Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Ta ficando horroroso & aborrecendo. Tava "inadequado" eu avisar por grupo Wzapp de esperar 2-3 anos pra aceitar - 2 anos atras, ANTES da chegada dos venenos. PQP.

A injeção génica mata é vai matar maish, ponto.

Não passa um dia que conhecido tem o cunhado, a filha, o primo, que morreu de parada cardiaca ou AVC ou trombose (VITT) depois da 1ra ou 2da dose, ou do booster.

Nunca tive nenhuma conhecida com cancer do uterus, agora tenho.

"The everything disease" - PQP.

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Você sabe muito bem que concordo com você. Minha família mesmo foram meia dúzia por coágulo, 3 agora com problemas metabólicos e diabetes que não conseguem tratar, e 2 com miocardite 👌🏻

Sem câncer por enquanto mas gente que fala comigo na internet, praticamente todos americanos conhecem alguém que teve câncer depois da bendita injeção.

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...(and I extrapolated and thought if it can, can it wipe out the same for other diseases ?)... This is the really hard question. Reestablishing latent bugs (from internal or new exposure) seems to be the current observation.

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I made that observation in 2020 (awaking latent infections). And after a few hours of research I am going on a limb and say Yes, the virus might be able to wipe out parts of your immune memory.

Don't know even if they will ever be able to prove it using experimental models. Took a long time to science to accept measles does it.

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That's why the switched to convalescent (mixed Wuhan-Omicron) boosters instead of the Omicron-specific ones.

Also, since you read the whole study, do you expect reinfections in the unvaccinated to produce the same results (decreasing and faster waning protection)?

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What Ali said. Unvaccinated are better protect because we are not antigenically fixed in a extinct protein, and per the paper itself, the natural infection doesn't wipe your antibodies, just the vaccine

Must be an effect of thr mRNA itself.

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Jul 3, 2022Liked by Moriarty

unvaccinated people should have a broader base of immunity because their immune response was to the entire virus, rather than just the spike protein. That said, coronaviruses (and SARS2) mutate so quickly that it might help reduce severity, but is unlikely to prevent infection.

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