
No hiking this weekend, so I will probably just work. Hopefully next week !

An update. Peptides are doing a lot of heavy lifting. It has been years since I don't experience significant pain on a daily basis (almost none lately). I am happy with my progress =).

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I see Dr Kory's clinic is using peptides - or at least that bpc 157, I think. His partner says from what they're seeing clinically he can't recommend collagen as a supplement as it increases coag. Same with K.

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Reference please? I did several scientific literate searches and did not find a reference to this.

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Scott, the NP who works with Kory, mentioned in one of his online essays that the patients who had labs that stalled in progress turned out to he taking collagen supplements that they had not mentioned in their histories.

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Sep 14Liked by Moriarty

I sort of want to crawl under a rock, but then there is probably some new chimeric pathogen lying in wait under the rock.

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Best thing is just take best care of your health as you can. We can't outrun this thing anymore since it spreads more than measles by a large margin.

Insert "It's all so tiresome" meme here

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Sep 14Liked by Moriarty

Just tested positive for Covid for the first time. The list of symptoms is enormous. A wild ride. Praying for full recovery.

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How are you feeling ? The first infection is often, and usually the roughtest because you are reacting (heavily) to the N protein.

I am of the "kitchen sink" approach, so I usually throw everything I have at hand. I highly recommend (if you have at hand) using Niacin Flush, or Niacinamide, or anything NAD related, nicotine patches/gum is also of great help and whatever antioxidants you have at hand.

Let me know if you need anything else and sorry for the lateness of the reply.

Throw in some activated charcoal at some point soon !!!

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So kind of you to ask. I have Niacin and NAD, and will try.

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By mid 2022 I knew that was the case.

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I have 'stolen' that expression (it's all so tiresome) when I realize how fatigued I am hearing the endless drone of bad news and the absurd silence of the 'experts' who know.

Glad you are better and peptides are working! I know you know this but I continually must remind myself: the mysteries and sheer wonder of Life are given to those 'unlikely' few and Spirit will sustain us in perfect peace.

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Professor - What are the most abundant biological entities on the planet? 10^31 particles = 200M tons of biomass... Phages, and do not forget the VLP's. These "behaviours" were known and expected Mr Mulder.

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The foresight needed to pull this off, at this scale... is beyond me and I am very on the edge of chaos, forecasting mathematics side.

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Sep 14Liked by Moriarty

Hairdresser today told me that Japan has an uptick in strep A - with more developing STSS than before. She is Cambodian and wearing a mask as she's afraid of what she's hearing and seeing. So you're saying this mega monster could be incorporating not just staph but everything it comes in contact with?? This sounds very much like a long slow "death by a thousand insults". Wonderful.

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I have said that this is using every piece of other pathogens to its avail, it is changing how other things evolve and the Spike is designed precisely as a "delivery mechanism" for a bunch of different genes.

I have warned about Strep A and STSS months ago, it is in line with the immune paralysis.

It does sound like that, doesn't it ? That is why I "push" supplementation so much. At this point we went from "survival of the fittest" to "survival of the most supplemented" lol

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BTW I really hate staph aureus

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Sep 14Liked by Moriarty

Four plus decades ago, I worked in what was then the largest women’s hospital in the United States. The first case of which I am aware of Toxic Shock Syndrome due to Staph Aureus was identified there. We heard about it for a time, then just about never, and, now, here we are.

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Wonder if this ultimately results in the end of humanity?

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No, I don't think so, I think we will experience a increase in a vast number of diseases and than many diseases will simply dissapear.

Someone wanted to nudge evolution

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Sep 14Liked by Moriarty

Hmm. I would love to see you follow this thought in an article. I *think* what you're saying is like Prigogine's work on self-organizing complexity. Heating coffee in a cup causes it to go through phases of higher and higher levels of organization of heat-transmitting cells. A little heat gives a Level 1 organization, then there is a brief period of chaotic movement when the coffee thinks through whether it is going to shift to the next or Level 2 organization or dissolve into chaotic movement.

So are you saying that SARS-CoV-2 is the equivalent of heat for the coffee cup, and the immune system is the coffee? We go through a period of great immune stress due to the increased "energy" of the overall system-of-attackers, and if our immune systems can reorganize to absorb this energy and process it at a higher level of efficiency and organization, our immune systems will then be able to handle most other, less energetic disease organisms with ease, and presto, diseases that used to bother us appear to disappear.

Of course, there is the period in between Level 1 and a possible Level 2 where the old pattern breaks down and the new pattern has not yet been chosen to manifest. If we were to get hit by another C19-type of energetic shock at that moment, our immune systems could break into chaotic fibrillation and the people who can't reorganize their immune system will die.

I don't agree off-hand that someone wanted to nudge evolution. I think they wanted power, and the shock of C19 was one of their platforms for gaining power. Nonetheless, their motives don't matter to Life, only their decision to create what turns out to be a massively energetic immune system stimulus for us all.

Interesting concept, Moriarty.

I sure hope you're right that we can successfully shift to a Level 2 immune system!

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