Igor- do you really believe whoever created this virus knew all these “effects” we are seeing today? Somehow I don’t think they knew all this, yet I don’t think they are upset by it either.

I think you give the creator of the virus too much credit.

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John, subreddit /r/COVID19positive is full of such people, testing positive for months and being mildly sick.

A very saddening reality and a cause for consternation.

I call persistent infections and frequent reinfections "Chronic Covid". It will take us all down.

Whoever designed this lab chimera was a brilliant, but evil virologist.

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I was under the impression that one should not take melatonin on a regular basis as it can interfere with the body own mechanism of producing it. Perhaps, John, you have written plenty in this regard. I take plenty of supplements a day and have also read warning about giving the liver too much work. I do have melatonin among them but refrain to take it on a daily basis. Very few stacks cover the depth and complexity you address in yours. Covid is a full encyclopaedia for those who started at Volume I and I can tell that several more volumes are yet to be written.

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So 'happy' reading about sleep deprivation's effects as a night shift worker...

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I seem to remember reading many years ago that supplemental tryptophan was hardly orally bioavailable. Is that not true?

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

So, does this mean that melatonin will help for long Covid? My vaccinated former nanny has lingering issues with taste and smell since she had Covid, and I'm wondering what supplements to recommend to her.

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So after nearly 4 years of no cold/virus symptoms of any kind, I believe I finally got COVID-19 (have not been tested). Started with some chills last Tuesday, then intermittent fatigue which has persisted. A slight sore throat last Friday and Saturday, a minor but productive cough in the morning that has persisted, and completely lost smell and taste on Sunday. The fatigue is annoying. The other symptom seems neurological and is hard to describe, but I would characterize it as a combination of boredom, discontent, and malaise. I had depression a couple different times in my life and it’s not like this. I hypothesize that it has something to do with brain chemistry and/or hormones. Does COVID affect testosterone or dopamine or something?

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Melatonin and trytophan!

Thank you!!

Did you see this new post by Geoff Pain?

https://geoffpain.substack.com/p/extreme-toxicity-of-endotoxins-inExtreme Toxicity of Endotoxins in Pfizer Jabs

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Does anyone here have any good guidance on how to take supplements, i.e. with or without food? I mean natural supplements (like berberine, olive leaf) but also amino acids like NAC, etc.

I don't find any conclusive suggestions on Google. I know that multivitamins with minerals should be taken with food due to fat solubility, but what about these? Are there any general rules?

Thank you!

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Hi John, did you block me intentionally on Twitter -Peter Barnicle. I follow your posts, and agree with you. Not sure why you blocked me. I only referred to Dr David Gorski blocking me too?

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Is the link for SNP video missing? This is a great educational piece. Thanks for the information.

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