
I have two addendum unrelated to the article, but in regards to this Substack. First, Substack is a gigantic newsletter company, so it sends an absurd amount of e-mails every hour, and some of my articles may end up in your spam folder sometimes, I have no control over this.

And I also have no control over the following. Something banks simply deny you becoming a paid subscriber and your payment. I also have no control over this and none of the companies involved (Substack, Stripe, the banks) give you a reason to why.

See you all soon. Have a great week.

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Feb 27Liked by Moriarty

Ugh. So is there hope for a solution to fix this? Should we all be drinking Indian snakeroot or taking reserpine?

My mind does not want to believe that this is permanent for everyone, that everyone is damaged in some way even though it may not be obvious at the moment.

I was thinking that with, say, loss of smell and taste, it was due to destroyed cells - a one time bomb of destruction, which may or may not be repaired. But this sounds more like it is an ongoing attack - and not confined to just one organ.

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Feb 28Liked by Moriarty

Hunh. This is, as you say, weird. Are you saying that the folks who developed the spike and mated it to the virus (or made the vaxxx spike on its own from the original viral spike) deliberately altered various pieces of the spike protein to recruit certain endogenous molecules to enable the virus and its spike to survive while it was cycled through a series of animals to develop the final version? To hide it from the immune system just enough so that it would survive longer in a human body so that the other parts of its structure that were designed to create damage could do so for a longer time?

That is not so farfetched if you consider that the vaxxx spike molecule was altered again by the insertion of pseudo-uridine bases to confuse the immune system into a state of inertness so the spike could survive (either as a whole *or* even after it was broken up in the body, or improperly made due to the p-u stop bits) in order to do more damage over time. A growing avalanche through the body of spikes and bits of spikes hiding from the immune system while doing more and more damage.

You know, I actually find it difficult to believe that one man, or one group of researchers, or a bureaucratic program overall, even with toss-it-all-in-a-barrel-and-stir kind of luck, could design such an effective molecule as is the spike and also its follow-on vaxxx spike. It gives me the uncomfortable feeling of a conscious, malevolent being acting as puppeteer to a set of people who, without such "inspiration", could not ever have developed something so complex and elegantly malicious. It just seems beyond human-level genius. Remember, you and many others are reverse-engineering this molecule that already exists, but someone, or something, had to create this de novo, without any previous example where he (or it) could steal the recipe.

Maybe it was just smart trial-and-error by a few smart people. Maybe. I suppose it could be. But the more I learn about this molecule, the less I can avoid considering the possibility of elegant malice.

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Wow! Great article. Thank you for you thoroughness and diligence. I believe you are into something fundamental, and we could all do with reading your article a few times to digest it.

As for solutions; I do daily exercise to increase BDNF, essential to maintain brain health, along with nicotine 1mg to prevent anticholinergic effect, plus choline. Also take MCP to prevent oncogenesis of viral spike, and Inulin sugar to prevent leaky gut vagal penetration of the gut/brain axis. Any other suggestions?

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Woah. I need to read this a few times. The aspect of interacting inside and outside the cell is important I think

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Mar 5Liked by Moriarty

OT: As you pointed out once to me in a comment, here is further research that backs up your advice to me on methods of getting your analyses into long term memory: Research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology reveals that the meticulous letter formation and precise movements involved in handwriting [out notes] activate more #brain regions associated with learning compared to typing. https://www.ntd.com/handwriting-sparks-more-brain-activity-than-typing-study_977338.html

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Mar 3Liked by Moriarty

Professor - "The fact that CypA, CD147, RAGE, and the Galectin-fold all interact, all participate, and all create negative feedback loops is not only remarkable, but concerning, since these are all Spike-bound, and they are shared by both virus and vaccines."

Not good but excellent sleuthing. Many related systemic spike loops...

Indeed, before one flies into a RAGE look to HMGB1 effect on HS, DNA uptake, chomatin structure; not unrelated Gal-3 pocket mimetic activates immune cells & cytokines, look to IgG4 auto antigen aspect; not unrelated CypA look to APOBEC3 & AID viz what they drive and what happens when hijacked? not unrelated CD147 look to bone marrow & what is the induction of abnormal cell growth? It is what it is and it leads one here Mr. Mulder.. https://youtu.be/twBKfAPlGZY?

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Feb 27Liked by Moriarty

Professor - This is not very good, but excellent work. I will get back to you, its' late... https://youtu.be/V5dA92wqmME?t=109

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Very interesting... Many thanks!

What if this means in laymans terms that the powers that be prepared us to carry multiple synergistic components of a deadly mix, on which macabre songs of choice can be played by distributing a trigger substance (e.g. endotoxin, or othe toxins) in different geo regions at a chosen times, and blaming it on certain specific "novel" viral causes? This complexity is seemingly a very useful hotbed of creating a confusing mix of various theories about the causes, being both plausible and contradicting each other at the same time.

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Feb 27Liked by Moriarty

You and Geoff are keeping me very busy these days! (That’s a good thing.)

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Some good info on CD147 connections in this article:

CD147-spike protein interaction in COVID-19: Get the ball rolling with a novel receptor and therapeutic target


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Bone marrow and mast cells go hand in hand.

Mast cell activation is dominated by numerous inflammatory responses. The idiopathic urticaria and anaphylaxis in my son were blamed on mast cell activation. Why activated? That’s the mystery.

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Hi there I would like to invite you over to my substack if you're interested in vaccine patents or virus patents I have them all come dig through it

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Fascinating and somewhat horrifying read. And how "peculiar" that my dad was diagnosed with Mycosis fungoides shortly after inoculation. Thankfully, by myriad of herbal protocols, he managed to get rid of it. At least for now. I do feel that it will be an ongoing struggle, also for us unvaccinated, but infected. The problems are real and forever evolving, many nerve and brain connected. I do remember reading a lot about CypA and CD147 from Stephen H. Buhner, may his soul rest in peace, who became a great source for fighting ongoing infections (mainly Lyme and co-infections). I find his protocols for post covid syndrome and all the health issues extremely helpful, see here: https://www.stephenharrodbuhner.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/covid-19-2.update.txt.pdf Thank you for all you are doing, know your work is highly appreciated and helpful!

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I continue to wonder how much of this was known in the design of the Wuhan spike and the mRNA shots?

It is instructive for amateurs such as myself, but did the design experts already understand these molecules and their physiology?

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Side topic: My male vegan 51 yr old friend just got a carotid artery scan. The nurse started to chuckle. Said its very rare but he has zero plaque. Hes vegan and into fasting so its either autophagy from fasting did it or no cholesterol due to no eggs etc and dairy.though i think you need choline and eggs give choline. Anyway handy first hand evidence to ponder.

Nice to know some things are reversible as up till 40 he was drinkin smokin burger eating normie.

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