Sep 15, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Remember when people were getting removed from transplant waiting lists because they declined the jabs?

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In the last part of that study it suggests that if the MRNA could address inflammation reaction they could be more effective. I’m not sure that we should be injecting ourselves with the spike in the first place, let alone use MRNA which seems to be poorly understood. I see Denmark is no longer offering boosters to under 50.. they must have seen safety signals. Highly concerning that patients are rejecting organs especially all of them in this study. It’s seems that they say all with prior Covid & vaccinated, so can we separate into applies to vaccines only? Either way I think the Pandora’s box has been flung opened & the majority are now in a much worse position. We should be furious.

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Thanks for writing these! Fwiw, as a lay person, I would find a write-up on Th17 very helpful.

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Corneal transplants are one of the most successful transplants done. The cornea is basically avascular so there is no need for anti rejection drugs as there isn't any blood supplying the cornea.

So it is very concerning that the transplants are being rejected, even ones done 20 yrs ago. However, most transplant patients with kidney or heart transplants are not rejecting their organs, maybe because they are already on powerful immunosuppressants

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Along with contaminated blood, the implications are horrendous!

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I was pondering this devastating corneal transplant rejection news today. Can you imagine being one of these people? How truly horrible and life altering it must be. This should be reported on all networks. I’m praying for these people. I am going to send this article to my senator and reps and maybe CDC board. They’re all pretty much worthless self absorbed losers but they need to know about these atrocities and how their inaction/action failed America.

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So my friend has a heart condition and got a new valve from a pig several years ago (not really qualifies as an organ though). It got severly degraded and finally rejected in the beginning of '21. Time of quakcination seems was before this event and she seems convinced by her doctor that rejection was caused somehow by covid itself and vaccine saved her life... Her doctor is basically the vaccine nazi of the country. He advertised and pushed vaccine on everyone and introduced the first mandate on his university.

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John, would love your further thoughts/analysis on two things:

1) impact of a screwed up vaccinated blood on blood donors (and what the unvaccinated should do)

2) a wider analysis of the economic/geopolitical/systems impact should a large proportion of the jabbed get sick or die within 5 to 10 years.

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Interested in your thoughts about beta glucan:


If it "rejuvenates" the immune system as described, I'm thinking it should help with combatting C19 and possibly help reverse vaccine damage.

If you think it might help I'll add it to the list as it's readily available.


Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:


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Thank you so much! The plight of the credulous cancer patient who had the virus then the jab is elegantly, sadly portrayed in the immune profiling. ... What do the oncologists know? One can only wonder. .... Again, thank you for pointing out and explaining so kindly TH17.

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