In addition to seizures we're seeing MS patients show up with new incontinence, asking the doctors why they suddenly have this drastic change. Doctors label it as a worsening of MS symptoms, case closed.

Kind of a bummer to be an adult in diapers after following what the TV and workplace said to "stay safe".

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Any person with a CNS or neurological condition will often have a very skewed tryptophan metabolism, with their blood having high levels of Kynurenine metabolites.

Another aspect of the incontinence (one that I didn't covered yet but mentioned) are the beta adrenergic receptors, which the virus or latent viruses may engage and cause all sort of months long problem (in some life long, sadly).

There are quite a few topics I keep postponing writing about, even though I did a ton of research because there is no "light at the end of the tunnel" besides absurdly expensive treatments if you are one of the people afflicted by them. Feels bad.

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Mar 24, 2023·edited Mar 24, 2023

That's very interesting about the beta adrenergic receptors, because that has relevance for the incontinence treatment options. There is a variety of different medications that target different receptors, and depending on which specific group of cells is problematic on an individual patient with incontinence, a medication may or may not be relevant. I'd be interested to read your findings on those receptors, when you feel inspired to write it up. That could be at least some light at the end of the tunnel for patients and treating doctors.

Tryptophan: lots of suddenly worsening Parkinson's cases as well, which of course never get connected to possible vax contribution.

This was just published by Dr. Jesse Santiano, whose blog I recommend to everyone to subscribe to:


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I imagine there is no light at the end of the tunnel!

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Yeah, I'm sure a lot of vaccine side effects are missed because so many possible side effects, like chronic inflammation or capillary blood clotting or mitochondria changes, will flare up peoples' pre-existing conditions. So sad.

Even when a drastic change, like sudden incontinence, occurs after a vaccine injection, doctors defensiveness keeps them from attributing it to the vaccine. Doctors have a really hard time admitting that they've injured someone with a drug. An example of this is my niece got chicken pox days after getting the chickenpox vaccine. My sister went to the doctor and the doctor denied that my niece had chicken pox, even though she was sitting there with bumps all over her body. My sister said the gaslighting was so tough to take.

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Hilarious. And the chickenpox vaccine is a live vaccine: you're not supposed to be around pregnant women after getting it because it can even be passed on - that's in the basic medical instructions that the doctors need to convey to the patients. You may want to keep an eye on your niece and the timing of how frequently she gets sick with colds etc. It may be that she is one of the people who have a slight difference in the way her immune system responds, and that's helpful to be able to identify.

I'm betting that a majority of negative effects from this vax are not identified as such because the most vulnerable people are those who already have pre-existing named conditions or symptoms, and as you say, new symptoms are simply attributed to the pre-existing condition. This means any statistics we are looking at for vax injury are drastically under-estimated. We're relying on the healthiest of the population to keel over on the playground to be the canary in the coalmine.

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Ah, I didn't know that about the chickenpox vaccine, thank you.

This is such a good point - "We're relying on the healthiest of the population to keel over on the playground to be the canary in the coalmine."

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Thank you, JP. I am going to reread this, probably twice more to get more of it into my long-term memory.

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Take notes on paper, literally, it helps with information retention A LOT, I personally do it, I am a big fan of traditional way of taking notes, they already tried and digital doesn’t have the same effect. That might help you remember more complex information and make connections on the fly too.

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I agree! Thank you. I decided to do just that. so, I've been using those composition/lab books for your deep dives, and some of the papers where I have look up definitions, acronyms to keep track of. I can refresh my memory easier (and my memory these days needs that help) print and fasten helpful illustrations, graphics, and take notes from videos.

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Quinolinic Acid, via Kynurenine pathway, stimulated by Endotoxin in the mRNA jabs is associated with MS. The process could therefore be quick, worsened by boosters.

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I wrote about it months ago. The endotoxin come from outside the mRNA vaccine as well, at a much larger quantity.

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Yes, great work thanks. The Endotoxin in the jab goes into blood better than that from leaky gut and Lipid A is about 50,000 times more toxic than the larger E coli cell fragments. Much smaller than Insulin.

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sorry, never saw an MS patient dying suddenly... Also SARS-CoV-2 N proteins are not in the genetically modifying injections..

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For some reason, the website do not let me reply to you, only you, keeps giving me a error. I have seen a couple of people dying like this (fast, aggressive) but never so young, and so fast. I also thought I was clear that often these outcomes are a byproduct of mRNA vaccine+breakthrough infection, this is something quite a few autopsies and many, many of the non-fatal cases have in common, the mRNA is the first salvo, the second (third, fourth sometimes) salvo is the infection and its after effects.

A good portion of the vaccinated to no properly seroconversion to the other proteins of the virus, including the N protein, which is a massive problem, because the other proteins all have pathogenic effects at one level or the other, with the N being a fairly strong one in this aspect, you can find me saying this months ago in my Substack, and 2 years ago on Twitter. The N is necessary for proper immune response and especially viral clearance.

I also don’t think there is a one size fits all, with both virus and mRNA.

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1) Note that the 2nd MRI showed some cerebral venous thrombosis, not really commented in the autopsy findings. Likely a result of his Covid injection, as it was well before his clinical infection.

2)No histochemical stain for spike protein in the brain histology. This would have been interesting, I have seen some reports of this technique since Dr. Bhakti's publication.

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Yes, I suspect it was the shedding, I still hold the observation that the vaccinated shed exosomes containing components of the mRNA vaccine and endotoxins and probably pieces of the Spike Protein.

And the eye in a known vector for entry too. Don't think you have anything to worry about though.

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