Jan 10, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Good Article is there any truth to the rumors that their is a hemorrhaging fever outbreak in china

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I will make a post about it in a few hours lol too many people asking about it.

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Great article, John. Will certainly have to read through it a few more times to hopefully grasp exactly what this means. Glad to see all this information in one place, I have been looking for an article just like this.

Even though your articles are on the dark side of what is currently going on, this information needs to be out there.

Thank you, and keep up the incredible work.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Moriarty

This is helpful in explaining Dr. Ryan Cole's comment which has stayed with me since he said it, "a reverse AIDS" It's clearer now, it's not the CD4 cells that go down it's the CD8 cells that do yet it produces a similar immune deficiency. Thanks!

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Feb 19, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Great article, I really appreciate it. Can you confirm that the immune skew you describe is what's happening with vaccinated for the most part? I read some of the studies noted that it applies to both vaccinated and unvaccinated responses. Am i misunderstanding?

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It can happen in unvaccinated responses, using different pathways, and affectting different cells, but it is at a minor level so far in my opinion (up till Delta, the data on Omicron on anything worth analyzing is severely lacking).

You can read as many studies on the vaccine "efficacy" or "response", the author won't mention, but the data is clear. Skewed CD4 response, little CD8, skewed towards Th1. It is happening at a disproportional, alarming level in vaccinated, which is the point of the hypothesis.

The other articles will make more sense, if I made only one, it would get too confusing for most people.

It already is confunsing as it is lol, I tried to simplify for the most part.

As a experiment, when you get to the Toll Like Receptors one, just check Twitter for nurses and sepsis.

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022Liked by Moriarty

I have a BS in biology, minor in chemistry and Masters in physical therapy. During the last two years, I realize how incredibly complex the immune system is. People who know the complexity have a hard time simplifying it for the rest of us! It seems like a Cascade of interrelated interactions and processes. Just like any system of the body, it is truly amazing and elegant and effective. This is the reason why I went into healthcare as a career. 💕

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In January of 2020, I kinda feel in love with molecular biology, and immunology was a byproduct, maybe it is my former professional life affecting my mental framework (complexity), but I find fascinating putting the puzzle together on these fields. Chemistry is so hard lol.

Doesn’t help this damn virus has everything attached to it, for whatever reason. Didn’t get into healthcare, I would lose my license pretty fast.

As you probably can tell, I don’t respect credentials that much, nor “consensus”.

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Jan 10, 2022·edited Jan 10, 2022Liked by Moriarty


Superb post. Looking forward to the next one.

Am I correct in stating that these immune failing issues among the vaccinated only arises with the gene based vaccines and not the non-gene based vaccines (e.g. Novavax, the Chinese vaccines etc)?

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Didn't look NovaVax, but even the Chinese ones do, but for merely 4 weeks maybe 6. Safe to say anything that use any parts of this virus will do this. I will propose something insane in another post... Lol.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Moriarty

My understanding is that the Novavax vaccine uses a version of a protein found on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 but in a fixed and small dose (unlike the gene based vaccines that essentially flood the body with spike protein).

So, the logic is that the risks should be FAR smaller than the current vaccines available. So far, the trial data suggests that it avoids the nasty side effects reported by the DNA/mRNA vaccines which must be a plus.

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Might limit the damage by a lot and perhaps just some unlucky few will have some nasty side effect. Seems one of the better choices that all the competitors are trying to kill for a reason.

Still don't expect the immunity to last anything besides a few weeks lol.

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I initially thought it would be better for some, re no PEG nano lipid? and spike ‘already made’, but that was ages ago expecting it to come out maybe a few months after the others and now it’s just being talked about. Shares already dropping and now reports of heart myocarditis etc. Re spike this talks of it being quite high? Again it’s still seems spike focused and isn’t this already technically ‘out of date’?


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Worrying but interesting read, thanks!


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Just the introduction, I barely mentioned the pathways, everything being up and down regulated. Every time I do I get depressed because I am seeing everything that I barely thought it was real appearing in real time.

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Quite good.

The Everything disease and pathology acceleration.

If we had done nothing & jus' kept smoking & drinkin & cookin' meat, nothing would have happened. The bloody vax spike immuno depletion is what made the plandemic.

Most wrong I believe, is the epidemiology: this quasi-species spreads slowly, manifests itself explosively. EVERYBODY treats it as measles, it's not. Well maybe also the Measles model is wrong.

H2H is a jerk, but he's robbed enough ideas & formalized them well enough editing POST HOC his older publications to put THAT on the map.

Note1: re-read 1 time moar.

Note2: still waiting for answer to my collapse-onset debt-trap comment. "will answer there"

Note3: in other substack, I get email when comment and/or answer to comment. Here, I struggle to find the substack I commented, if I haven't bookmarked it, which I haven't.

Must be substack config stuff.


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Yes, maybe a few % of people, old, fat, many co-morbidities would die but this would have ended by now. But we literally created an artificial mini-plague. Ever since May 2020 this has been a huge damn scam.

If you dig into my account you will see me saying psychology and epidemiology are not science, that should say enough about my opinion on the field lol.

I will reply I am trying to find that comment too lol. But simmers down to we are living in a fake economy and nation defaults are the historical norm

I didn't ness with substack configs, maybe it's the email ? I also don't send that much emails out. I will look into the menus and options.

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Jan 10, 2022Liked by Moriarty

"The bloody vax spike immuno depletion is what made the plandemic."

For 1.5 years I only knew people who knew someone who got covid. Now this season people are dropping like flies. Currently with a 20:1 ratio on vaxxed:unvaxxed.

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Omicron is highly immune evasive, it's too different from a molecular perspective. Like, a few amino acids changed and we had Alpha, Beta, Delta, this one has 50 lol.

It's like a distant cousin your body can't quite remember, maybe saw it once.

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But isn't it said it's mostly the spike protein that mutates in this bugger? Why would the immune system not recognize other parts? Or is this a thing of the jabbed, with a high immune punching power to long gone epitopes structures, whereas unjabbed don't have this handicap? (total layman here thinking of Vanden Bossche saying, IIRC, that the high antibody count in jabbed (of obsolete ABs) will be "in competition" with ABs made as reaction on contact with an actual virus, a problem that unjabbed do not have, if it is one)

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Omicron has mutations in other parts, but mostly on the spike, which gives it's immune evasive properties. The body will recognize it but it will need to learn the "new parts". Simplistic way, it's a natural booster for the ubjabbed. Otherwise you are correct, it's a jabbed problem, as everything else.

The jabbed antibodies for old spike is fueling a minor level of ADE. It's not killing, but read my other virus posts and you get the picture. It's fuelling lots of shit.

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That makes sense now!

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Thanks for putting this together. Is *reverse* really the appropriate descriptor here?

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It's a simpler way to explain the immune dysfunction rather than actually explaining a rare disease, and it's mechanisms. Which I will. This is just a intro, way more to come.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Thank you, I found the last blog with directions. Diet Coke and NAC. God bless you and pray for the children.

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Diet or Zero, do NOT forget piracetam. NAC and piracetam work together, you need both. Up to you to take Niacin (flush type) and Gingko Biloba.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Moriarty

I wrote everything down and will follow everything you wrote to a T. I started having nerve neuropathy in my arms with loss of function in early January, function returned with physio.

I hope I can recover without complications, but kidney function is 60% with liver reduction.

Thank you for this, Thank God for you.

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Look up BPC 157 and TB 500 for healing the nerves. And whey for liver and kidney, also creatine. NAC and liver walk hand in hand. Also this post.

God bless you bro, stay strong, I have some damage from corona but not as bad as you.


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I have been using white pine oil (contains suramin and shikimic acid) to try and stop synthesis of S protein.

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Thanks, great post! I look forward to reading all the reverse AIDS posts. 😊❤️ That is great that you have someone helping you figure these things out, we all benefit from your collaboration.

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Yes, some people sent me this paper a few times but, besides the screencaps people sent me, I didn't had the time to read the entire thing yet, but I already have some gripes and don't agree with some of their points. Whenever Stephanie is involved its bound for me to disagree lol.

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