptides, can't make money out of it), and depending on the complexity, incredibly hard to scale.”- I can’t help but notice that sometimes the way we think about things (including peptides) might be the very reason we see more problems than solutions. I might be wrong. Although, the facts are that peptide inhibitors are being created and used to keep some people and their staff safe. Those are the facts. Gallaher created the First FDA approved fusion inhibitor, Fuzeon. (Within 5 months, the FDA cleared it). Those are the facts. Not to mention solutions used in China.

Critical thinking is about how to think. “Critical thinking is the language of Strategy” – Stanford Business School. “It is vital to know when you and your team are thinking critically versus thinking strategically or creatively so you don’t succumb to selective thinking and jump to faulty conclusions.”

I do pray you and Daoyu revisit how you could work on making peptides available to those interested in taking them. Framing the thinking around how something could happen rather than why something is hard, might be helpful enough for a breakthrough in a right direction. With warmth and respect B

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I highly recommend you to either watch the animated movie "Genocidal Organ", or download the book (somehow it went from 20 USD to hundreds of dollars out of nowhere =( ), author is dead so downloading won't hurt anyone. You will further understand myself and how I write/see things a lot (and my previous commentary is regards to how you interpreted this particular post).

I think Daoyu dropped his pursuit of developing or marketing his peptide/inhibitor, as many others do, or perhaps wherever he was doing research simply decided to "canked it" meaning they won't pursuit it further.

As you can read in my lastest substack that I just published, XBB is the least pathogenic of all SARS-CoV-2 variants so far, so I don't think there will a huge interest for inhibitors, unless they come from pharma in a pill.

All the possible funding for development of any sort of, well, anything in relation to SARS-CoV-2 relies heavily on academic background, so it cut most of the best people from the start.

Politics and money play a massive role in what gets approvaed, and what not, what gets streamlined and fast tracked, what doesn't, what gets funding and what doesn't, it is the sad reality of drug/therapeutic development.

The best possible treatment/therapeutic I have seem for SARS-CoV-2 is China's Azvudine.

I am just a dude from the third world, with no academic anything. Daoyu is a immigrant in Australia, and while a singular genius, has a very narrow focus on Covid origins.

Still we have the necessary tools to deal with almost everything this virus did/does so far, unless it is autoimmunity. That I can't fix, there is a "fix" but isn't a perfect fix. If you or anyone you love need some "hardcore" recovery, send me an e-mail and I will send you a list of peptides that pretty much fix even severe damaged cases (both from the virus and the mRNA), the only problem is cost, really expensive (not talking from a third world perspective, the person who came up with it himself said it is expensive, first worlder).

I hope by no means this reply sounds negative, but I am sincere, so I am writing how I see it.

Best regards.

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Thank you. I am deeply grateful for your comments. I love how you write. I deleted my previous comment as I did not express myself correctly. I KNOW you are always coming from the place of kindness and caring. I know you help a lot of people selfishly and withought hesitation. Here on Twitter and also in your life. It does not matter that you are dude from the third world with no academic anything. It truly doesnt. I would rather pay you for your time/opinion/ insights (call it any way you like it) than be treated by morons with degrees brainwashed by corrupted academia. You are special and I have deep respect for you.

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Hi Bibi,

As you know, I am a HUGE BIBI FAN!

Stunning information here, Bibi!

John Paul has ALWAYS been incredibly wonderful, positive, really veritably optimistic, as he has researched ways to help us.

This new study making the rounds is very disturbing. There is an entry way through a seemingly invisible door and an ensuing intersection between the virus and enveloping exosomes. I continue to be worried about shedding exosomes, a concept enunciated by Dr. Seneff. There is no doubt that people are sick.

Why haven't virologists come forward to divulge their secret discoveries of peptide inhibitors and sprays of interferon to keep us safe? Why is there evil? Holocausts? And why are we countenancing it?

To reiterate, stunning information, Bibi. Surely, some one out there must have independent knowledge of these inhibitors and the interferon... We need and deserve the answers NOW, then Nuremberg justice later.

With huge, abiding appreciation to you, Bibi, and John Paul!

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Thank you for your comment. I appreciate John Paul. Absolutely 100%. I should have chosen my words better. Happy to delete the comment. Im just frustrated. It seems we are mostly loosing and evil is winning. Just look at Australia health Officials TGA etc

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I am totally in agreement with you. It is an honor to communicate with you. Thank you!!!

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I am totally in agreement with you. You know that. You do? I am grateful for your comments. You know that too. Thank you!❤🙏

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Aerosol bioweapon deterrent? The tech seems to be in place all we need is the moral fortitude to use it.


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There are many caveats to using that and just spraying everything in its way. Clearly the real use is dispersion of something else.

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Are we still pretending HIV causes the 20+ diseases associated with AIDS?

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