I sent the CDC a message that if they vote for this it is iatrogenocide and they should be prosecuted as such.


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Thank you so much!

Lots of good luck with your relative. BEST WISHES!!!

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35 years ago, my brother's first kid was born with a heart defect and died a week after birth. The child's death pushed my kinda nutty sister-in-law completely over the edge, and made my brother hate life.

I can't imagine what an entire world of children dying would do to our human psyche.

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At a small conference for cardiologists in Austria, they had been keeping their own estimates for myocarditis rates in young people following the shot. These are incredibly smart experts. They estimated a one in six rate for teen boys based on what they were seeing, but said it was possible that all of us were experiencing heart damage and didn't recognize the symptoms or choose to go to the hospital for having a hard time climbing up stairs. They were also not sure what was going on with girls because the classic markers were positive in boys but they hadn't figured out which parameters to find a signal in girls. Parents are not told the reason but the doctors know amongst themselves.

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Even though we've had 2.5 years of people accepting the unacceptable, it's difficult to see people going along with mandatory mRNA for kids. Uptake has been extremely low in this group, as well as in older people with regard to the new booster. The vaccine is clearly falling out of favour with all but the most fanatical. I can't see them getting very far with forcing it upon every child.

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It’s bizarrely complicates one hypothesis. Which is that this was about our social security liability. That is to say, Baby Boomers are retiring and our demographic structure wasn’t able to sustain their benefit expectations with a generation which is so much smaller (for the first time ever?). But, if that was it, it is counterproductive to take out the generation which can fuel the economy in the future. This is legit eugenics.

The only question we need to get an answer for, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, is which of our rulers didn’t get vaxxed, but pretended they did

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

This is an uncharacteristically wobbly piece. I'm a fan of what you're doing, and enjoy reading your Substack. The message, that we should oppose COVID-19 vaccines in children, is one which I wholeheartedly support. But the periphery around this worthwhile call to arms is fractured and, in my opinion, can lead people to discount the importance of the topic at the heart of the piece. Let's start with the deaths from "unknown" causes. In the context of the piece, there can be no misunderstanding the connection you're intimating, the conclusion you want your readers to come to without having to explicitly say it. Vaccines are responsible for these sudden deaths because of the "overwhelming damage" they cause. When you're not patting yourself on the back for the perspicacity of your observations, you're venerating Japanese scientists--as if scientists from other nations can't possess the same "moral" magic you ascribe to the Japanese. The findings of the pre-print are worthy of consideration, but they're hardly commiserate with the rhetoric you used to describe the vaccine and the connection you've left your readers to make between vaccines and these "unknown" deaths.

We've known since the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 that the virus can cause havoc throughout the body--including catastrophic cardiac complications. We've also seen an increased incidence of cardiac complications in India, where mRNA vaccines weren't used. If it's solely the mRNA, that's some powerful mRNA, traveling across the world. This would lead one to reason that perhaps there is something other than mRNA vaccines responsible, no? There is also the question of the incidence of myocarditis resulting from vaccination when compared to infection. Yes, it is possible there exists significant subclinical myocarditis among the vaccinated, but wouldn't the same also be true of those who had "mild" COVID-19 cases? How many of them are getting echos?

Now we're moving on to why you oppose the vaccination. You're making some safe predictions here, safe because what we know about SARS-CoV-2 and its propensity to attack multiple organ systems means there never will be a future without--that a lot of children are going to die in the next few years and there will be an unprecedented number of neurological complications. We know the vaccines don't prevent infection, we know their efficacy degrades rapidly, that there exists the potential for complications--lethal complications--and that there may be little actual protection afforded even by the bivalent vaccines against rapidly emerging variants. These are reasons enough to oppose a vaccine YOLO strategy. The insanity of our approach--neglecting public health measures like air filtration, high-efficiency masks, etc. is mind blowing. Try as you might, I don't think it's possible to come up with a worse strategy than the one we're implementing.

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The non-effectiveness should’ve been enough to stop(people from taking it). The quick excess deaths are the ultimate alarm. The helping to set up the control slave grid is the background alarm. And the extra deaths that will occur when someone dies landing a plane/driving/surgery/mechanics/food processors/etc + logistics & supply problems of annihilated competent work force are the nails in our collective coffin. If you are continually naive, they believe you deserve death. Notice how the Tower of Babel is always leaning depicted in art. They will never get back in heaven. Their attempts will always skew sideways.

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The police and mother of the softball player are saying she died of a possible fentanyl overdose since she just came home from a party and died the next morning. If it was the vaccine, reminds me of that drummer who didn't do drugs but the media was making him into a druggie after he died of probable vaccine heart damage.

I think the singing is the same as swimming, and the same as my friend who has chest pain during flights now; the pressure that builds up in the chest from those activities puts an extra strain on the heart (along with the cardiovascular requirements of singing and swimming).

It's all sad to see, and I can feel I'm coming to terms with it. It's going to continue. 🙏❤️

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“Because Japanese researchers are often among the best in the world, don’t with a strict moral compass.” ??

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