Thank you ! It seems the high incidences of adverse reactions, would drive the drug shortage as well.

The analogy I keep thinking of is, strong Roman gladiators that face wild animals in the arena, as they prove to be survivors, the emperor strips their weapons to prevent the gladiator from fighting back. Entertainment for the elite.

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Decent Resource.

Current and Resolved Drug Shortages and Discontinuations Reported to FDA


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Another point in favor of the iatrogenocide hypothesis.

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I would highly recommend getting a nebulizer, saline n hydrogen peroxide before you need it. There are protocols out there

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big shortage of ibuprofen and paracetamol in Germany.

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I am curious as I have not read anything in your posts about this concept . HERV-K102 is a symbiotic virus that plays a role with immunity and interactions with viruses . The scientist that focuses on the study has made some concerns known about how the shots effect this relationship . I think it’s worth looking into and adding it to the understanding


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Anyone able to share a Means to get things to us w/o scrip? Think it’s time to load up on some stuff. Or is it best to go on vacation to TJ? Lol

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