These things were never actually designed to prevent illness. Sometimes we must say things plainly.

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Your discussion about the N-protein reminded me, I paid for a full blood count a few weeks ago to 'mark' 12 months on from my decent lifestyle changes, and also check on certain levels of the supplements / vitamins I've been taking, and out of interest I selected the SARS-CoV-2 serology check also - Believe I had Omicron in April down here in Aus.

Specimen: Serum

Anti-S protein IgG: Negative

Anti-N protein IgG: Positive

Anti-S protein IgM: Negative

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Thank you~

Wow! a fantastic post!


"I still stand by my assertion, but now we know exactly how the Spike Protein is eliciting an immune response by itself, it isn’t merely the antigens or peptide sequences mimicking a wide array of proteins on the Spike Protein, but its ability to bind to endotoxins (LPS), this being the primary aggressor, consequentially the harmful amino acid sequences in the Spike being, the second."

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Is there a way to DM you?

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Sim, é Reverse-tudo mesmo. Vai pesarr.

Tash com a reserva de diesel cheia pro sheradorr, e com shacosh de arrosh e feijão eshtocadosh? Boi a vishta?

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