
Late addition.

Mosquitoes Testing Positive to Rare, Deadly Viruses in US Months After Bill Gates Released Millions in The Wild


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Holy Hell. Take me back to the 80’s

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I'm not much worried about Naegleria. I've seen one case in my career, amoeba actually identified in a CSF sample by light microscopy. It was a child who was visiting, and the infection was not suspected to be contracted locally. I don't know that a lot is know about how one gets infected. I might guess that someone with some nasopharyngitis from other common causes has a breakdown in barrier at the olfactory plate and then unfortunately get water up the nose while swimming in a lake or pond frequented by geese and ducks.

Maybe you can enlighten me on Marburg and Ebola and similar viruses. I've also considered them low risk (at least in the wild type form) for epidemic/pandemic in Western cultures. I understand transmissibility is low unless you are exposed intimately to blood and other body fluids of sick or recently dead individuals.

Abe and BoJo, both bad developments. BoJo sold out, saving his own skin. Abe is probably a martyr.

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😄 "I like to indulge in some conspiracies sometimes, leave me alone." I think many of us have this in common.

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