It's a shame that the scientists always stay within the realm of viral spike protein alone because it's effect of the body may be completely different to the vaxx expressed poison.

I can't remember which interview but iirc Dr Burckhardt broke down that the viral spike protein had a broad array of (i thought 30 proteins) which would have been a far safer manufactured protein to administer (ignoring that the assumption that the platform is inherently unsafe and the DNA plasmids/Endotoxin contamination is there)

Personally I see this as an attack but it would be nice to have some information that shows the damage of the vaxx spike is worse and why/how. Ideally that a layperson like myself can understand. Perhaps the missing proteins? dampen the damage(or worsen).

Always hard because you cannot support every substack worthy of it. If I'm every in excess cash I'll be sending some your way but until then I'll share your work everywhere like the others.


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In 2020 I didn't have 90% of the knowledge I have now, after 6 months of intense research I tweeted "Using the Spike Protein will be the world's biggest mistake in human history". Knowning what I know now, I can say that and prove to anyone.

There is no part of the Spike Protein that is "safe", and there is a reason Ralph Baric said in >>>>2015<<<< that using just the Spike Protein as a neutralization target was a very stupid idea to say the least.

While my focus in the past 18 months has been the virus, everything in my Substack is interchangable, what one does the other does it too, it just changes some parts at the start or at the middle of the road.

I appreaciate not only the support but the intent too, as long as people find the information useful and helfpul, already reached my goal in many ways. Thank you.

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No, thank you.

Tbh I believe some of the scientists running these studies want their data to be used the way we do but cannot publish studies they want to due to the career reprisals and they will not get the information out as it will not be published.

I 100% agree. I'm a crane operator that read a little over my life but I fully understand the self/non self constant checks our bodies do. When doctors and scientists explained the process and potential harms I started spending a lot of time online. To me the autoimmune consequences are potentially catastrophe for billions.

Fuck me mate, I have debated at least one doctor and one arrogant Canadian scientist that know nothing of the technology or potential for harm.

Than we have Geoff Pain's Endotoxin work, the genetic alterations aspect, the toxicity of the platform etc etc etc.

No way this isn't by design and no way this isn't an attack.

Once again thank you, you're always an excellent resource to share and for what its worth you're making a difference and the future of all children is worth it.

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Sep 2Liked by Moriarty

When excess deaths started being reported in UK we had a high number of deaths from 'falling over'. I have several relatives and friends who have collapsed to the ground suddenly ( did not faint or trip, just fall to the ground) resulting in various injuries.

Two deaths that I know of in last few weeks and the comments made were not that they had been ill with x/y/z but they had fallen over a couple of times.

I have not seen anyone report on it, yet it could be an indication that medical attention is essential.

Could microclotting cause sudden collapse or is it more likely to be an electrical signal issue?

Doctors are, as expected, baffled.

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Sh1rl3y for whatever reason I never got a notification for this, another reader sent me a message telling me about it. So, I am sorry I didn't reply as soon as possible, plus a lot of other things (I have been injecting an very large dose of peptides without realizing so I am crashing and sleeping a lot LOL). I ask sorry once again.

Yes, micro clotting would cause sudden collapse, because these nasty little clots are microscopic and are causing endothelial and vascular damage and levels of inflammation we aren't aware, and this could in fact impair the electrical signaling in the brain (recent paper that I must write about it).

It is something extremely hard to diagnose even IF you are a hell of a expert too, it is severely underdiagnosed and studied.

I hope your week has been fine so far, and wish you a great weekend ahead. Once again, sorry for the lateness =(.

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Thanks for the mention of Endotoxin.

IMHO the paper by Ryu et al. should not have been published in its present form because it fails to reference, in relation to Blood Clots, endotoxin, lps or lipopolysaccharide and the effects that would have if present.

They say "Recombinant spike was produced by transient transfection in CHO cells by Celltheon. Spike was purified by Ni2+-NTA affinity chromatography, eluted in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing imidazole, buffer exchanged into 1× PBS and purified by size-exclusion chromatography (Superdex 200 column)."

Resia Pretorius only gets a passing mention at reference 23.

The authors also fail to mention the work of Ganna Petruk.


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Professor - Excellent sleuthing. "Let us check with the Spike Protein, Endotoxin-binding, Fibrin-friendly protein HMGB1 is present when mRNA LNP is administered." All roads lead to Rome, and not unrelated to your nervous persistence quandry... it is in their homologous nature that you shall find the salt of the earth Mr Mulder.

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Sep 2Liked by Moriarty

So....you seem to be saying that all the while we're going merrily on our way, thinking we're all good because we didn't get shot up, but we could be harboring an alien that may make its presence known without warning? Lovely.

Not so easy to deal with this as it is possible to take too many of the active supplements, is it not?....... and which ones work the best and which ones shouldn't be combined.... is natto/serrapeptase/etc the only ones that work or would Wobenzym proteolytic enzymes work? Those are more like Dr Kelley's (the dentist that cured his pancreas cancer with enzymes).

Does this all take a long time to develop? I'm wondering why we aren't seeing more of this clotting -- or is the timeline much much longer? What an evil thing to do to wee babies. Damaged before they even get into the world.

Hmmm.... so this is why politician's brains are misfiring....

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Oh there is more to it than the micro clots. I have mentioned recent that SARS-CoV-2 is persisting at a abnormal rate (especially in the vaccianted). So it gets complicated very fast.

I think the presence of micro clots is severely undermentioned and underdiagnosed, especially at the face of how much HERVs reactivation is going on, adding to the never ending problem of latent virus reactivation.

And yes, that is a problem I find myself more often than not, there is just so many things you can take, or need and it is hard to take everything. The ones in my list can be easily combined.

Serrapeptase will forever remain my first option, followed by Natto and Lumbrokinase, Serra is systemic.

There is significant time variation in the formation of micro clotting, and it is basically almost down to the individual, in me they are now a few days in (used to be weeks later), if you limit the inflammatory responses as much as possible, these shouldn't be a problem. And micro clotting in very hard to diagnose because it doesn't raise the usual "clotting" markers, it just damage things for a while and the body finally "dissolves" it (unless we are talking about specific, severe cases of Long Covid, somehow their bodies just don't break it up, and they are always behind in the clearance of clotting proteins).

And yes, that is why many brains are misfiring...

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Sep 5Liked by Moriarty

So, Moriarty, you have blown my mind yet again. I am amazed at how "versatile" the spike protein is.

Are you suggesting that people with aberrant skin eruptions from repurposed mast cells should take more Serrapeptase and Natto&Lumbro so that the mast cells can be returned to their proper function? I've heard of MCAS as a general problem for people even before Covid and the vaxxxes. Now I'm wondering if even that syndrome comes from repurposed mast cells and could use an unusual therapy that doesn't go after the mast cell population directly but which goes after a third party, thus indirectly removing the biological pressure causing the mast cells to be repurposed (or to be over-created). And now I'm wondering about other possibilities for third-party forcings that don't get treated properly because nobody is thinking about those problems as a third-party-forcing situation. Or maybe my brain is just overheating. :-D

Also, have you looked at rutin as a fourth clot-dissolving item? I understand it will dissolve both fibrin-rich and platelet-rich clots but don't know how it reacts to clots contaminated with or incorporating amyloid.

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Sorry for the massive delay lol. I am still not sure if these was all designed, or unintended consequences of stitching a bunch of proteins to make a chimeric protein that ended up behing like a nove form of a polymorphic toxin.

It would be advisible for people with Mast Cell-anything (rashes, etc) to take activated charcoal first, than serra... if they can handle it, serrapeptase in the morning, empty stomach, activated charcoal later at the day, also om a empty stomach, for enhanced clearance of anything.

Yes, MCAS is a "poorly understood" problem and it was present before Covid, and now...skyrockting and they still can't make sense of it.

Your brain is not overheating lol.

I have looked at rutin yes, but we need amyloid-dissolving enzymes because a lot of these clots, muscle dysfunction, a lot of these things are mediated by accumulation of amyloid proteins, and the body simply can't clear enough of it, so it accumulates, makes the clots worse because the body has a lot more trouble dissolving amyloid-clots (which unlike the deposition of fibrin and amyloids in tissue, is biologically designed to avoid being dissolved).

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Thank you, Moriarty. It was worth the wait! :-))

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Sep 2Liked by Moriarty

One of my colleague just recently went through a very weird allergic skin rash/reaction. Doctors had no idea. It popped up suddenly out of nowhere. Your last paragraph is suspiciously 'coincidence' again.

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Within the last 4 weeks, two people in my direct circle suffered from another bout of shingles.

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Both walk hand in hand, since Herpes reactivation is often followed by or experienced before HERVs reactivation too. Herpes reactivation is increasing enough to even the “experts” to ask

“Wait a minute, something ain’t right here”

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An 84 yo very unhealthy, heavily medicated aunt with a concierge MD had a cold then shingles. A 47 yo bodybuilder. Strange.

Looks like they are rolling out the fall version of the shot that they admit was for the last variant. Oh, and, did you see 'I am Science' had west nile? Hilarious!

https://www.statnews.com/2024/08/24/fauci-recovering-follow-hospitalization-for-west-nile/ Poor thing was hospitalized! ^_~

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Sep 2Liked by Moriarty

I have microclots on triple therapy on your stack + other things. My question is what caused my 25lb weight gain changing nothing. And how do I turn it around

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

The micro clots can damage different organs, and cause a long-term shift of the metabolism, making it much slower, and so does the viral infection.

Your weight gain without changing nothing comes from one of the two, the virus loves to wreck the glucose metabolism and make it slow, thus the sugar just floats around.

You turn around by reducing inflammation, helping the liver/pancreas recover. Trying a low carb diet can be very helpful if possible.

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Thank you for your response

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This is fantastic info ... however it's flogging a dead horse... but the Anti Vax community will as usual be high-fiving.... as they do whenever a new study drops demonstrating the Rat Juice is toxic.

I suppose they believe if enough studies drop ... the Vaxxers will wake up ... how many will it take? 500? 1000? 50,000?

I would argue that 1,000,000 studies could drop ... and the Vaxxers would not come around... cuz they have never heard of Substack... and even if you tried to ram the studies down their throats by emailing them articles like this ... they'd delete them... and tell you to f789 off with your conspiracy theories.

But then that is the purpose of Substack... it's here to enthrall the Anti Vaxxers... to entertain ... to join hands virtually and form a community ... to make them believe that SS and the great hero authors are fighting the good fight ... and will eventually win the battle

How ridiculous.

How many years has this been going on now? The vast majority of the barnyard animals have still never heard of it ... and would dismiss it in favour of bbccnn.

Ya'll are being played https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/substack-a-ministry-of-truth-production

How many years has it been and still most of the barnyard animals believe we have been to the moon - they refuse to watch this https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-most-important-documentary-ever

You will never win. Humans are stupid... the Men Who Run the World know that https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/who-runs-the-world

Look at most of you - giddy about the election ... as if it matters - it doesn't https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/what-if/

My litmus test for SS authors to demonstrate that they are not embedded agents from the Ministry to Truth is this:

Please explain how Trump's badly damaged ear healed in two weeks -- and without scarring.

Recent photos of Trump have raised eyebrows, particularly given his former doctor, Ronny Jackson's statements. The medical practitioner had previously stated that a bullet had severely damaged the ex-president's ear during the assassination attempt.

Despite Jackson's claims that the bullet had blown off part of Trump's ear, the new images of Trump meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu show no visible scarring or damage.


More Photos https://www.tmz.com/2024/07/26/donald-trump-seen-no-bandage-first-time-since-shooting-injury/

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FE!!! As (just about) always, you deliver messages that are infinitely wince-evoking, inevitably including something which will offend/insult someone, and, you're a reality check for me, wherever I catch your posts. I am searching for antidotes to the health hell this C19 mess has created, that's the main reason I am here and there with these great substack authors. Fast, last night, I interacted with a guy I hadn't seen in over a year. He had a recent bout of covid, but said he was now fine. His skin texture and color was markedly....old/off. He said more than once that the C19 shots were much more difficult for him than C19 itself. Evidently, he was up-to-date on all the injections, last one late 2023; looking forward to the new one just rolled out, he said. Both times he got C19, his similarly-vaxxed spouse got it too and her reaction both times was quite severe, got very sick he said. I asked, "why are you continuing to get the boosters if it doesn't prevent you from getting C19?". "Because it keeps me from getting severe C19". This fascinates me, endlessly. You're right that many vaxxed are fixated, locked-in, just captured in a real cult. This acquaintance never asked me about my shots' status, instead, was very eager to continue to share his vax updates, experiences. Crazy world Eddy, that's why I'm here.

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How about this ... I may have mentioned a friend who is huge Pro Vaxxer guy ... very fit and healthy... ended up with turbo cancer + a heart attack (got a booster as chemo was about to start)... was urging me to get the Rat Juice (wow - clueless to the bitter end)...

Now after mega chemo and radiation he's a tall stick man... and we found out this week that he's thrown in the towel... the monster has invaded multiple organs and his bones....hospice care...

It's ok to believe man landed on the moon ... that won't kill ya... but the Safe and Effective Rat Juice... now that's an entirely different story ...

Meanwhile let's high five and celebrate another study ... before this guy kicks off should I send him some of the studies... nah... once a Vaxxer... generally always a Vaxxer... even when the Vax is the grim reaper.

Everything is going according to plan ... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

I'd recommend you drive that guy to the clinic for his 10th booster... we are all in this together

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You're stark, but the REAL brutal is what this is doing to humans such as your friend: AWFUL. It probably wouldn't help to send him Dr Makis'+ cancer treatment discoveries either. I'm in-sync with your "drive-em-to-the clinic-for-the-next-booster" thinking. I, now with positive vibes, inquire as to when they're (a particularly pro-vaxxed I know) next going for the latest booster. I do so both as a kind of personal twisted-something relief, and, so I can pre-game with my anti-shedding protocol (& turn the air-filtration machines on full blast) since I sometimes am in the same common rooms with... It's got to end FE, and I know that's what you see.

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He is beyond saving + there is no way he would seek alternative treatments... did I mention he was telling me about the latest innovation -- cancer vaccines... too late for him but...

And what I was thinking as he said this ... no it's not -- you took the cancer vaccine.

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I began to see just after the GFC... I knew we were doomed ... and The Great Bucket List kicked off... but I was unable to foresee the end game... how dumb was I ... as if they would just stand back and watch 8B humans tear each other to pieces ... nope... it does make sense to head that off at the pass and pre-exterminate as many as possible...

Check this out:

The worst part of course, is that most of the human population is stuck with an immune system increasingly focused on a strategy that’s inevitably going to fail (antibodies against the NTD). There’s just not really anything prohibiting this virus from pasting a bunch of extra glycans on its N-Terminal Domain.

So what’s going to happen, is just basically what we’ve seen in just about all the viruses we tried vaccinating chickens against: It eventually fails, results in more virulent variants and makes everything worse. You can just look this up for yourself, what happened to H5N1 (grew more virulent) to Marek’s disease (grew more virulent), to Newcastle’s disease (hypervirulent strains emerged) and to Infectious Bursal Disease (hypervirulent strains emerged).

The now well-known Belgian veterinarian and vaccinologist, Geert van den Bossche, would have known about this stuff. He would have seen it happen during his lifetime and realized vaccines that fails to stop a virus from spreading can eventually backfire. I’m glad he opened his mouth, it led me to look into this topic.

There are probably a bunch of other scientists his age, who would have considered the same, but failed to open their mouths. For people like me this is an esoteric discovery, but if you’re a scientist who has been involved in keeping these poor chickens alive with new vaccines as mother nature tries to end their misery, you would have known that vaccinating against viruses with vaccines that fail to stop infection generally makes everything worse after a few years.

Allow me to just quote some studies on these chicken viruses:

Here’s how vaccinating against IBD went:


Getting in some last minute bucket listing ... got to Ladakh India last month ... heading for Japan in a couple of days... Hopefully I can make it to Buttf789iSTAN at some point

Timing this is difficult .. but I suspect we are already in extra time.

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iiih, cara.

Alguem sabe se os nossos VPN são "subterfugios" seguros? Outro "subterfugio"?

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Multa por usar VPN foi derrotada. Pode usar sem medo

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Não foi não.

Carregamento/uso de VPN, foi removido sim - mas não no caso de uso pra burlar bloqueio do X.

Mas, muito dificil documentar/atuar/multar, contra um usuario lambda.

Xandinho x Elonzinho: dois moleques brigando na esquina igual galos da roça.

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Caiu sim, camarada. No julgamento da "turma" lá.

Mas eles ainda se reservaram o direito de te enfiar a multa se eles não gostarem de algo que tu postar no X (kkkkk)

Quanto a essa falsa equivalência que jogasse aí, não dá nem pra comentar

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On reading through the article I noted that the authors confined their research to spike protein from "Covid Infection."

They did, however, produce spike to use in their analyses separately from intact virus.

They did not mention that injected mRNA could produce spike at about 10^14 -fold greater numbers than an average infection.

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They can't, otherwise they don't get published. Since 2021 I have took the position of "better some data and I make sense of it, than no data".

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Wow! This is beyond helpful, it’s enlightening. Many thanks for your dogged research. It follows along the same lines as Dr. Bruce Patterson’s research on monocyte spike protein infection, that is carried across BBB through the mesentery and becomes macrophages containing fibrin and fracktalkine. Also, don’t forget the lungs have the highest reserves of thrombocytes that have ACE2 receptors, and release fibrin and other coagulating factors. Spike protein is truly evil invention.

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Interesting, I just had weird small itchy rashes on some parts of the skin two times the in the last 2 months for about a week. I suspected a type of infection, as I felt quite tired. I was also travelling more than usual. I hope this just ends quickly now with the new glycated or otherwise mutated variants so that we can move on once and for all.

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I just learned something new, thanks.

The name by your profile picture, is that your real name?

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Glad you learned something, that one of my goals. Moriarty is a callsign I earned in another life.

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