Thank you for keeping these unfolding social dynamics on our radar. 👍🏼

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Hi John,

Monitor Pakistan closely, its next.

The country is bust and even the Chinese refuse to bail out the government.

Sri Lanka will look like a kindergarten conpared to the unrest coming.

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May 17, 2022·edited May 17, 2022

As far as the situation in the West countries, that will be inevitable pretty soon.

The more wealthier they are the more idiot and brainwashed are.

Sometimes I hope Russia will drop the bomb. Don't see any hope for future adults to grow in a kind of democratic state as I partially did. Neo Nazi are winning and Putin and Russia are not enough to denazificate all the West. Don't understand all the hesitations of China that should go straight on the side of Russia and strangle UCA financially. The don't need to fire a bullet, just press SELL...


UCA is for United Criminals of America, the real nature of USA since centuries

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I'm wondering what's going to be up in Somalia, now that Xiden has decided to bomb & invade them.

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Your thoughts on the next few places to devolve as Sri Lanka has...

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