I just got home from food shop, intending to restock up on pasta & peanut butter. A couple weeks ago, Supermarket brand whole wheat spaghetti was holding steady at $1.25/lb. Today: $2.00/lb.

Luckily, tucked away behind a poorly placed promotion stand, I found a closeout sale on imported organic whole wheat spaghetti for $1.29/lb, so I bought all 13 boxes of it.

Last week meats were on sale. It spurred me to quickly de-ice my deep chest freezer & stuff it with an additional 15# or so of chicken, burger & pork chops.

Food shopping is getting weird. I just cruise aisles looking for specials.

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I have a local group of friends, and we are all working on prepping together; pressure canning meat, pickling eggs etc. I got all the basics a year ago, I will add to that stock. I just contacted my stepsons today to see if they wanted to prep together. I hope they say yes. We planned for it last year, but they didn't get anything. They are in their 30s and sometimes at that age you don't want to see what's coming, or you can't.

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One of my local grain suppliers told me many local wheat farmers aren't planting right now because California won't supply water. Instead they're dumping water in the ocean. This keeps profits high for water resellers with political connections

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The heavily vaccinated Australian population continues to struggle with record surges of deaths associated with the novel coronavirus. But how could that be the case with nearly the entire population vaccinated? While the COVID-19 vaccines do not stop infection nor viral transmission, they have been shown to at least, reduce serious disease and death. Yet as TrialSite has chronicled, in heavily vaccinated nations from South Korea to New Zealand and Australia, the deaths associated with COVID-19 continue to soar. Now, the mainstream press in Australia acknowledges the growing breakthrough COVID—19 hospitalizations and death toll yet doesn’t raise any critical questions.

As covered in the Sydney Morning Herald, COVID-19 related deaths have hit 7,495 based on health department data. As TrialSite reported, in the first months of 2022 (now four), more than double as many persons have died than during all of 2020 and 2021 combined. That’s right: 5,269 Australians have died since January 1, 2022, out of the total 7,495. With little media attention anywhere else, COVID-19 went from the 38th leading cause of death in 2020 to the second next to cancer by January 2022, based on a review of statistics from the Australian Board of Statistics, report Chloe Booker and Najma Sambul.


Injected CovIDIOTS I speak to blame this on a 'dangerous flu'... can't be Covid because they are all injected so to acknowledge that would be to admit the injections are useless.

Actually if they intelligent they'd come to the conclusion that the injections are actually making the situation worse.

But they won't - cuz they are MOREONS... what they will do is get flu shots -- and more Boosters.

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I suspect this is a controlled demolition of the food supply -- it's not a great idea to leave food on the shelves for the hordes to fight over when the goal is to reduce violence to a minimum.

I suspect Shanghai is a dry run for the end game --- let's see what 26M people do when we lock them down and make food difficult to acquire ... hmmm.... they do what they are told - no riots. Great. (my contacts in Shanghai tell me that the only way they can get food delivered is to make group purchases within their compound... and even then... it's dicey)

Now when Devil Covid and delivers epic deaths -- people will self-lockdown and not come out even if they are hungry.

I suspect this is how it plays out --- Devil Covid wipes out huge numbers -- and the rest starve.

Anyone who survives this (remote tribes...) is wiped out when the 4000 spent fuel ponds are no longer managed... and start to spew their deadly contents for centuries.

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