Your mom is good hands. Her recovery will be quick.

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Jan 21Liked by Moriarty

Professor - AIDA: marketing model - Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action;

Detection Algorithm: Analytic Isolation and Distance-based Anomaly

Opera: Verdi

Cruise line: Carnival's German branch;

Anime: Sora to Umi no Aida (The Space Between The Sky & Sea);

Game 1. 2022 interactive movie/game from Punch Punk Games;

2. Aida Family: playable characters of SAKURA School Simulator;

3. Ascension: visual novel by Rinmaru. It follows the story of Aida.

4. A.I.D.A. - Adult Parody RPG (+18) Voluptuous Robot 's Lewd Wasteland Adventure by Paccsu.

5A. The World R2: Artificially Intelligent Data Anomaly

5B. The World 2017 action JRPG .hack//G.U. Last Recode: Because of a computer anomaly known as AIDA, Shino and other individuals have been trapped in comas in real life after their in-game deaths.

Exactly how I feel viz AIDA-ed out.

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5 A and B.

Artificial Intelligence Data Anomaly =P. I own you a gift, and I keep my promises.

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I instantly thought Verdi but knew you were far too clever for that. :)

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Jan 21Liked by Moriarty

Great information here thank you. I use 1 g Ester C twice a day and it is a piece of cake. For those of you who have not heard of Ester C it reaches a higher level in your bloodstream and stays up there longer. Berberine is fantastic for leveling blood sugar, and seems to have some of the anti-cancer effects of metformin.

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Jan 21Liked by Moriarty

Professor - re: Novavax - for the mRNA jabs, which cannot be mass produced purely, the EMA waived DNA contamination testing. For Novavax traditional recombinant protein method which can be produced purely, the EMA required the testing. In primate testing, only Novavax prevented 8 of 9 test subjects from post vaccination infection upon direct challenge. All other current vaccines failed this test 100%. Those two things speak volumes. Warp Speed indeed Mr. Mulder

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Jan 21Liked by Moriarty

Great article, thanks. I think think that all mRNA shots meant to produce a foreign protein in cells could cause this IgG4 shift in antibodies after multiple doses. The adenovirus vector DNA shots would produce an immune response to the virus vector in addition to the protein the DNA is coding for, so on second or later shots there would theoretically already be a reduction or neutralization of the adenovirus vector before it can enter cells (it also will be interpreted as a viral infection). Novavax doesn't enter cells and antibodies would already be present on second or later shots and there is no additional or prolonged generation of spike and there is no attack on own cells like the DNA or mRNA (unless the spike attaches to cells).

But with mRNA, the first shot produces antibodies that can call in compliment system for quicker destruction of any cells producing the foreign protein. But, the lipid nanoparticles are not recognized as a virus or foreign so on second or later injection there is no elimination of them that can be gained prior to entering cells (unlike adenovector shots). So the immune response would become increasingly aggressive. Basically there is no indication it is a virus because it is not. The LNPs just enter cells all through the body and then all of a sudden they produce foreign protein and are destroyed by immune system. The immune system may realize it is producing too much inflammation without an invader present (no signal it is infection) and therefore tries to moderate the inflammatory response by switching some antibodies to ones that do not call in the compliment system to destroy cells, this would moderate the inflammatory response based on the percent of switching that occured. In essence it could be the body making adjustments to dampen any widespread inflammation wherever cells these LNPs end up in. One thing that could be done is to put viral protein on outside of LNPs and on second or later shots then at least the immune system could clear some of the LNPs before they enter cells (this could cause other problems). Àt least it would confirm if this is the reason.

Or perhaps this is too oversimplified, perhaps it has to do with what protein fragments are produced by the mRNA specifically and combined with prolonged exposure to them. Maybe changes forcing an immune focus on more conserved self like peptides cause autoimmune challenges for immune system on repeated exposure, which may lead to switching away from an inflammatory response. What's your hunch on this?

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The mRNA inside the LNPs wouldn't last seconds outside a cell, it gets destroyed extremely fast, and this is why they use mRNA, because the protein is produced inside the cell, it is "cheaper" than all the alternative and "highly editable" per their own words.

There is just too many variables at play at the same time to ascribe it to only one thing, early on the IgG4 shift was in the vaccinated suffering breakthrough infections. I know for a fact, the shift does NOT happen on everyone, even when they suffer breakthrough infections, and the IgG4 levels are highly variable when the shift occurs in each person.

I have no hunchs besides what I already wrote months ago. That is why I asked, because I am aware pharma people read my substack (just read, not subscribed).

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Vitamin C to bowel tolerance seems like the best application of it. Easy to dose in that case. You can have massive doses when sick that would unsettle your tummy if taken when well.

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I can only tolerate buffered Vitamin C. Otherwise nause, sometimes severe

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Jan 21Liked by Moriarty

Have you tried C-Salts? That's what I take and I like it a lot.

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Aida. It is an opera. It is also the name of cross stitch material.

So, what do I win? 😂🤣😂🤣😉

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I am really glad it was not on the market early in the jabodemic, I may have fallen for it.

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I've read on a few other stacks that the IgG4 is what causes the body to ignore the spike. The IgG4 has to do with allergens and because the body makes so many spikes for so long, due to shots over and over and over, it ignores the spike. The other IgG proteins(?) stop being produced by your body in respect to the spike. Then when you actually catch covid, your body ignores it, causing you to be sicker than if you hadn't taken all the shots. (I hope I'm remembering all this correctly.)

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21

Hey I too thought of Aida the Verdi opera (and I think a Broadway show)! I also had the same understanding of IgG4. I really wonder what’s up with IgG4 and the multi jabbed...

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Great information.

My concern is Metformin being put forward at a good option. I’m scared of its side effects.

See Warning and lists drugs.com

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I have taken Metformin for a few years, I don't have any sort of metabolic disease.

As a matter of opinion, it is up to each person to take up on my suggestions. As a matter of fact, metformin is an amazing drug and one of the best "jab" fixes.

It is one of the two drugs I suggest people to consider the usage. I could literally give you 100+ papers on metformin helping or fixing something.

The only "downside" is, you gotta take vitamin B supplements if you are going to use it long term. Most people don't use long term.

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Which is the other drug ? Bromhexin ?

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Modafinil but this one not for everybody. Metformin or Berberine I recommend everyone to consider using it at some point for whatever length of time they are comfortable.

Modafinil only some people

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Thank you. Yes, this was informative and helpful. You write well. It's clear you are a stickler for impeccable grammar so you might want to know you have an off where I believe you wanted of, in a link about a third of the way down: "IgG4 is theoretically capable off...". ;)

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I always miss something lol, thank you, fixing right now.

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Jan 20·edited Jan 21

AIDA- AutoImmune Disease Adjuvant? or maybe "Activator" for the second "A", if I am allowed two guesses. I didn't consult Google or any online AI function.

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Hint. It has to do with a game/anime =P that is as far as the hint goes and with this alone you can easily find it.

So no, not that lol

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When Each One Dies

So Too Does A Piece Of The Bullshit

They All Believed.


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Moriarty, how do I determine the proper dose for melatonin before bed? If I'm really sick, I take 50-60 mg of Melatonin before bed, which really knocks things down. However, for regular sleep I was using a spray that I found effective and was taking 1.5 mg/spray for 3-4 sprays, thus 4.5-6.0 mg of melatonin. I had good effects but went off it due to concerns about long-term suppression of endogenous melatonin production. What is proper use in your eyes, and do you take anything with it to limit any long-term negative effects (if there are any)? Thanks!

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There is no evidence, anywhere, that long-term usage of Melatonin supresses your endogenous production of Melatonin later in life, it is a common, quasi-religious belief held by a lot of doctors. The same reason the vast majority of doctos will tell patients whey destroys your liver. Because once, decades ago, someone with chronic liver disease consumed whey and had a reaction (LOL).

That dosage seems pretty much the standard and a good one to maintain.

I take 1 grams of tryptophan and 400-something mg of magnesium together with melatonin, most people don't need this amount of tryptophan, and the rest of the supplements I suggest would counter act hypothetical long-term negative effects. Melatonin has too many uses for the body, similar to peptides, body will find a use to it IMO.

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Thanks, Moriarty!

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21

Do you have any information or can you write a about that Jannsen one and done vaccine? I'm mainly seeing mRNA data and studies but most people I know locally who were forced into vaccinating did that one, just to have a job, myself included. Same risks? Different? I just wonder and keep looking for any research to surface.

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I will reply both messsages here. In regards to 5HTP, you may need more of certain B Vitamins such as Thiamine (thiamine is necessary for serotonin metabolism), among a few other effects o B vitamins in Tryptophan. It is rare, but some people do have weird reactions towards it.

I have information but not enough to write on it, exactly because of that, the entire focus has been on mRNA and tangentially on Adenovirus such as AstraZeneca. I can tell you, from talking to people who have labs, collected samples, did microscopy, etc, Jannsen was the least harmful one after the Chinese ones. I still don't know exactly what they did to get something with such a low side-effect profile. They also left the market pretty fast after seeing what was occuring with Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccines.

The risk in the JnJ vaccine is a order of magnitude lesser than mRNA, if not 2 orders. Specially if you took the supplements me and most others recoomend for the mRNA. Most people that took JnJ and talked to me along the years are completely fine.

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Jan 22Liked by Moriarty

I took the same supps as if I got covid for 10-14 days, with a baby ASA. Most people I know took nothing, but seem well. Thank you for responding, I have really looked for studies on this. I know I was highly discouraged from taking it, and pushed to the mRNA because "its linked to blood clots dontcha know" as if the other ones weren't showing any problems at all !!

I was working in an ER as a nurse at the time, and saw a number of strokes and strange neurological conditions come in within 48hrs of the mRNA ones. Both my parents have dementia so I am careful about neuro stuff, and read your blogs on the brain very carefully. Thanks for your work.

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I also want to mention when I tried 5HTP for better sleep years ago, and in an effort to balance some brain chemistry due to a specific problem and recommended by a prominent doctor's book on said problem, I started getting "brain zaps" in the morning. Terrifying, it was like a mini seizure or something. I had to stop. Melatonin I can tolerate at low doses.

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