
This took weeks to research, and dozens of hours to write by the simple fact, the more I wrote, the more I discovered, and I didn't even cover HALF of what I intended. So I will take the liberty to just chill the next 2 days.

Any meanigful post will only be published later next week, I will work on my short story for fun in the meantime. Any e-mail sent in the meantime will be "meaningless" from my perspective.

You will definitely need to read this one multiple times.

Have a fantastic weekend.

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May 17·edited May 18Liked by Moriarty

You have a very under valued substack mate, thank you.

While he's swinging everywhere and has a couple of oddities in his own past JJ Couey highlights some interesting co incidences in the names.


Thanks again for your work mate and you're correct Geoff is a wealth of knowledge.

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Thank you Moriarty. I haven't done much with HMGB1, but yes it gets massively increased after transfection, perhaps due to apoptosis. There is a nice figure linked in the paper.

A lot of chaos in those days after administration.

Mechanisms of innate and adaptive immunity to the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine

... BNT162b2 induced damage-associated molecular pattern signals, including double-stranded DNA and HMGB1 peaking at 24 h after immunization, and uric acid peaking 2 d after immunization (Extended Data Fig. 8a–c).


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I hadn't done much with HMGB1 before, but you may remember Ferroptosis is one of my favorite subjects and I still think it plays a significant role in long-term sequelae in regards to SARS2/Spike. So when pointed out HMGB1 role in ferroptosis and how it could be use to deliver "things" to the bone marrow by Bob, I started going down that rabbit hole.

HMGB1 participates, controls and contributes to many bone marrow malignancies too (I decided to leave this one for the next time).

I suspect it plays a role in IgG4 damage (marginal or significant, yet to be uncovered).

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Wow! Head hurts a little after reading over that! Whew!!! So if you were gonna design a bioweapon to stealthy kill unsuspecting millions this is the way to do it put in a spike protein that triggers the release of this One Protein, right???

I am just glad I nor my wife took it! I heard too many suspicious Doctors, Scientists and nurses early on with insight into its manufacture talk about the dangers associated with it so I knew to stay away! Plus I have a huge distrust of anything our government and politicians get behind promoting!!! I also knew enough about biology and medicine to recognize the low death rate associated with this supposed Covid virus to be so scared of it I would take a shot that could hurt or kill me! Lastly my wife’s father worked for Pfizer as a pharmaceutical rep for 30 years and he told us early on do not take it!!!

Sadly many family members were coerced into taking it for various reasons, work and travel, and I can only hope they got a not so bad batch!!!

Thanks for all you do researching all of this in such depth! You are a Treasure for sure! Much Peace and Blessings my friend!!!

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One of many themes of people resisting the shots seem to include the use of reason (analyze the risk once data was released and before it was covered up: for me it was obvious and overly simple: inflammation) and then watching the human behaviors associated with death-fear. My observation 'gauge' went into high-alert which is when I made the effort to learn the truth. This was no easy feat for one must meet up with intense resistance. Many of us who find ourselves in this place they we never knew existed. This is not a superior position to others and, for me, I constantly resist the urge to 'educate' (wake up, dammit). The spiritual element for me is to be kind toward them because love is kind.

What an amazing time to be alive!!!!!

Thanks for your post, I like being part of the JP tribe!

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> The virus, and most precisely the Spike Protein must be flipping a single gene, or protein, quintessential for life, to be doing this much damage, at a systemic level, often paradoxically, creating dozens of cascades.

This is what was to be kept off the table for 75 years.

Now, ask yourself a question: “What next?”

Hint: not a doctor warned us all that the next one will catch our attention.

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May 18Liked by Moriarty

It seems your early intuition served you (and especially us) well. So glad to have your insights and research. You do a great job presenting the complexity and then distilling it into easy & actionable protocols.

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Thank you for your kind words. I will reply to your message today, as you can see most of my time the last few days were spent here, finishing this.

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Thanks for the work. Also,+1 to getting outside into the sunshine.


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Professor - Thank you and your welcome. An opus, and your halfway home.

"it interacts with many, many other proteins.... there must be a way for the process of... without activating receptors, bypassing cell membranes, and causing inflammation. Stealthly... HMGB1 is not sticky..."

A rather sticky nature with a wide range of molecule cell surfaces, proteins and nucleic acid sequences is what allows it to facilitate that process stealthly. When it comes to stealth trafficking with promiscuous agents, it's not what you know, but who you know Mr Mulder


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I didn't add all that I wanted, one for time, the other because of the vultures but I shared some of it on twitter just in case (HMGB1 interacts, directly with mishapen DNA, and G quadruplex...hehehe)

The fact that EVs can trasnport HMGB1 and bypass receptors and everything else blew my mind.

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May 18Liked by Moriarty

I consider at least three variables in thinking about this: the initially infected with generally a low dose of circulating spike; the SARS-CoV-2 naive who took the shots, specifically the mRNA vaxxes; and those who were infected and injected in whichever order. A subgroup for consideration is those who took the initial "trial" shots produced with PCR techniques.

The E coli endotoxin (LPS) should only have been seen by groups two and three. (The trial subjects should also have no LPS exposure.) The LNP mRNA carrier may mimic the LPS effects in those injected with either the trial or public vaxxes.

I think it would be extremely difficult to separate the pathogenesis of Covid and vaxx damage in these groups, especially as the diagnostic testing was so fraudulent. As we are interested in the mechanisms of pathology, right down to the pathway and individual molecule levels, your synthesis is most welcome, and treatment suggestions even more useful.

Thanks, R.

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This is a great and eye opening article, in which you clearly demonstrate the link between spike protein and the vast array of pathologies it induces.

I will have to read it a couple of times, but it clearly identifies and delineates the vast array of diseases associated with SARS-Covid-2, Covid-19, PASC and spike antigens.

Nicholas Cordero was a Canadian actor who unfortunately succumbed to the disease from multiple blood clots that lead to sepsis and death, which I wrote about in my book “Pandoras Box” and speculated that the virus not only infects ACE-2 receptors in the lungs, but also platelets have ACE-2 receptors and have reservoirs in the lungs which are activated and release both serotonin h to though the kynurenine pathway and micro clots through HMGB1. Which at the time was controversial, because I also connected it to Alzheimer’s.

Since that time a close friend died of turbo cancer, another died whilst driving into oncoming traffic, and many are showing signs of dementia. But I stay silent and feel guilty, with cancel-culture, a constant threat. I do recommend low dose aspirin and NAC, and low carb diets.

Thank you so much for this vital essay, it will save lives.

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Thanks, intriguing.

I think the phrase “The goal of all life is Death” was first coined by Freud (in “Beyond the Pleasure Principle”). Clearly, he must have been an early anime aficionado!

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It came from the anime Overlord, but Japanese authors love taking these phrases and making it "cool" lol.

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Resisting death or, as I call it "fear of living" is soul-death.

We live in an upside down world.

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May 17Liked by Moriarty

Mind blowing….

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Woah. Need to read this several times. Brilliant.

You have really outdone yourself this time.


Gotta love metformin, and berberine

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Great find. Don't think it was a way to boost sales of the drug, but they had an idea it worked and banked on it. AstraZaneca made 6 billion last year ago on it apparently.

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if you view covid as a way of artificially driving demand for the jabs then I wondered if they had other "backups"?

one of the globalists methods is to cause a problem then rent out the "solution".

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May 18Liked by Moriarty

You are doing the work that needs to be done. Please don't stop.

Thank you.

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May 18Liked by Moriarty


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