I am writing an article right now and I will link to yours, great job.

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Regarding your comment on the vaccinated plasma: "One thing I will argue to death, and will mildly criticize the authors, is the “vaccinated plasma” and this mechanism not happening among vaccinated individuals. Perhaps vaccination timing and getting the plasma, perhaps methodology, or at a small chance, a different mechanism, but it is happening disproportionately among vaccinated individuals."

....why would they obfuscate with this statement?

What if this is true? The unvaccinated would be most at risk...right?

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One reader asked D. Sirotkin a question which he could not answer: "'I'm still waiting on the explanation for how convergent evolution happens in species thousands of miles away. I have yet to hear/read a convincing explanation of how this "works", and given your penchant for weaving substack tease-prose I'm confident you could spread the explanation out over months of posts keeping me interested the whole way." Answer: "And unfortunately I'm not gonna be able to answer that one, it definitely happens but how and why exactly isn't understood yet."

Back in December 2020-January 2021, I reminded everyone of the fact that HeLa cells were discovered back in the 1930s by Kurt Blome (a technology later imported to the US in the 1950s). Blome had discovered that bacteria communicate, over huge distances (thousands of km), through radio waves. Spike proteins = liquid crystals = T-bacilli = prions, as they also can use radio waves to send e/m copies of the cells from the vaccinated/infected people to the mycobacterium in the atmosphere (cometary dust which contains M. avium, M. influenzae, M. africanum). This is how the D614G strain replaced the Wuhan variant, back in march 2020, in just two weeks.

So why the Omicron (Mers-Cov-2) is not as virulent as the Delta variant? Because its PRION DOMAIN has not been activated. In contrast to the Delta variant (which has a powerful prion domain/region activated), Omicron does not feature a prion domain in the spike protein, it is latent. Now we know that people who develop IgA abs BUT NOT IgG do not get Covid-19. Covid-19 means the development of IgG abs. Prions are related to IgG abs. REGN10987 and B38 abs have a IgG format. Mers-Cov is related to IgG abs.

Therefore, only the NECESSARY condition for a real pandemic has been established, a VOC variant only. Now, we are waiting for the SUFFICIENT condition to appear on the scene, a VOHC variant (variant of high consequence). If the prion domain of the Omicron variant will be activated, it will cause a disaster.

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Oh wow! So the vaccinated might be able to decrease viral replication BUT they will experience far more cell death in exchange.

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'One thing I will argue to death, and will mildly criticize the authors, is the “vaccinated plasma” and this mechanism not happening among vaccinated individuals. Perhaps vaccination timing and getting the plasma, perhaps methodology, or at a small chance, a different mechanism, but it is happening disproportionately among vaccinated individuals. It is literally the case I presented in the post below. '

Apologies I'm lost on this here... Could you re-write this for a bit more clarity?

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