Jan 8Liked by Moriarty

i stand and applaud from the aisles, appreciate the graphics for their colorful beauty alone, as I cannot quite follow all the scientific meanings and implications. Real logic rings true. And the blue and black images look like snakeskin tattoes, just sayin. Also, like bee hives...I am made of both, apparently...

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If you click on the graphs, you can read them pretty easily. Usually is either bar too high = bad or bar too low = bad, in this case, bar too high = bad.

Otherwise it from blue to red, blue = less of something, red = a lot of something.

The virus and the spike make the produce produce more amyloids, and amyloids have more than one purpouse besides giving you "alzheimers". The gist of it.

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Jan 8Liked by Moriarty

Hey it’s been a while. I think covid is synergising with HPV and perhaps was designed to tag team with many peristaltic viruses from the start, on its own, bad but perhaps not obviously oncogenic but when paired up with other common viruses. BOOM. It may even turn low risk HPV subtypes to high risk.

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Not just HPV. It is synergising with all latent and chronic infection, and sometimes (severity dependent) rewiring the immune response against other pathogens.

The virus itself hits many oncogenic pathways but there are many feedback mechanisms to protect, but when you got a hit and run, the secondary infection is usually a brigger contributor.

Fungi accelerate cancer growth like nothing else (and so does sepsis).

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woops i meant persistent

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It’s me Cathelicidin/VDR cba to login

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Thanks JP. CD68+ is familiar to me from spike induced myocarditis & cardiomyopathy too:

COVID-19 myocarditis: quantitative analysis of the inflammatory infiltrate and a proposed mechanism (2021)

"The results demonstrate a skewed distribution of the number of CD68+ cells in COVID-19 hearts, with upper quantiles showing a significant increase as compared to both matched control hearts, and those with myocarditis. In contrast, hearts from typical inflammatory myocarditis contained increased numbers of CD4+, and CD8+ cells compared to both COVID-19 and control cohorts. In conclusion, the presence of an increased number of CD68+ cells suggests that COVID-19 may incite a form of myocarditis different from typical viral myocarditis, and associated with diffusely infiltrative cells of monocytes/macrophage lineage."


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CD68 is also familar to me by the same reason, and some of the same papers. I still believe there are protein fragments, either viral or other origin (fungal ? bacterial ?) stuck in some of the tissue, leading to infiltration.

There is also the serotonin angle outside of the Kynurenine Pathway/Tryptophan, which incidentally directly affects Amyloid Beta levels (it will be in the next article).

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Liked by Moriarty

I'm not sure how much this could be helpful (especially regarding long Covid) but:

"APP, the precursor of amyloid β, appears to play a significant role in the development of Alzheimer's disease [27]. APP was proposed to trigger atherothrombosis after the accumulation of amyloid β peptides in the cerebral vessels in Alzheimer's disease [70]. We observed a significant reduction in the APP GP level at the end of 4th week during 30day intermittent fasting compared with the level before 30-day intermittent fasting."


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APP is necessary for amyloid beta to be formed, and it plays a role in many neurological functions. APP will contribute to clot formation on its on too, not necessary with just amyloid beta.

APP and amylin especially are a massive rabbit role =P.

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Jan 8Liked by Moriarty

And maybe my calculation is not right but the decrease seems to go almost to 0.

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Jan 8Liked by Moriarty

I'm not sure if these results (I suppose that the gene analysis has been done on cells of the immune system, at least not directy from the brain) can be transposed to the nervous system.

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The results can be transported to the nervous system via the gut-brain axis. IF induces a systemic response, there is a good few number of papers looking into IF and ketones to modulate inflammation. A very recent one was just release on BHB (most abundant ketone) helping heart transplant and the authors think it may help other heart conditions (it does).

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As always thanks a lot for the publication.

Loved the it's never lupus quote :)

Question, is there any study that indicates if vegans are more suceptible to LC?

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Officially ? No, all dietary intervention studies and papers are heavily biased towards whatever the research team is biased towards.

Non-officially, yes, poorer diets in certain nutrients such as vegan, or rich is carbohydrates make you more suceptible to LC. But one of the biggest contributors to getting it or not is mitochondrial health really.

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While I applaud the detail which went into this article, much of it is beyond my bandwidth as a nonmedical layman. So for me, reading this is akin to drinking from a fire hose, even a second and third read through.

Would there be anyway this information could be distilled down into a second, more simplistic, summarized article? The reason I ask is that I, as an original mRNA doubter, have many relatives coming up to me to ask about their emerging vaccination side effects (some sadly are not around anymore to ask me). I would like to explain what is being uncovered in a more layman's terms. I guess what I'm asking for perhaps is a second, shorter, dumbed down version for people like me which I can grasp and then share with worried people. They obviously are not getting either form from the MSM.

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The summary at the start of the article does a decent-ish job of simplifying the article, I could attempt to distill further but them we go into the "viral" territory, where the information is so distilled people can sell "bullshit". In fact, there are entire "influecers" who built their "carrers" on selling bullshit by doing exactly so.

Without all the science it will read "The Spike Protein creates amyloid in the body and in the muscles" which people will instantly translate to "we are all dead", the opposite of my goals.

If more people ask about it I may do it, but otherwise you are free to ask any questions.

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Fair enough. I understand that you are wading into extremely clinical territory, so I can at least attempt to meet you halfway by reading deeper and trying to distill it down for myself.

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Articles regarding amyloid and misfolded proteins in general are very hard to simplify because of the nature of the subject, you simplify too much, you go viral, you make a lot of money and you harm a ton of people in the process. My goal is helping people understand the complex conditions they may find themselves in and that there is always a fix. Even if it that made me earn no money.

This article in particular is more centered around Long COVID.I have dozens of articles on the jab though. Side effects are plentiful because the Spike as the virus interacts with basically every receptor and cell known to man 😆

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Jan 8Liked by Moriarty

Recently my very fit 61 y/o niece, (vaxxed 2x, boostered 2x against all my recommendations) and who runs 7 miles every other day, had an attack of A/Fib halfway into her usual routine. She has had 4 attacks of racing heartbeat (>200) since, in the last 10 days. She is understandably panicked. This is on top of we having lost 4 other family members shortly after they're getting their mRNA vaccines. We have a very large family, so my sampling group is quite large, and I understand their circumstances of prior health and sudden death well enough to confidentially finger the vaxx.

Many friends/relatives who dismissed my doubts in the early stages of COVID and the subsequent 'vaccine' roll out are now asking me for more information. It all began with my questioning of the use of the specious PCR test. Then the Draconian isolation lock-downs/mandates. Final confirmation of my suspicions came with the smearing of Ivermectin as 'horse paste'. I am up against family medical people who 'claim' they know more than me. But what I have discovered is that even my own PCP knows very little about any of these emerging issues as, he is still pushing the vaxx and boosters, which I refuse.

Anyway, that's my motivation and I appreciate your articles and research. It puts me on a bit more level footing with some of my know-it-all medical relatives.

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I am going to attempt to find a way to insert a summarized, simplfied version at the top of these complicated articles.

I have a few articles on the heart and how one may address structural issues (if they are diagnosed with some form of heart disease/damage), basically the amino acid Carnitinine or the peptide BPC-157.

I also lost a good handful of family members to the mRNA jab, mostly from clots. Ironically (or accidentally) no one died since, but they are all progressively losing their cognition (neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's), and no cancer (oddly enough, it is either one or the other in a lot of cases... don't know which is worse).

As I often describe the mRNA, it is "The Great Accelerator", it will accelerate any underlying, otherwise subclinical issue a person may have, especially if they don't address the immunological changes the toxic mRNA induces.

I understando where you are coming from, because I will only go to a doctor unless I am, literally, dying, otherwise I don't trust the majority anymore. It is too risky to roll the dice because for every great, smart, driven doctor, there are 90 mediocre ones.

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