
My only "real" recommendation when people ask me about books is Rene Girard. But life won't be the same after you read Girard, accepting or not his theory.

Everyone is changed after reading Girard.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Girard rearranged my molecules-no joke.

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any specific title?

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Maybe start with The Girard Reader to get an overview: https://a.co/d/eSCe3pu

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Yes, Girard Reader, and follow up with any book that the theme interest you the most.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Moriarty

I'll have to admit that I was struggling with cognitive dissonance thinking this was from NPR, until realizing it was from NR (spell check induced typo, I'll assume).

The mental gymnastics that the neo-cons sequestered away in the cubicles of NR must be exhausting. They sip their seven dollar lattes, straighten their v-neck sweaters over their dry cleaned button downs, trying to sound like they're calm tea drinkers who could at a moment's notice either die their hair some faded shade of green and purple, or join the ranks of some guerrilla brigade to "fight for freedom".

It is a bit encouraging to read glimmers of reality from the NR, but I won't hold my breath. It is truly a Uniparty cheerleader, and lost it's way decades ago.

The passive equivocation by NR arguing both for and against funding the war in Ukraine is ignorant of the facts. This long term money laundering shit show, covering up years of corruption and deceit will crash economies, and civil societies if clearer minds do not intervene quickly.

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The undertone in some of my BMO pieces is exactly that. This is not merely accidental, this was for all intents and purposes, propostial, the money laundering is just a small bonus.

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It’s sad that NR went from a publication that presented important arguments and debates over politics and culture to basically a mouthpiece for rightish-of-center oligarchs and apologists for RINOs. Its actually surprising they would even publish this piece. They might lose some powerful backers over it. But it also might be a signal that a dam is breaking over and support is waning for unmitigated right-side support for funding our war on Russia by using Ukrainians as cannon fodder. Matt Gaetz had a great discussion on Timcast IRL (really the whole thing is worth a listen) and he basically said that the only reason there is a war in Ukraine right now is because our other wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ended the money flow to the military-industrial complex and stopped their laundering the funds back to politicians. There is a theory that Biden’s classified doc scandal is somehow related to this situation.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Excellent article. It has seemed from the beginning that this conflict is not what it's portrayed in the MSM. I still believe it's a red herring meant to keep our attention from other things. It simply doesn't make sense. I sympathize with all who are directly affected. War is an incredibly brutal affair. Just remember that it's often used to refocus the public attention.

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There several purposes for this war, maybe the most important one of which is to launder money through the DoD to politicians.

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Totally psyops the whole thing. In russian media they still talk about covid dangers and how to update the quakcine to the latest variants...

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What? Russia never allowed any mRNA product into their country. They're working on creating their own but maybe they legitimately fear America releasing more viruses. With all the evidence from the Khirhov lab and the multi decade effort to kill the Slavs with bioweapons, who can blame them. Which doesn't necessarily mean they're not part of this.

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Who said anything regarding mRNA? They talk about covid like a serious deadly disease and that they need updated sputnik. Clearly they are running on the same propaganda as everyone else. Also they force quakcinated everyone as everyone else. We are living through the greatest psyops of human history.

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Sputnik isn't mRNA. Although everything else you said is true and really makes me wonder. How can these people be working together? Do they communicate explicitly or only via seance? Was Nancy Pelosi's roof top exorcism of Paul's hammer gimp demon actually a love letter to Putin?

It's like the Democrat vs Republican psyop times a trillion. 257,000 Ukrainians have died in the war so far and that's just what they'll admit. That is some serious stakes. The news the other day is that in the hand to hand combat of taking the trenches the Russians have no choice but to kill everyone. It's too dangerous to try to take prisoners while under fire.

Or was Russia just playing along about Covid as a feint? If you can constantly stay in the mindspace of seeing this as one world conspiracy, how do you do it? I know you're almost certainly correct, I just don't know how I could cope with the blackness, day and night. Any advice, guidance or direction welcome.

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I think there's a war but this time between the elite and the plebs. First step was the full on covid bullshit. Inoculating the population with this concoction. Second the created energy crisis, food crisis and the money printing therefore inflation. The war in Ukraine is real. But of course who is dying there... As always the plebs.

How can they communicate? Maybe on a secret meeting organised by bill gates? Or maybe on a forum where the most powerful people meet every year? Or just in general they can meet and talk with each other?

Why is this happening? I have multiple ideas. But most people can agree that we don't need 8 billion useless eaters on the Earth.

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cjhopkins.substack.com has an excellent article explaining how PSYOPS work from a material perspective. He's an incredibly good writer. He explains that it is just people knowing where the line is that cannot be crossed and they get promoted based on an unspoken and mostly unconscious agreement. No one gets promoted to news anchor unless they're extremely compliant and have bought into these limits more than most. It's kind of like the socialization we go through as children but on a grander scale. As a child we learn pretty quickly that there are certain limits we should never cross. I don't believe this explains all causes but it's a sensible and grounded understanding of the material causes. It drives me up the wall when people say it's all about money or control or something. There are so many moving pieces and most of them are unknown. How can anybody pretend to know why this is happening when there are likely dozens or hundreds of reasons that people the people behind it are aware of? I still think this comes from the spirit world but that's hard to get people to agree with.

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Yeah, (well, not the part of the world not needing 8 billion useless eaters) the part that stumps me the most is their motivation and coordination. I think Satan has to be orchestrating it. I really think Trump doesn't consciously know what he's done. Tried to murder 95% of humanity, I mean. What could explain these plots that take centuries to mature? It could be an occult cabal that meets and has plans from way back. The problem with that is these people are really selfish. Why would they sacrifice for some plan a guy had 400 years ago? I try to stay grounded. I'm not a nut even though i allow myself to entertain most any thought. People's over reaction to Covid really changed my thinking about humanity and the spirit world and the immediacy of God. I thought man, God is real, this fits Revelation perfectly. And everyone's gone nuts.

The only material explanation I can find is they have some electromagnetic entrainment technology that controls most people. It doesn't work on some and they don't know why. But this stuff about military strength propaganda or psychological experts coming up with "nudge" propaganda. Give me a break. Psychology isn't science. It's interesting as can be but can't predict and can't assess a person who isn't obviously unhinged.

I'm going to go off the deep end here. Jessie Czebotar is a woman, in her forties now, who claims that her grandmother was the Queen Mother of Darkness for an organization called The Brotherhood. Not the freemasons, though they're a part of it. It's satanic and so is run by women out of spite to God. Also women generally have greater psychic abilities to see, hear or feel into the spirit world. This is what these Mothers of Darkness were for. They were the heads of the spiritual branch of the organization. When Jessie was 3 she gave her life to Jesus. When she was 4 1/2 she was tested and chosen by Satan himself to be the replacement for her grandmother. She began training and each evening her grandmother would drug Jessie's parents and siblings so they'd fall asleep and then they have a meeting with Satan for about 3 hours where he'd give orders. After 5 years or do she left the organization which usually gets you killed. It's assumed God has protec6her though there was never any promise or assurance of this.

I've spent several hundred hours listening to this women's testimony. It's so strange. I can totally accept or reject it. Some of the stuff is so weird I wonder if a persons reality isn't maliable by spiritual entities. In other words, a person could experience something that's real yet other people wouldn't know about it. I'm not talking about things in the spirit world. I mean in reality.

Anyway, you can find some of her stuff on bitchute searching her name. Also on The Reveal Report on YouTube. Plus some text info on Cathy Fox's places. Foxyfox.substack.com is probably okay. She used to put her stuff on wordpress. Jessie used to be on Right on Radio and Aquarius Rising Africa. Also on David Zublik who I have zero trust for.

This is very far out but if you want to see an excellent breakdown of the occult symbolism in the super bowl half time show or the occult meaning in the kabbalah tree, she's the person. Google "Dr. Phil house pictures". Now tell me we're crazy.

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Agree it's a good piece, but one small correction: It's from National Review not the state-run-media outlet of NPR. (Hell hasn't frozen over.) Thanks for pointing it out.

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I corrected it, it was the autocorrect as someone pointed out lol.

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The inventor of autocorrect should burn in hello.

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I see what you did there lmao

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A recent auto-correct teachable moment: I was trying to refer to Emily Oster's "Pandemic Amnesty" proposal. It was auto-corrected to "amnesia."

So I started using a new word, "amnesiesty," for such proposals.

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Sorry John Paul - no National Propaganda Radio for me...

Instead, listen to The Duran on U-Tube...

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Spellcheck/autoccret induced error I correct it.

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Looking forward to more BMO articles!

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Hi John Paul, I tried opening the recommended article,it said I had used up fly free ones?So tried to read the article about Ukraine you copied and pasted,I touched the screen hoping it would read from that point,Then the print turned into long narrow windows with small writing unreadable, and is only showing the copy and paste section.The app is stuck on that section and won’t move forward orbackwards, Not to the start of your article or any of my other followed authors,It is on an up to date iPad.I can read on Substack website,through Safari,! I will post this from Safari ,please take it up with Substack, I am just warning you and other Substackers so they won’t do the same thing.

Thank you for you incredible way of illuminating the world we love in ❤️

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

Biden/Trudeau poor oil/gas policies means they needed manufactured chaos in Eurasia.

Shutting down oil/ gas kills our petro dollar so we need investors to stay in North America vs Eurasia. Biden also needs to keep the USA dollar the reserve currency.

Green new deal= manufactured chaos in the world.

This won’t change till Biden/ Trudeau are gone. Joining NATO? Putin? More weapons? More money? All of this is just distraction from the real issue..... Oil and our petro dollar value!!!

If they can topple Putin and get a WEF puppet in is just a bonus but not important.

There was a few articles on this but google/ Facebook kept banning them.

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