Dec 29, 2023Liked by Moriarty

I've seen and noticed it for a little while now, definitely during covid, but now on most youtube channels it seems to be ramping up, and these are just what id call normal content channels aswell (engineering / strength training / food / etc).

I feel it's relatively easy to spot *for the moment* due to the repeating nature of the comment, with only a few words tweaked like your EV example, however give it a few months and it may be much harder to decipher.

It's a shame because the comments are where I find the majority of usual, albeit anecdotal information.

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During Covid it was mostly bots and humans doing it, enough to create some noise, especially the bots, but easy to spot and pick out of the crowd. Now you will see this increasing by exponential margins, beyond saturation point and they can mimic human behavior well.

People ought to remember, this is the worst these agents will ever be. The dumbest, the slowest. From a evolutionary perspective, these are primates.

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In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.

Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.

And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males?

What happened?

Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, while Globohomo diversity brigades go door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before . . .

With the borders of Europe and the USA wide open, civil warfare within the USA, Britain, and most of Europe is a certainty if foreign wars are initiated. Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for that kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley, and I mean nobody.

Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .


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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Let's try a different way of looking at the internet. Say the internet is like the ocean, increasing more like an ecology. We're all submerged and swimming around in it. Let's postulate that there are LLMs and Swarms which are invisible to us (call them "Whales") which are swimming among us and when they swim past us, they push us in a direction they choose.

Let's also postulate that there are forces (good and bad) which have created other LLMs or Swarms which prey on the Whales (call those "Megalodons"). A Megalodon would be designed to identify a specific whale, determine how that whale is doing its "pushing" or manipulations, and then act against that whale somehow, say (as a simple example) by turning all the Twitter tweets created by Whale 1 blue and the tweets created by Whale 2 green or even to cause blue or green tweets to disappear, or is able to insert subtweets that counteract the influence of the Whale's manipulative tweets.

So far, you (Moriarty) seem to be talking about Whales of various kinds. In any ecology, predators usually or should or will arise. If there are white hat forces out there which want to increase the trends which lead us toward your "much more free" world, I would think they would want to create a Megalodon (or many of them) which would be specifically tasked with disrupting the narratives being created and pushed by the many current groups and organizations which want us to be enslaved and are creating whales to push us in that direction.

There were immense amounts of narrative warfare manipulations in the media and social media during Covid and the introduction of the vaxxx bioweapons, all designed to create compliance with the many different real-world actions being pushed by evil politicians and others behind the scenes during those years. (I'm not talking about whales here but rather, more typical manipulations.) There were efforts by white hat forces to counteract these manipulations, but they were significantly weaker. As a result, many people remain asleep and many people have died and will die because the counter-narrative could not out-compete the larger dark manipulations (although their effectiveness is comparatively on the rise over time).

From that, I would assume that there would be some very intense pressures on the white hat community to have not only their own freedom-pushing whales but also their own megalodon(s) to attack and neuter or even turn the whales used by the Evils to manipulate us into slavery.

Any evidence of that yet that you can see? Do you see any evidence of whales deliberately turning on whales or of designed-from-scratch megalodons preying on whales? And if so, is there a predominant "theme" to the predators and their actions? If not yet, then do you think this predator-level Agent will eventually arise and be effective, or am I hopelessly idiotic to think they could exist?

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First Steve, Happy New Year.

Addressing your first 3 paragraphs, that is entirely, as of this moment in time, completely theoretical, but there are many "teams" inside AI research labs working on it, it is inevitable, but once again, it takes an absurd amount of computing power to "Predate" on swarm, than to create and deploy them. Similar to how Iran is bankrupting the US military in some ways by using 20.000 dollar drones that are taken down with hundreds of thousands of advanced munitions.

But these will surface, it is an argument among the AI crowd on how good (they often say open source) AI will beat bad (hostile) AI.

The problem with all proposed approaches is the same, unknown third parties can interject themselves, hijack both sides and control the swarm at any level (whales or predators). For all its advacement and amazing capabilities, LLMs are a security risk like no other. Mimicking the human brain + making the machine be super helpful open up exploitative avenues like no others.

From personal observation, experience and data, both sides engage in that disgusting behavior, but the pro-jab/government was just more sucessful because of size + financing + power structure. Just today there were dozens of people on Twitter annoying me by spouting the same stupid asinine stuff "Alt Covid influencer" spout (minimizing the effects of the viral infection).

As with everything, we will live in the agent/AI arms race where innovation on one side, pushes the other to innovate, but people will get caught up in the crossfire of powerful digital entities fighting between themselves for their goals and tasks. That is why I push people to understand some of my more abstract observations, so they are better prepared.

I have huge hopes for the future, but very little faith on most people. Paradoxical I know.

I hope you have been well, and I didn't forget about your e-mails btw, very sorry for how late I am to reply to them, I will write the reason (personal) in the reply, coming soon-ish.

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Moriarty, I don't know how to say, "Happy New Year" in Portuguese, so you will have to settle for that English version. :-) I hope you have a great year and get into some really seriously interesting "stuff'.

I appreciate your thoughtful reply to my comment. Because of your comments and my own thoughts on the matter, I am currently super-leery of LLMs and think they will very subtly do significant damage to a lot of credulous people. Since I think this year of 2024 is going to be extremely difficult and dangerous (unusually so) but see so much potential in just the next few years to see a much better world, I'm like you - pessimistic near-term and super-optimistic long-term.

Don't worry about replying on-time or late. Holiday seasons give everyone an excellent excuse to be late on everything - except, of course, for celebrating at the appropriate times. :-)

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Thanks for the post.

As someone who grew with the Internet i would like to comment a lot of things, but do not have the time for that lol

I will only say that the amount of time needed to retrain in how to use the Internet is not going to be trivial, and youth does not return...

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I would too, but for everyone time's sake I decided to streamline it. I can gauge the changes in cycles too, but everything started going downhill in 2007 for some odd reason.

I don't think most people will bother to learn how to discern good/bad information, and will just be perpetually manipulated by different Agents.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Moriarty

This is an extension of something that has already been happening for a couple of decades. Your identification of the introduction of ADSL Internet makes sense. The techniques you ascribe to AI and LLM's were already in play through Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. as positive feedback loops through "Social Media."

I became aware of the structure after reading Shoshana Zuboff's "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism" two or three years ago. It is easy enough to see the blatant manipulation but the more subtle nudging gets inside our personal decision loops and is quite difficult to counter.

Happy New Year and a safe, healthy, and productive 2024.

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I simplified for easier understanding but what Google, Facebook and Twitter engage is algorithimic manipulation, you build layers of analytical tools to better serve ads, but you can easily retool these algos for psycholigical analysis and "nudging" towards whatever you want.

AI and LLMs are much more refined and capable in this regard, I could track and prove there are multiple tools like the Nebula one I linked here. It is the primary reason I left Twitter.

Happy New Year and a healthy, productive and blessed 2024 to you as well.

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I believe it is now time for me to go to Heaven. This is too complicated for my brain🤪 The evil people in the world have also gone insane creating chaos whenever they can. Destroying a sane world is the goal. Many have sold their souls to Satan, and willing to do evil anyway they can. Those of you who are good and know about God, please work to save our beautiful America and our Constitution. I’m praying every day.,🙏

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I understanding the sentiment, but to me it is the best time to be alive. For the first time in centuries we have an actual shot at real freedom.

It will take a lot of sacrifice, but we now have a chance, with this technology.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Not only do we have a shot at real freedom, but we have a truly cosmic existential battle to win.

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For those of us new to being aware of all of these "going-ons" would you kindly in a nutshell tell us how that gives us a shot to actual freedom? I am trying to wrap my head around this… And I would love a snippet about that if possible. Including the sacrifice needed.

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Everyone has access to language models. It is as much of a cognitive equalizer, as Colt as an equalizer between human beings.

Start using these tools, it is the only way to understand their potential.

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Thank you for your answer... I appreciate it

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"I believe it is now time for me to go to Heaven."

I know the feeling, Susan! I love being alive ~ but the madness certainly is oppressive!

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And I am old and used to nice, kind, good people that know about God, and all these Evil people make me too sad. I taught school 40 years and loved it. The schools, teachers and many students have changed in their values. When they took prayer out of school, that did it. No values or morals or good character being taught. I remember when America was like Andy Griffith. I traveled a bit, when I was young, met great people, and I was never afraid. America has changed because our leaders, even the ones I trusted, like the Bush’s, have sold their souls to Satan. People have become such narcissist. Social media and TV programming have contributed to this. People value what kind of car they drive more than putting a good, smart person in Congress. We are sinking into the abyss. If it were up to me, there would be no technology, internet or TV’s. Just radio like the 1930’s. Too much information for the human brain, and it corrupts the soul-- because humans are animals and most do not have the ability to control greed. The temptations have become overwhelmingly pervasive . I pray every day for America, and thank God for this once amazing country that loved God and truth.

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Of course this is something our current deep-state/military regime is interested in, so as to control and manipulate its citizens (aka subjects) even more than what's done right now. There's no better way to amass even more incriminating evidence against those who violate the Narrative than to use this AI weapon. It's no longer enough to opt out of social media and its influencers -- the AI will crawl everywhere online to collect its dirt.

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The DoD and the rest of the military are playing catch-up, the point here was everyone has access to this technology, it does not take a lot to employ these "tactics", which is worse than just government using AI for their nefarious purpouses. It will be literally everyone.

There is no point opting out of social media, the moment you use most of the surface web, you are living trails that are being collected, analyzed to "better serve you ads". Which now becomes a entirely different thing, since Language Models can infer a lot of psychological information from those "trails".

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The power of the internet only works well on those who spend too much time on it. Live life, Love Humanity and work towards honest freedom for all.

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The vast majority of the world spends hours per day on the internet, so it is undeniable the impact both the internet and LLMs/AI will have on culture and the population.

As a few predicted before, some people will develop religions centered around AI models.

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