
It is time to "clean house" (cue in that cool Call of Duty mission). I will spend the next 2, 3, maybe even 4 days not writing or researching, but creating a Index that I will publish, with every single science related article I wrote in this Substack linked inside. I have hundreds of articles published here, but a good 150+ are about other subjects.

Given how extensive and complex and the amount of information covered in Things Hidden in Complexity, I will need a few days, since I will also be backing up each and article on its whole.

Paid subscribers don't mind periods of silence, but I prefer openness and letting them and all readers know.

I wish everyone a great weekend.

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Take your time organizing. It certainly will generate lots of content while you are revisiting the articles. I, for one, need a few days to digest this piece and glad I have an autumn weekend to digest it in between walks.

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strike 'organizing' and replace with 'housekeeping' to stick to the Call of Duty. 👍

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Moriarty

NAC helped me removing the fog.

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NAC, Taurine, and creatine is my daily routine. Brain fog good now but last few weeks terrible digestion. I’ve noticed this when I’ve been exposed to shedding it directly goes after my digestion and lower back nerve pain. I had discectomy L4L5 & have arthritis there. Like those nasty shedded spikes seek out your weak spots. 😖

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Whatever they shed will activate your immune syste, which in turn will "hurt" your predisposed areas. Boosting your immune function (CD8 cells) is a good way to mitigate that. Vitamin D, turkey tail are very helpful towards that.

NAC on a empty stomach can cause digestive discomfort problems, because the A (acetyl) can make your gut produce a LOT more acid, taking it with food minimizes it.

I recently added Taurine and I am loving it, my brain is always on fire (in a good way). Hope your gut improves, and if discomfort persists, Glutamine and Arginine are good ways to deal wit hthat (glutamine also boots the immune system).

All the best =).

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Ty so much! I definitely do take NAC on empty stomach in the morning. Wow that just might be it. Both your stacks are amazing btw. Super glad I found them. Take care!

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Thank you. Hope the information you find around is hepful to you (that is the primary goal) =)

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Thanks JP.

My brain was aging quicker just reading this post......

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Writing and researching sometimes entails a similar cost 😆

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But intellectual engagement is good for increasing synaptic connections!

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Keeping with the brain topic, https://www.cdc.gov/prions/cwd/index.html , read this quick blurb and tell me why they say this yet want to inject animals with mRNA that may be prion inducing??

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Because the mRNA people are that arrogant, they think they understand every kinetic of the jab.

Or it is just a scam for money. Both can be true

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2 decent sources of Fucoidan are Wakame and Bladderwrack seaweeds. Fucoidan also binds to spike protein as a Heparin mimetic.

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Indeed, but here I am suggesting Fucoidan as means to deal with more aggressive matters, so getting therapeutic levels from diet would be very difficult.

Otherwise adding seaweeds to your diet are a really smart decision 👍🏻

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Moriarty

I love the topic

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Professor - Your going to see and hear alot of this Mr. Mulder... https://youtu.be/43QHhEfzz-Q?

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Synthetic content made by AI will accelerate.the death of cognition.

Merry Christmas 🙏🏻🎄

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I had a look and Fucoidan was not THAT expensive, it was on a par with branded creatine.

Am I looking at the wrong thing?

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Fucoidan prices can vary by a massive margin. Some of the best brands (the ones used to control severe autoimmune issues) can cost up to 100 bucks.

I have a third world perspective on prices, 100 dollars is a lot of money around these parts ^^

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Long covid=vaccine damage.

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No. There is no scientific evidence for that, and Long COVID existed long before the vaccines.

You can make a distinction between vaccine induced long COVID, and virus induced, but it ain't just the vaccine.

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Perhaps very bad cases of Covid infection but by far there are many more cares of “long Covid” due to the jabs. Long Covid = side effects!

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I personally helped hundreds of infected but never vaccinated. Only Omicron has a significant lower incidence of Long COVID symptoms.

At the cost of worst things down the line. We now have tests to find if the Spike is viral or synthetic so it will be easier to distinguish

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Thank you for writing this, the cognitive struggle is real and I've tried all sorts of supplements in the last year.

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Hope it works, there are other potential supplements that may also help too.

I highly advise you to add thiamine or benfothiamine if you can afford as a long term thing it will definitely help :D

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Appreciate it, we'll see how it goes.

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Hello, Moriarty! I have an article to recommend, not because I completely trust this author but because it dovetails nicely and with a more precise target with stuff you have written. It's pretty short and to the point.

I've been turning over diet types and why they work or which is best for a while now. I was leaning to the Keto Diet for a while but lately have been studying and using the Ray Peat/Georgi Dinkov/Jay Feldman limited-fat diet that sets protein reasonably, then defines the upper limit for fat intake at 30% for healthy people of correct weight or less for overweight people, and then the rest as carbs. I actually find the PDF Diet more effective and workable for me (I'm 72yo, 5'10" and 125 pounds - not much fat on me!). The Keto Diet puts me into a fasted state that works against exercise gains. I can tolerate Time-Restricted Eating for 10-14 hours but not constantly eating Keto.

Reading this article (see below for link) and recalling your comments and relating them to a bunch of other things, I'm starting to come to the conclusion that both diets are good but that they are best applied under different physical states. They aren't competitive but rather, they are complementary. When a person is healthy and not sick, the PDF Diet is the better one, and it promotes high energy. When a person is sick with Type 2 Diabetes (and possibly more broadly, metabolic syndrome overall), using the PDF Diet is more effective more quickly (because that problem is a sugar-fat issue), but the Keto Diet can be used for a couple months for some people before shifting to the PDF Diet. The place where the Keto Diet shines is when the body is under attack from an illness or a bad vaccine or toxin (and perhaps in late-stage aging - I've seen a recent article describing good results with dementia patients where glucose processing is breaking down in their brains). It mobilizes the body's defenses, doesn't feed the virus, clears damaged cells, and helps the body use inflammation appropriately, and feeds non-glucose energy pathways.

Where this article meets the above is that the use of the supplemental ketone, BHB, "crosses over" and adds to both diets, regardless of how different the two diets are or the situations in which they each are best applied.

I'd like to know what you think of my attempt to bring a little order into the Diet Choice Wars, as well as the efficacy of BHB in both (perhaps differently dosed), if you have a little time. Here's the article.



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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023Author

I was the one who "hinted" that moron towards BHB years ago, when I thought he was a genuine. I reactivated my account recently and can easily find the tweet.

Otherwise you can see me telling people to supplement BHB as a stop gap since I started this Substack.

I also wrote recently about that very same subject. Make out that what you will. Feel free to email me too 😄

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Yup. And I did. :-)

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I have been working with people for 30 years to improve their health with diet. No two people need the exact same advice. It really depends on where their starting point is followed by what they want to do with each of their compartments.

Do they primarily want to lose excess fat, gain muscle, clear visceral fat, promote detoxification?? Do they need to rebalance their vitamins and minerals, improve their gut health, balance their hormones.

So it really matters where they are staying from and their other health issues. It’s rarely ever just about the weight. If someone focuses just on weight, they will not do as well.

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Absolutely, yes, Doc. However, just to be clear, I was not focusing on weight but on whether I feel healthy and want energy and to signal abundance to my body or am getting ill with something and want to shift my body to reduce glucose, slow down, and focus on controlling and strengthening my immune system. I have no idea how many different diet types are out there, and I do know that different people have very different needs or goals. I just was listening to a guy who finds a vegetarian diet clears his mind for remote viewing. I tried a vegetarian diet 40 years ago and felt better for a few years as issues cleared but then got very sick from it and returned to a more omnivore (but this time organic) type of diet and thrived. I was just exploring something here - should we think of diet as something we do all the time the same diet, or do different diets do different things to the body and apply at different times or under health versus illness situations? Maybe the debate over which diet is right for any particular person is a misnomer. As it seems to be in so many debates, maybe it's not an issue of either-or but both-and. Perhaps each of us needs a small repertoire of a few different diets that we can apply like tools to the various situations we find ourselves in over time. Kind of thinking out loud here, trying to get a different perspective.

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Typo Alert!:

"To connect those pesky dots. Herpes Simples 1 can enhance senescence . . . "


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My Brazilian Portuguese showing itself.

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