Take your IgG4 victory lap!!!

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It is more about the pisspoor job many of these people are doing and missing literally the most important aspect of it all than "I was first", and sadly these people shape the narrative, and sometimes I wonder if they "miss" things on purpose...

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I think that the subject is so complex that seeing the big picture, like you do, is not something a lot of people can do.

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While I appreciate the sentiment I do not think I am special, or gifted or better than others, my issue here is entire ethical.

A LOT of the "alt covid" accounts are fully engaging in deceptive, manipulative tactics to push what they believe is "true". Regardless if it is true, false or directionally right but wrong in the whole.

I am tired of abiding by that so I am starting to get vocal about it. Either that or I close everything and go away.

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For your consideration -

A plea to honest and experienced doctors for useful, telling diagnostics on whether post covid injection recovery/treatment is necessary, what those treatments may be, and when those treatments are no longer necessary. (This potentially could also relate to long covid as well.)


I keep mentioning and emphasizing diagnostics; however, most people keep commenting on treatments. My inquiry is more about people who show no outright symptoms; yet, may perceivable have issues if they had certain things checked out. My main concern is how to prevent sudden and unexpected deaths occurring with no specific cause of death being stated.

I don't believe that throwing the long list of "safe" protocols towards treating or preventing something indefinitely is realistic for most people. Some diagnostic tools could include D-Dimer or Galectin-3 tests; however, which and/or when are these still useful? For example, would they still be useful one year after the last injection has been taken?

I ask not for myself, but the millions who may be worried about the damage either covid or the covid shots may have done, and may be continuing to do, under the radar.

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The biggest problem with diagnostics, especially with the vaccianted in mind is the subset of patients. Every patient is unique on its own, but each subset is as unique as each person, so first one would need to categorize the person where it fits, then start going tests.

Galectin-3 and D-Dimer are umbrella diagnostics, they are used to see "if something is going on or going wrong", you need a specific group of testing to effectively find out what is going on.

As I argued for months, any person who wishes to remain healthy should follow my simplified group of supplements and follow some easy steps after each infection to properly recover from whatever the virus did.

It takes TOO LONG to naturally recover com this and the myriad of bs it brings, and at the point you recovered another pathogen is finding its way to cause problems (this is the reason many people are getting so many different types of infections, one after another).

Tests would be useful 1 to 3 months after the last injection, or if the person developed persistent problems (any type), and the type of problem dictate the specific type of test. It is rather complex the diagnostics part.

Preventing the sudden death comes with following the aforementioned steps. I wish you a very good New's Year btw.

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Thank you for your thoughts. I am compiling different suggestions and will report back. Happy New Year to you as well.

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Nicely done. I remember you writing about it, but at the time I was not following much new vaccine info, so I let it pass by me. Your stack deserves a FAR wider audience.

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I prefer my small audience, unlike all these grifters (some are financial grifters, but a lot of these people are political grifters) I don't care about reach, influence, and shaping the narrative (which they do, otherwise they wouldn't all publish poorlly written pieces within 24 hours of each other).

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I remembered you’d already written about this. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Odd it’s suddenly getting widespread attention.

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Arguably because the preprint from July finally got peer reviewed.

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Guarantee 100% it is not because it got peer reviewed since people covered literal garbage tier papers in pre-print before.

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Ah… I was looking for something more suspect. 😃

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Dear John

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

Thank you for your Substack. For all the topics and ways you chose to approach them. Thank you for all the snippets from your life journey you shared with us. Thank you for thinking about us, your readers and the impact your insights might have on us and our mental and emotional wellbeing.

Thank you for all the protocols you shared with us, for empowering giving us tools and hope that focusing on what we can control is worthwhile our attention.

Finally, thank for creating the environment that feels welcoming and radiates with a very special kind of “caring” energy.

There is something inherently unique about the way you write and I just want to thank you for how your writing makes me feel. Whenever I read your articles, after a first few sentences I start to feel the warmth, the caring and calming energy. After a while the memories of my loving parents emerge and I get imbued with feelings of joy, gentleness and pure blissful loving.

The memories become so vivid that I have to pause and let myself revisit all the memories of joys, the passions and the sadness we shared, as if I am re-living the life already lived.

I get to feel parts of my brain and heart that are otherwise just not accessible to me.

When I finally come back to the words in front of me and finish reading your post, I feel the bubbles of sparkling joy going through me as if I am becoming one of those thermal-mineral waters known for their therapeutic properties since ancient times.

For all of that I am deeply grateful. And for all the advice you so selfishly share, which keep us all safe and healthy.

I wish you, your mum and auntie lots of loving and joyous moments together this Christmas and in the years to come.

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Dear Bibi, thank you very much for this kind and touching message and sharing so much of your feelings. It means a lot to me when some subscribers share their experiences and feelings, especially with such depth and detail.

I am glad, at least in parts, some of my readers take from this Substack precisely what I intended/designed it to elicit and do.

On how I write things, it will make more sense when I write about Cognitive Warfare, I have been postponing for personal reasons, because writing it means breaking promises I made to myself (I seldom break my promises, to anyone, have been like this since I was a kid).

The toll of what people consume and read is real, it has deep impacts as you are well aware since you are familier with Girard, so I attempt to try and do my part, because some of the topics I inted to cover aren't very much "happy thoughts". Everyone needs a break, and I have got for months that my writings while great from an analytical perspective, are very depressing.

I wish you and your family a very joyous and happy New Year, once again thank you for writing this message.

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Thank you!

mejbcart echoes your sentiments. If you have not already done so, please read mejbcart's illuminating Substack with my comment. https://mejbcart.substack.com/p/the-not-reported-japanese-paper-a/comments#comment-11434634

Happy New Year!

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Well done John Paul. 👍🏽💕

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I must say (with apology included), I do enjoy seeing these moments when you suffer the reward?/punishment? of being an innovative, maverick, original thinker... Isn't that always the way? And it has its own particular anguish for someone who values their ideas and the unique work that they have forged through the uncharted extremes. Plus, then that topic loses a lot of the fire that drove the pursuit forward. When you go back to the theme, it's sort of flat.

Keep pointing it out when you've been ahead of the game.

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In this particular case it is not about being ahead, it is about the pisspoor job they are doing covering this, and missing a lot of important aspects and dynamics of the IgG4 thing (especially the Galectin-3, which is arguably the most important aspect of it all).

Also if I kept pointing out when I am ahead people will get bored (as I would) fast.

It is mostly about the intellectual dishonesty.

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A true artist's approach.

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Alright, John Paul, here's one for you:

Check out my post https://medquotes.substack.com/p/giant-clots-syncytia-via-multi-arginine

Then scroll all the way down and see the other author who just put out his post.

I've been talking about my original idea for syncytia-caused clots and syncytia-caused sudden death via brain stem / heart electrical interruption for months, based on historical work I dug up and puzzle-pieced together on HIV Tat Arginine- caused Syncytia.

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Just in case you did not see my comment, mejbcart had an illuminating Substack:


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Can we still support you via Ko-Fi? I don’t see the link.

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Yes people can, but I personally find annoying inserting the KoFi link in every post, and I presume if I find it annoying, my readers will probably find it annoying too.

Any substack with enough content inside that I wrote will probably have a KoFi link at the end of the thing.

Happy New Year btw Samantha.

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Thanks John Paul. And Happy New Year to you as well! 💗

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Hi John.

Does this hold water : https://www.rintrah.nl/the-trainwreck-of-all-trainwrecks-billions-of-people-stuck-with-a-broken-immune-response/

... or is it just more sensationalist drivel?

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Very little water, it read to me a lot of sensationalism with tangentially related "evidence", incidentally this was used by most of Alt-Covid to push specific narratives.

I am very wary of a lot of people now, so take it both the information you see out there and even here, with grains of salt, even though I try very hard to be 100% honest.

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Thanks a million. I took a chance and published it - before your reply - with a cautionary note. I'll add yours for good measure.

I tried to grasp your own substacks on the topic (IgG4) but some of it goes over my head. Maybe I should just stick to your "obligatory" paper on "Chimeric nature of Galectin-3 and SARS-CoV-2" - a very good read! - and consider the job done?

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