
I will publish the intended article in the coming days and focus on the SARS-CoV-2 persistence one, which will be incredibly important in the coming...times.

I wish everyone a great Sunday !!!!

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Jun 9Liked by Moriarty

You as well. I’m head to a KC Royals vs Mariners game tomorrow

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The Royals stopped the Mariners today for sure. I’ll be rooting for the Mariners tomorrow here in the PNW. Enjoy the game!

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Jun 11Liked by Moriarty

It was an exciting game. We sat in centerfield.

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Did you see "A Midwestern Doctor" 's post on Dr James Miller?

Right in your "ballpark" if I might hazard a geographic assumption.

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Hopefully I don't sound genuinely arrogant, but I most stick to reading scientific papers, following my gut, so I mostly never read other's people work besides the a selected few such as Doorless Carp, Ralph Baric of Endotoxins (Geoff lol), and Maria.

I am often "out of the loop" with everything. Hopefully my stuff is not overly repetitive with other Covid writers, so I don't waste anybody's time =D.

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Jun 9Liked by Moriarty

You do see the problem- there is so much information that (unless we are an AI ) we cannot possibly have time to read all of it, let alone watching the videos.

We therefore follow our interests, prejudices, and capabilities and select what we see. I appreciate your tutorials very much, and Doorless Carp's selection of topics.

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Given how current models just highly compress the data/information, even if we were AI we would lose information lol.

I mean, no offense to any of my readers, especially the paid subs, because when you become a paid sub it shows how many substacks you read, but I can't fathom how people consume 30-40 publications.

This is my full-time job, basically reading research, connecting the dots, and I am still behind, I miss a lot. I can't watch videos, there isn't enough time in the day lol.

I thank you for your kind words =D.

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Professor - " it is one of the AIDA, where I share mostly positive articles that don’t fit “anywhere else”.

Indeed, I do remember the AIDA contest...


As for ER RNA binding and trafficking, your certainly not in Kansas anymore and definitely on this road Mr Mulder... https://youtu.be/6QoELNjcc9w?t=71

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The TB question is very interesting indeed.

I wish I had more hours in the day to look into this more. Thank you

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I plan to look into it but it will take time I am so behind on everything I want to write 😭

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Just for fun and not at all unexpected due to "coincidence":

Cell-Type-Dependent Effect of Transforming Growth Factor β, a Major Cytokine in Breast Milk, on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection of Mammary Epithelial MCF-7 Cells or Macrophages

"... In the developing countries where exclusive bottle-feeding is not feasible, up to 14 to 24% of babies born from HIV-1-infected mothers will be infected through breastfeeding (6, 7, 25). "


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Jun 9Liked by Moriarty

I have reviewed the article from 2022 (Solis and extensive al.) With their analysis they discuss ER-alpha in sex differences of Covid morbidity, but don't get as far as the TMPRSS2 receptor effects. I had thought the S affinity for T-- was one of the primary mechanisms of the discrimination.

Thanks again, R

Happy Sunday!

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There is a lot of overlap and distinction between S mutations and the change in affinities between ACE2 and TMP, and other receptors, sometimes in the same "lineage" there is a significant change in kinetics.

To that effect, another one of my "crazy" ideas so far, and one that I have yet to understando how or why, is that the virus has order of receptor preference. I may wonder if this is the glycan shielding affecting this, so depending where the glycan is, the virus will use other receptors ?

How the loops change shape between variants perhaps ? Since protein loops (such as the well known HIV ones) make it easier to "grab" a receptor.

Happy Sunday to you too !

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Well, I as an ob gyn and my cardiologist are fans of it. Seems like it may compete with S, much like ACE inhibitors. But why the long covid, sigh…

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There is a huge endocrine side to SARS-CoV-2 and Long Covid that is left unexplored for the most part, the problem will be the huge overlap between hormones, latent viruses, HERVs.

Unless your most recet hormonal panel is out of whack, I would still use it, and merely mitigate any respiratory infection that comes your way, with whatever approach you prefer. I have been open that given how many infections I gave myself, I am now a "throw the kitchen sink approach" lol.

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wait... so... estrogen receptors... does this have some relation to that Japanese study that found injection products accumulating in the ovaries? Or is that totally different?

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Now I don’t know whether to keep taking my estrogen, or not….

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It can help, I wouldn't solely rely on only estrogen but don't stop unless absolutely necessary and if a doctor directly tells you to stop.

You may present this paper (not my article the paper itself) to a doctor you see and ask for his opinion on your best strategy.

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