a friend was infected almost 2 years ago, regained some of her taste sense, but everything tastes different than before, she says, and barely regained any sense of smell. She is going from one doctor to another naturopath (who IMO is not a naturopath at all). I hope she gets help, but running from one to another doc does not do much good so it seems.

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Did she tried any of my reccomentations, such as Choline ? Nicotine can also help sometimes if there is persistent long-term inflammation in the nerves and the cells in the "nose". You can take both.

Rarely some people experience improvements with Niacin Flush and/or Tryptophan.

Otherwise her last resort would be... peptides.

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Any besides bpc? I never read of these things until you and now I'm seeing them mentioned at clinics... dr Kory, formerly with flccc, uses them among others.

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Kory reads me hehe. BPC-157, TB-500, there is a whole host of choices literally so many. These are usually my base recommendations for most problems. If you have a specific issues in mind let me know and I will see which peptide is best for that.

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Aug 29Liked by Moriarty

I have a friend in exactly the same position. She feels that her life is ruined at this point - it's very sad. I have always encouraged her to concentrate on eating eggs for the choline but she often can't stomach them because of the severe dysguesia. What dosage of choline would you suggest JP?

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500 mg is what I recommend to most people.

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Aug 28Liked by Moriarty

I lost my sense of taste and smell (along with 1/3 of my hair) with the 2021 version of the “original”. I took a prescription of ivermectin and I think that helped a lot.

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IVM can also be bery helpful to stop inflammation. I am not a big fan of IVM abuse (taking all the time), but when needed, it is very helpful.

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I have seen a video recently on youtube claiming the mrna sarscov 2 vaccine did not work due to parasites and it made me love though, because by design the pfizer science should know that it would have been best to promote ivy, then there vaccines would have worked better?? Nah...or the parasites became alive.and wild after getting the spike of covid and the vax perhaps? Kickstart them into turning wild and creating some.cancers...

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Aug 28Liked by Moriarty

oh boy.... I've been contemplating how I should be ordering my life now in the event this 2 yr anosmia leads to brain function loss. Ugh... one day at a time.... but contrary to the study... it has not affected my decision making at all. I've never been good at making decisions, taking 4 yrs to decide on which car to buy... lol.... my question is... 1)would taking certain supplements, nicotine, enzymes, etc... kick the offending critter out and allow the body to heal or is this permanent damage? The brain is very plastic if damage isn't too severe. And 2) is every exposure to the spike another nail in the coffin or is the body able to search and destroy before it does more damage? And along those lines... here in US they seem to be deploying multiple things at once -- EEE in Massachusetts, West Nile and now some ridiculous sloth virus... well... I'm not sure they are really here or it's just more fear propaganda but past history makes me believe the worst.

Also.... do you have a ko-fi link?

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1) The brain is very plastic regardless of damage, I am the living, breathing, somewhat thinking proof of that, all depends on how much damage you have, sometimes you need the big guns (peptides).

Nicotine, Benfothiamine, And especially Choline (often sold with Inositol) will definitely help with getting the nerves back in order, so is exogenous ketones in case you don't want to adhere to strict ketogenic diet.

2) The body will deal with the Spike Protein regardless, it is not a nail in the coffin, but the slower the body gets rid of Spike fragments, and viral fragments, the more inflammation and dysfunction you have persisting around.

I do not think they are deploying. I decided not to make it overly complex (after all, it is already complex as it is with just a few articles linked), but this is entirely an side-effect of Omicron infections (vaccinated with more dysfunction, but unvaccinated are also getting sick).

It is affecting how we deal with so many pathogens. Some of it is fear propaganda, but I prefer keeping an eye on single data points. As I said something, I often thrive on those N=1 =P.

My Ko-Fi link -> https://ko-fi.com/thingshidden

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Sep 23Liked by Moriarty

Thank you for this reply!! I missed it somehow.

Yrs ago I nearly died from hepatitis A. Nutritionist put me on 3000 mg choline.... which came with inositol, methionine, iodine and a few other things in very small amounts..... and in 3 days the clinical symptoms were gone (dark brown urine, white stool, near coma) Still took 2 yrs to fully recover but choline, plus strict diet, saved my life.

I happened to have bought choline in bulk last month for liver/ gallbladder support but forgot about it... lol... a sure sign I need to get on it before my kids sign me into a care home.

I did find your Kofi link by looking thru past articles. Substack should offer one time gifts option but I'm just happy they still exist at all.

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Substack system is so weird lately that even we, writers, have been missing a lot of replies, and messages I don't know what is going on. Damn, sad to read that but also happy ar the end because Choline among other things helped save your life. We all need extra choline now, we needed before and now COVID is just eating many nutrients away, if that makes sense.

Substack wants that recurring revenue 😆 one time gifts wouldn't make them lots of money, at least they are not opposed or "ban worth" on using external methods for the one time gifts. 😊

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Professor - "It has been my argument for a couple of years now that the virus is persisting in the CNS, somehow." It's the salt of the earth Mr Mulder

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For some, that is still unthinkable. Yet...

Anyway, I have meant to send you a private message but... life in the last 7 weeks have been extremely rough (but with one major blessing), so I just wanted to say I really appreaciate all your messages. In the past 8 months you have contributed a lot to my deeper understanding of SARS-CoV-2, I am often reminded of my mentor-friend in that regard.

Best regards !

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Professor - Your welcome and thank you for the kind words. Your also welcome to PM anytime. My double entendre above is literal and figurative. Seek it and ye shall find Mr Mulder.

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Sure enough...🤔

(baseline cerebral blood flow (CBF))

(cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2))


Test-Retest Stability of Calibrated BOLD-fMRI in HIV− and HIV+ Subjects

... Our results demonstrate that calibrated BOLD-fMRI measures have excellent stability within healthy controls. In contrast, these values have greater variability in clinically stable HIV+ subjects and may reflect alterations in coupling between CBF and CMRO2 with disease.


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Oh, a lot of these recent articles of mine, you can grab the mechanism and add HIV on Google and it will be there.

In 2021 I asked (without getting any answer), if the virus mutated the Insert/HIV mimics, would their effects remain ? Change ?

Well, we now have part of the answer.

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My husband couldn't stand fried onions for months after covid which he got in the icu while having a triple bypass... although they do say you also experience anosmia as side effect of the bypass surgery...

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Oddly enough, onions are a great source of glutathione, master antioxidant, so I find curious he couldn't stand precisely that food.

Anosmia is a very rare side effect after operations, espeially ones such as impactful as triple bypass. So I guess both aided to that, surgery start, Covid took the opportunity to its fullest.

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I had complete anosmia with what I’d guess was Delta in 2021. (unvaxxed) After about a week I began doing the “smell exercise” therapy I read about online. Another week and the sense returned. I don’t know, maybe it would have returned if I’d done nothing. Might be worth trying though.

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Thx for the suggestion.. I did try that within 2 wks of losing it... seemed to be returning, was delighted to walk into a soap shop and smell the scents! 2 days later it was totally gone, totally dead, no hints of anything, just blank. I tried nicotine but only at 3.5mg dose, going to try again at 7. Oddly, I can now smell bad car exhaust and occasional chemicals.

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Also do you consider ivermectin and fenbendazole interchangeable? To close, what of the somewhat permanently stuffy nose (perceived as allergies) affecting smell? And are we talking about the total loss of smell or weakened smell, loss of subtle odors?

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Sorry to be a dummy but what’s the FCS?

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How to take choline?

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If you can't eat a bunch of eggs per day (best natural source of choline), you can just buy the supplement and take it in the morning or with lunch (I take with lunch).

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Raw organic eggs from an Amish farm are best. Otherwise, lightly cook, keep the yolk runny.

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I suspect Long Covid = 99% Long Vax... and 1% Long Covid....

I actually do not know anyone with Long Covid ... but I know literally dozens who have vaccine injuries... cancer, heart damage, clots, neuro disease... in fact I know 4 people who died from Long Vax... and two more soon to die with turbo cancer (one pancreas... one stomach)

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I personally know hundreds of Long Covid patients without vaccines. I also have tracked thousands upon thousands of patients on social media, doctors who treated hundreds, the list goes on.

It would be better to say 50% Covid, 30% vaccine, 20% small damage from the vaccine + the rest of the mile from a breakthrough infection

I also know a few dozen people with signficant or severe damage from Omicron infections, including accelearte cancers, no vaccines.

Turbo cancers however, so far, are entirely and only a vaccine byproduct.

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"It would be better to say 50% Covid, 30% vaccine, 20% small damage from the vaccine + the rest of the mile from a breakthrough infection"

I am told the spike in covid and the vaccines is the problem ... along with the LNPs which are only in the vax.

The vax has thousands of times more spike than a covid infection -- and we are told the vax continues to produce the spike indefinitely.

So how can the unvaxxed be experiencing these side effects in greater numbers than the vaxxed?

I struggle with you knowing hundreds of unvaxxed people with Long Covid... I know a lot of people... and I know of maybe 20 who are unvaxxed. I was playing in one sports league at the time ... with around 200 members... the unvaxxed were banned from playing... I was one of 5 who were banned...

Do these hundreds of unvaxxed divulge their medical history to you? From my experience most people like to keep that info private.

Not a single unvaxxed person that I know has complained of long term symptoms... on the other hand dozens of vaxxed people have let me know they have never ending symptoms... not only severe ones like myocarditis... but many have told me they have headaches... brain fog... hair loss... etc... the only reason they tell me is that they are totally f789ing pissed off with being lied to about Safe and Effective.

We are a family of 4 - all unvaxxed. All had covid once. We have had no residual effects.

My brother - also family of 4 - all unvaxxed. All had covid once (one twice) - no residual effects.

How many vaxxed are experiencing these symptoms but too embarrassed to admit it because that would involve admitting they were wrong. And of course many of these Vaxxers mocked those who refused the shots... so they are hardly going to admit they are wrecked.

I am calling bullshit on those numbers.

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You do realize I have been doing this since 2020, and I have been ahead of almost everyone else ? I have known hundreds of Long Covid people because they come looking for help when doctors minimize their symptoms.

I often tell them what to do to improve, and which blood tests to take based on their symptoms, they ask their doctors and are suddenly diagnosed with Long Covid.

They don't need to divulge their medical history, just their overal diseases, chronic conditions but especially the values on their blood tests if they have some.

No scientist so far has proved the vaccine produces Spike indefinitely that is narrative.

The unvaccinated are not experiencing these side effects at larger numbers than the vaccinated, but they are getting sick. That is the point I am trying to make.

You can browse my Substack and waste a day or two and read comments on how things I wrote "saved my life". "I recovered from lymphocytes at AIDS level", the list goes on.

I care about the science.

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It would be better to say 50% Covid, 30% vaccine, 20% small damage from the vaccine + the rest of the mile from a breakthrough infection.

Perhaps I misread that but I interpret this as that 50% of the problems are being caused by contracting Covid.

To reiterate... the spike and the LNPs are the causes of the symptoms... unvaxxed have minimal spike compared to the vaxxed... and no LNPs...

If my interpretation of your comment is correct then logic dictates that those who contracted Covid but did not vax... should not be experiencing such high levels of problems

Peter McCullough ... assuming he is not an embedded agent from the Ministry of Truth (there are so many on SS so how can one know https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/substack-a-ministry-of-truth-production)... said early on that Long Covid is a thing ... as is Long Flu ...

But both are quite rare.

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Aug 28Liked by Moriarty

I am in a family of 7 unjabbed, we've all had it about 3 times. The Mrs had it bad in November 2019, and according to local (UK) GP something nasty was going round. In hospital she had 2 consultants gave her their opinion they didn't know what it was, but they thought it was something viral. Number 2 small person (16) has been in bed for more than a year now with chronic fatigue, he was pretty bright, slowly starting to surface hopefully. Suspect number 3 small person may have been compromised mentally a bit (11). My brain is suffering. I am an engineer and need to use it for work. It is a problem. Its like putting foot on thinking gas pedal and nothing happens. I gain some resuscitation from nicotine, but warry of taking it all the time (2mg chew a day, current experimental dose). Just ordered some choline, interested to see how that goes. Moriarty has my back and is my hero.

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Can someone please explain how the unjabbed who had covid could be in worse shape than the jabbed ...

When the jabbed have huge amounts of spike and LNPs surging through their bodies.... when these two things are what are causing all the damage.

By comparison Covid involves miniscule numbers of spike and no LNPs.

I have two good friends with myocarditis... with both of them the problems started literally within hours of the shot.

One is a semi pro hockey player... the other is in his early 40's and was a serious runner.

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From what I am reading, no one is stating that covid is worse than the jabbed. I think the endotoxins in the jab alone make it more problematic. However, BOTH are still bioweapons! Stay strong Eddy.

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Depends on what we are talking about. Myocarditis in younger people is most in younger people in regards to vaccination, also in anyone with lower body fat (LNPs are fat, and fat wants to stay with fat, if there isn't much fat around, so sometimes they target the fat in the heart).

The mRNA vaccines are significantly worse than the infection, but I don't know where did you get the "Covid involved minuscule amounts of Spike", when each virus particle has quite a few Spikes, and Omicron is N0 24. That means it replicates at an abusrd level, times above Measles, one of the most "transmission efficient" diseases there is. The flu R0 pales in comparison.

You literally gave the answer why your 2 friends had myocarditis. Sportmans at a very high level, potentially low body fat. Runners have a very skrewed immune system, I know a few ones that read my Substack and emailed me who got injuried by... the virus. Only one by the vaccine, but recovered now (lots of peptides).

It is what Mark said. I am saying the virus, LONG-TERM will be a problem if people don't take care of their healths. As one of my readers brilliantly put.

"The vaccinated just took the express lane."

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At one point I drove my hockey mate to the emergency because he was having severe chest pain .... the attending doctor called a cardiologist and I listened to the discussion on speaker phone....

The cardiologist said - and I quote -- my phone doesn't stop ringing with GPs asking for help with treating fit young men with heart problems after the vaccine.

He did not mention covid

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Hi, otherwise I am pretty healthy. Its almost comical how susceptible the jabbed co workers in my office are. We have had 2 rounds of covid so far this year iirc, with multiple people off for a week or so, oh and the coughing. Subsided now mercifully. Whereas I suspect I may have had it couple of month ago in the second wave, but manifested as a slight sniffle.

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I’ve had difficulty with the poor prognosis for the unvaxxed who just got sick. I probably had it twice; I wouldn’t test because I was pretty convinced they were putting prion stimulants on those swabs since there are plenty of ACE2 receptors on the internal cheek walls. The standard symptoms, fatigue, some nausea, brief sore throat. The first round was Feb 2020 before it was even announced, 2nd round November ‘21. The last was tougher, seemed quick, like 72 hours but I got going too quick and relapsed a bit- just fatigue really for another 10 days. Took some Amoxicillin which may or may not have helped, pumped quercetin, magnesium, zinc, etc. I did lose smell for real, but I had been congested for months before it. It came back, the smell. Hubs who’s dblvxed and boosted wont test either, but he’s had and he’s got cognitive issues, considerable energy loss and I suspect he has cancer but he’s too witty to even look into it. The unvaxxed I know are banging, but the vaxxed are dicey, illogical, on satellite delay. Also, I think we need to throw the monoclonal antibodies into the mix as I suspect they were loaded with the vaxx.

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Given they were hell bent on getting as many people as possible injected with the Rat Juice... and knowing the precarious state of the global economy as described here https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

I am wondering if there is a mechanism in the Rat Juice shots that has primed them for detonation .... and that when the central banks lose control of the situation and are unable to kick the can...

The vaxxers will be detonated... to ensure that 8B are not left in the dark with no food ripping each other to pieces....

Perhaps the immune systems of the vaxxers has been compromised... and The Lab will release a special surprise that kills the vaxxers.

I know Bossche says we will eventually get a deadly mutation ... but that could take forever... meanwhile China is in a world of hurt... and the US is being held together with a trillion dollars of new debt every hundred days... what cannot continue will stop...

They certainly did not inject billions with this shit for the $$$... if it was about money they'd have not poisoned everyone and instead used a benign substance...

I am quite keen - and somewhat fearful --- to find out what the end game will be

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he’s had it/ and he’s too wifty not witty!

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deletedAug 30Liked by Moriarty
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I am still waiting for a response to my question:

The spike and the LNPs are causing the damage... so how can it be that Covid sufferers who have a fraction of the spike and ZERO LNPs in their bodies... are experiencing more symptoms than the vaxxed.

Waiting... and waiting ... and waiting....

And wondering ... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/substack-a-ministry-of-truth-production

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Aug 28Liked by Moriarty

Lots of stage 4 cancers discovered in my highly vaxxed town.

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So far, in my opinion, turbo cancers will remain solely a mRNA byproduct. But "normal speed" cancers will start increasing, some types, others may vanish.

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The best Turbo Cancer story I have is a mate who lives in another country .... very pro Vax... (also pro Tesla ... that's how easily he is played).... super healthy guy ... surfer ... fit... eats healthy ... does not drink much ... low stress life...

Out of nowhere pancreatic cancer... docs are baffled... no cancer in the family ... does not fit the profile...

As he is about to get chemo they give him another shot of Rat Juice... cuz chemo will hit his immune system so don't want Covid killing him he is told...

Heart attack.

The docs check him out ... perfect cardio health... again baffled...

We meet up with him a month or so after all of this ... he's looking worse for wear.. (meanwhile I am feeling great... organic whole food diet... supplements... lots of exercise... never felt better! - oh ... and not death shots) and get this ... he is urging me to get the shots... he has this look of concern on his face for my well-being. There I am looking at this shell of a human ... 3/4 dead... because he shot that Rat Juice... and he still thinks I should take some...

My rejoinder was ... well two of my good mates have serious heart damage from the shots.. NOOOOOOOO!!!! screech him and his wife... it could NOT be the shots (safe and effective)... Well I says... they were both fit and healthy ... but within hours of the shot they were f789ed. So there is that.

Their eyes glazed over... (that's cognitive dissonance taking over the brain) and we moved on to more pleasant topics.

He had 10 hours of surgery to hack out whatever... that didn't work so was put onto radiation chemo or whatever... to prolong the suffering.

At one point he mentioned that there would soon be a vaccine for cancer... and I am thinking ... there already is....

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