Thanks, may I link to some of these ?

I kept getting asked as many people are suffering in silence. The medical profession doesn't want to know, so compiled a referenced list from several contributers that I keep updating.

Once the dealer has sold you the drugs they're not interested if it poisons you.

Therapeutics for Long Covid


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Feel free to add whatever you feel like, and dig further. There are many natural (plants) extracts that do amazing stuff but I lack the proper knowledge in that field. I will read yours, and link it here too.

LC is somewhat trick to treat as a blanket “stack”, people get all sorts of weird after effects in my opinion, but they get way better following simple things that you and me are aware of, but most are not.

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Thanks, appreciated. Systemic damage can manifest in an infinite myriad of conditions, we can't cover them all but try to get at the root pathology wherever possible.

I looked into MS when requested too and despite being from independent research to that going on for LC the therapeutics had much in common. Similar with cardiovascular disease.

Therapeutics for Multiple Sclerosis


NAC is worth a stack on its own:

N-Acetylcysteine as Adjuvant Therapy for COVID-19 – A Perspective on the Current State of the Evidence (2021)


And the long term elevated inflammatory pathways & autoimmune disorders must must lead to osteoporosis in adults and growth plate disorders in children. It just shouts at you. It's what osteoclasts do.

And now it's been confirmed in mice:

IU researchers study long-term effects of COVID-19 on bone growth

New paper is now published in BONE


What You Should Know About Growth Plate Injuries (2021)

Risks from experimental gene therapy transfection


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Apr 15, 2022Liked by Moriarty

To the best of your knowledge are the neurological and immune problems caused by Covid-19 permanent? Will people be needing to taking supplements/medication to counteract long term damage forever or can our bodies heal from this damage in time?

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First, sorry for the late response, this was sent to my spam folder (the notification), and I didn’t see it when you commented.

In some people it might be permanent as in, if they not address they necessary nutrients/etc to heal the damage. For neurological symptoms, and sequalae, I would recommend months of supplements, in fact, a couple years because the virus is still raging around, at full force.

Body can heal from almost anything overtime, you might just need to supplement for longer than you would prefer. You can accelerate it too with certain peptides (Look up the pinned Things Hidden series, the peptide post there).

Wish you a Happy Easter. Hope you had a good day.

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No problem! thanks for the answer! I ask because this effects how people should plan to recover from Covid in a world with as uncertain a future as ours. As in: Do I need to just stockpile 6 months of recovery meds for me & family or do I need to find sustainable sources of meds for life in spite of likely price spikes/supply issues due to disruptions in international trade. I already grow my own gourmet mushrooms so I might as well add some turkey tail to the grow room anyways. It's easier than you think, you should try it. At any rate, hope you have a wonderful Easter as well.

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i used to use l glutamine years a go when i was working hard, im back to working hard again recently after about 5 years of not. i was wondering why i was struggling with recovery, my muscles have been aching and im not used to it! purchased before i finished the article.

ive been using MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) for years, makes my skin and hair nice and soft/smooth. i also think it helps my guts and is possibly the secret to longevity.

everywhere there are blue zones, where people tend to live healthier for longer there also happens to be a nearby volcano, what do volcanoes spew out?

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Muscle ache might be other things, creatine will also help you with recovery, with glutamine. Have you ever got infected with Covid, specially recently ?

You should look into supplementing other stuff if that is the case. Never tried MSM, hard to come by here (Brazil), will have to look it up. Volcanoes also spew SO2 lol that one is nasty.

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Jun 16Liked by Moriarty

ahhhhhh. Sulfur. That may be the key from volcanoes, MSM is about sulfur (it definitely has that stench), and apparently humanity used to take in more sulfur in the diet. Another one of those mineral depletions, like magnesium, zinc, selenium, & iodine.

(though SO2 is indeed difficult to breathe!)

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Apr 14Liked by Moriarty

I had purchased Glutamine because of Dimtry Katz's protocol, but comments are indicating that because it is a sugar, it's not good if you have cancer, so I stopped taking it. Should I restart it? I'm just pouring through your substacks - mind blown!

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Cancers shift their metabolism all the time, and indeed, there indication that specific types, and forms of cancer will "steal" your glutamine and increase growth, so in theory it could help the cancer, but it also helps your immune cells.

In that aspect, Creatine (one of my favorite supplements for any person to take) helps T cells fight cancer -> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8152274/#:~:text=Creatine%20has%20been%20identified%20as,importantly%2C%20to%20synergize%20with%20other

If you have colorectal, breast or pancreatic cancer, it is tricky to use creatine according to some research.

Melatonin has been shown to be a potent anti-cancer supplement. And I have received emails of readers that had great success with taking Fenbendazole and IVM, so perhaps another thing to consider, although in the First World both can be expensive.

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Apr 14Liked by Moriarty

Many thanks for your response. I have triple negative breast cancer and recently started IVM and Fenbendazole. Already seeing changes in the tumour. Will definitely, add melatonin and a couple of others you recommend. I know....this is not medical advice....cheers!

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I wish you a speedy recovery 🙏🏻 you will get through this 🙏🏻💪🏻

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Could hyaluronic acid as an additive in topical solutions (such as moisture creams) be used to surreptitiously administer the Covid vaccines? I ask because a moisture cream I've used for years suddenly has this new additive.

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I swear I replied to this message. I guess my brain is deteriorating. No it can't be used, hyaluronic acid has a adverse effect on the jabs by the reading I did couple days ago when I... well, replied to this message lol.

Apparently it has been a increase common additive in many skin related products because of its effects on skin issues.

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Thank you so much for your response. Very much appreciated.

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Ok...I read this post and all of the ones you linked to. I'm rather confused. There must have been close to 20 supplements mentioned; I don't think a person is supposed to take all of them. Do you have a simpler document perhaps that says what you should take in different scenarios:

1. Unjabbed and feeling healthy

2. Unjabbed and infected

3. Or me yesterday, unjabbed, healthy, hung out with crowd of people, one child who was obviously sick or recovering from something (kept coughing and you could hear the phegmly lung congestion)

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I am sorry for the massive delay replying to your message, I was in the procress of moving, and I did everything by myself, so it took a long while.

The bare minimum for young adults and above (adolescents will need less, children DON'T NEED THIS so far).

N Acetyl Cysteine - 600 mg, 1200+ mg if infected with any respiratory virus

Glycine - Same amount as NAC, they work together, potent synergy

Berberine - Too many effects to list here, only benefits on taking it

Nattokinase/Lumbrokinase+Serrapeptasae - For a short while, or after infection, potent antiinflammatories, and dissolve any unwanted proteins

VitaminD+K2 for a while, especially after infection

But the best (and cheapest) tool one can have is both fasting (24 to 72 hours) and a lower carbohydrate diet.

I hope it helps.

NAC can and will help with congestion but I don't feel kids need it, unless they are severely sick.

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In one of the Highwire episodes I watched a while ago, I saw that some health care workers who'd received vaccines and were experiencing neurological damage (eg, uncontrollable spasms), had been prescribed Ivermectin for temporary relief, and it worked. Any idea why that would work?

Asking as trying to find support for people experiencing these type of issues, with most healthcare staff seemingly clueless about how to treat, and clueless about causes, here in Australia. Will read through these threads for more info. Many thanks

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In one of the Highwire episodes I watched a while ago, I saw that some health care workers who'd received vaccines and were experiencing neurological damage (eg, uncontrollable spasms), had been prescribed Ivermectin for temporary relief, and it worked. Any idea why that would work?

Asking as trying to find support for people experiencing these type of issues, with most healthcare staff seemingly clueless about how to treat, and clueless about causes, here in Australia. Will read through these threads for more info. Many thanks

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Any info on Fenben use for marborg type virus including where to get and dosage info? Have you listened to lawyer Todd Callender about new “pandemic “ marborg?

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Fenben you meant Fenbendazole, to treat Ebola viruses ? I am aware but can't seem to find the paper, dosage would vary by weight of the person.

No I didn't listen, but that is a rumor going on for couple years.

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Let us know if you find any info on Fenbendazole use for Ebola like viruses, like Marburg.

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Glutamine, esp MSG makes me really ill.

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Really ? That is a first, ever found out why ? When I first started using, it gave me strong heart burn, and even stronger nausea lol. But when I take with whey, and creatine, it is fine, even when my stomach was really bad.

Well, there are many other supplements you can try, glutamine is just cheap anywhere (I am Brazilian, so I always think more from a third world perspective).

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well i dont know if glutamate itself has the same effects as MSG....but they are NOT fun

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May 19, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Glutamate and glutamine are different. A healthy metabolism has some glutamate, but too much of it is excitotoxic. Glutamine is generally beneficial. Some of it gets converted into glutamate, so balancing levels is a good idea. Low GABA and high glutamate is not good; for example, Amy Yasko's health protocol begins with balancing those two.

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May 19, 2022Liked by Moriarty

thanks for your thoughts on this

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