Black Mirror Series 1 "The Entire History of You" where memories are retrievable and viewable at the click of a button. Nefariously insert trash in there and your whole sense of self could be dislocated, fractured and destroyed.

We're playing with fire.

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If this is what we are up against I don’t see how we stand a chance.

I’m now reviewing all your older posts and an even darker picture is emerging. Damn.

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Interpret it as you should. I even left hints everywhere.

It is a everyone's game now.

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If they can erase memories, then Yuval Harari is right and we are merely hackable animals with no soul. This wont end well. Thinking about Nietzche and killing God and not enough towels to mop up the blood.

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Still on its infancy but yes, you can now manipulate memories even through a genetic approach. It is not as easy as that pile of genetic trash makes to be. Dude is a bullshit seller, a modern Rasputin to the current elites, and they gobble up every asinine thing he says.

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Well said. There have been many Rasputin's. They are predators by nature and the fools that listen are remakes of the same "enlightened" ruling class.

It's so tiresome.

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Thanks for the post. If we are reading about it now they have probably been testing it on the public for quite some time. I wonder if there are any descriptions of sensory experiences during and after the neural interface? Pulsing sound like a generator? Visual effect like pixels or a "net of gems?"

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