Oct 19, 2023Liked by Moriarty

At the time MIS-C was discussed as Kawasaki like syndrome of COVID in children I became aware of some link to reappearing “inflammation” around the fully scarred BCG vaccine injection site ( Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is the live attenuated vaccine form of Mycobacterium bovis used to prevent tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections.). Would be interesting to see a link between BCG and HERVs. Did not search.

On the practical side, I concluded that sufficient Vitamin D would prevent.

I don’t have the support at hand, but both links are easily found when searched specifically in the literature.

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Excellent work. Some of the clinical manifestations of MIS-C mimic Kawasaki disease (KD). That aside, S-protein is the master of mimicry, anti-S IgA is the "bus driver" your looking for, just a "gut" instinct Professor.

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For 35 years or so I have been getting cold sores inside my nose right around my mensural cycle. I did not get them anywhere else on my face or body. I think I contracted the virus while I was in the military in boot camp when I was forced to live with 80 other women because I never had cold sores before that experience. I would take Valacyclovir PRN during an outbreak which as I got older and went thru menopause, the outbreaks were starting to be less.

Fast forward to 2021, My husband got the vax even though I was adamantly opposed to it and he didn't tell me when he got it. I then got shingles all over my lips, inside my nose and on my right ear and I believe that he shed his vax on me.

I have never had shingles or sores anywhere else on my body and I started getting those sores again inside my nose routinely. A long time ago, Dr. McCullough said that NAC, zinc, quercetin and Vit D3 with K2 would help guard against spike that was being shed from vaxxed to unvaxxed so I started taking those minerals daily (this was before he added Natto on the list) and the cold sores have not come back. Could the combo of these ingredients make the virus latent or make it go away?

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Good piece. Hubby is still experiencing extreme fatigue and has since broken out in a rather frightening rash which Infectious Disease expert is treating with Jock Itch!!!. I just listen. She sent him for further labs and I'm expecting he will test positive for both HIV and Epstein-Barr. Amusingly she said everyone had the latter.

Here's a question for you. Back in March of this year, he had a terrible WBC result: low lymphocytes couples with high neutrophils, but last month that changed to normal for both. How does that happen or not? When I researched the original result the prognosis was quite dire indicating a severe breakdown in the immune system. I can't quite understand how that could change. Thanks.

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This is a little over my head, but I’m 72 and have had herpes simplex 2 since my first husband “gifted” it to me in my mid 30s. My eruptions had become much less frequent over the years, as expected, until I had Covid. Since then they have been much more frequent. Not sure if it’s just from Covid wrecking my immune system or the inflammatory aspect the disease seems to place in the body. Thank you for your research. Maybe one day we’ll know how to heal completely from it.

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