May 28, 2022·edited May 28, 2022Liked by Moriarty

John, were you aware of the fact that the Soviets (and now maybe the Chinese) had loaded ICBMs with refrigerated warheads for weaponized versions of smallpox, anthrax, tularemia, and other pathogens for follow up strikes on the US after the initial nuclear first strike?

When the analysts saw what were obviously refrigerated warheads, they said "We knew they weren't sending cold beer."

Imagine what might be in those warheads now, particularly from the Chinese, who bragg they are going to use "Genetic Blo-War" to wipe all Americans out.

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Yes I am aware, but as many books, even the ones funded by the UN itself will show you, the real vector for biowar is...immigration... hehe...

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I thought the SARS-COV-2 virus was the original/Wuhan strain, but that the Omicron strain predates it? If so, how could Omicron be a LAV for it?

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That is an argument by someone really bad at math, and attached to graph analyses and epidemiology.

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It was, which made me wonder if there wasn't an assumption underpinning the graph that the mutation rate was steady/predictable, vs lab created in which case the change rate is meaningless.

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nigeria biolabs based, allegedly, are playing the role of wuhan institute this time around with monkeypox ...


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You clearly missed the entire point lol.

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May 28, 2022·edited May 28, 2022

just sharing info ..

preparedness ... for what??? here is the song in reply to preparedness game by gates at al... everybody knows and thats how it goes ... cest la vie ...


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My point is that you can't prepare and anyone can do it. That is literally what both pieces are about.

Overfocusing on "evil elites", and government labs when private labs and some kid in the middle of nowhere in Germany can cook a plague.

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Seems like if you can farm crypto and cook meth, you can manufacture neurotoxins. Honestly, I'm okay with that risk. It's when the government-corporate alliance does it that I'm not okay with it.

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It's actually worse. If someone has some intelligence, a internet connection and curiosity, he can literally order the toxins and you get free shipping most of the same 👍🏻 (I find the free shipping amusing).

I think both bear risk, but it is the first one I am really concerned, it is bound for major disaster as synthetic biology gets cheaper and cheaper. You can order entire CRISPR kits and lab stuff for a few thousand and do insane stuff.

Like some random anon on Twitter who genetically engineered a bioluminescent fungi that produced a stronger web than spiders do. Don't ask me how he did it 😂

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May 28, 2022·edited May 29, 2022

you cant overfocus enough.

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"We destroyed the program, canceled the order, and I destroyed all the information."

Go back and read the three paragraphs preceding the above quote. Our author was able to order what was needed to make a novel toxin.

Seems to me that we are well on our way to destroying ourselves, which makes Giordano's references to ethics/responsibility comical at best. His hubris, and those of his ilk (including Fauci), knows no bounds.

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What caused the deletion spree?

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I must not be paying proper attention. Did i hear you correctly? Its possible NIH or deepstate or someone concocted an LAV as an airborne vaccine? A crazy unique experiment to stop the pandemic? The pandemic they created in the first place most likely.

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A group of independent researchers, I doubt it was someone connected to the NIH, or anything.

Unless Ralph Baric grew a conscience.

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