Aug 23, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Gain of function labs nearby or possibly also nutritional deficiencies common to the area? Either could increase risk of any number of health problems.

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Gain of function labs nearby, but the nutritional deficiencies I meant globally, just exploring some angles, you can be "deficient" of certain nutrients after a infection, and people have been infected all the time lately.

Something for me to think about, and for the curious minds to ponder.

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The lack of attention to nutrition is possibly the greatest failure of western medicine. Most of us probably have clinical and/or subclinical nutritional deficiencies. How does this impact the etiologies and pathologies of diseases? How much of your nutrient stores are depleted by your immune system when fighting disease? It varies, obviously, but the medical industry is mostly blind to it and so are we.

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Tomato flu. Really? lol

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Yes really lol.

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Tell your friend that we're trying to keep those labs hidden to the public. 👹

As you say, probably multiple dynamics going on. And if food scarcity worsens in the next few years, boy we're in for some rough changes.

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"due to dreadful overreaction and horrible humiliating policies to covid19 we must repeat the same for any disease!"

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This is hilarious - virologists are truly away with the fairies;-

a) The sequences of RNA fragments never shown to come from a virus are added to b) the genetic codes for proteins never shown to come from a virus and are fed into a computer. The computer generates thousands of hypothetical genomes. One is picked, added to and rearranged so that it resembles other hypothetical genomes. Sometimes slightly different ones are arranged and denoted as strains or variants. None of the genomes have been shown to code for actual entities let alone be transmissible or pathogenic.'


For a ‘lab leak’ to have happened the virus would have to escape from the only place it exists, inside a computer, into the real world


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