Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Your thinking is always deeply enjoyable and overwhemingly relevant on multiple levels of existance, thriving or struggling. Thank you for writing about Energy. I love this article so deeply that I am speechless. It confirms all of my investment thesis, which makes me deeply deeply happy. Life changing happy. The incoming energy crisis will offer opportunities like nothing else has in my life time. Of course the risk of dying from bioweapons or being killed in some sort of social upheaval kind of event remains huge. But surviving that and investing the right way omg what an adventure! A lot of money could be made in the years ahead of us. Thank you for writing about energy.

PS What breaks my heart is that some people, people who live from state pensions, who worked hard all their lives and put all their savings into the bank account might be faced with hard times. That is what motivates me to invest in Markets. The thought of being able to help some people, people that I never met, that I find living at the edge of poverty somewhere ...far away, away from Twitter, hedge funds etc...the thought that I can just knock on their door and do something life changing for them is what gives me joy and make hours sitting infront of my charts worth while.

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Thank you for your kind words. Next one is even more important, and while tied to Energy, and especially fuel, I rather keep separated so it is easier to digest, was supposed to write it 2 days ago, but as you can see by my new post, I was down.

The incoming crysis will be a once in 100-150 years opportunity, these are the moments generational wealth and powerful dinasties are born.

This is exactly why I don't paywall anything (which I could easily do and get more traction and earn more), and help anyone who DMs/email me. I have been in very bad positions, either financially or health wise for most of my life, so if I can help people change/heal, I will do it without thinking.

I firmly believe God does what is right for us, at the right now. Huge karma believer too.

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From the bottom of my heart John Paul God Bless you.

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What do you like, XLE?

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"Germany is under severe and real threat of deindustrialization"

That's not a threat, but rather a promise! By the green party. Not only for 2 years. Only their voters don't seem to get it, or agree it needs to be.

Green R.Habeck, minister of economics (of all things) now seems to be hauling in a Blackrock broad, Elga Bartsch, who is supposed to "analyze economic risks of _climate change_" (and not maybe the recipes supposedly against it?...)

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Brilliant. I especially like when your personality and what you wonder peaks through the dire predictions. The contrast is palpable. It could be that the

some unintended consequences were intentional and plotted. 2023. To 2025 ..

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You can find me tweeting about what would come to pass (what is going on right now and I am writing about) in 2020. I mostly believe, while you can't control a complex system such as our world, this was clearly engineered and planned.

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I'm banned from Twitter. But I can search it. I suppose I could try to get back on. If you want to tweet something about the planning here's my video Hunger Games https://youtu.be/uWUDobJQDYE

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Epic work thanks. Solving the zero sum game equations they try to sell us are pretty impossible. The laws of diminishing returns does support that nothing comes from nothing.

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