Great post. I've been prepping but will now check out the solar panels and solar generators.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Another great post. Thank you for everything

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Literally was writing a post about it, thank you, the Nord Stream 1 also suffered disruptions too...

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Moriarty

Thank you for the post when cascade will happen I keep wondering: "what am I going to do about my.... charger?!?!?!"

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You jest, but you wouldn't believe how many people didn't think about that lol.

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

I'm not sure what to think you really think here. You paint a picture of chaos using terms like "epic proportions," and wave off any hope of recovery. You then conclude with the promise of freedom and opportunity. There is the middle part where the immeasurable sacrifice is a death sentence for many of us, perhaps the majority, in the first, second and third worlds. The opportunities of which you speak may not present themselves for decades, at least for honest and decent people. Sure, there will be chances for many of us to make fulfilling contributions to whatever good efforts we can find, but I don't expect to find those efforts to be full of hope rather than despair.

I could see the rapid pace at which this time was approaching a long time ago. Not as calculatedly as you, for sure; maybe just gut feelings and tin hats. In early 2020, the wife was telling me I was "going off the deep end." By the end of that summer, she was helping make us better prepared. A project we started around 2009, but sort of forgot about in the middle of our professional careers. I wish I could drop everything and relocate. I could in desperation, but I would be forced to betray too much that I care about I have suggested to others that if they have someplace to go, now is the time, and I would plan on years, not weeks or months. And rural is not going to protect you past the early phase, unless the chaos is profoundly catastrophic. Once the angry urban mobs cull the weak from the herd, they will leave the cities, too, if the State sponsored raiders have not already cleansed the resistance from beyond the suburbs. To me, that's the best case scenario. Communications, utility and transportation infrastructure decimated to the point where whatever power structure remains couldn't care less about the country-folk. That is the only pathway to freedom that I can see.

I try not to be sorry for the state of affairs, it's more of a kind of grief. We are witnessing the last gasps of something quite precious and available to a lucky minority who happened to be born in the right places at the right times.

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That is because I want people to think, I literally stated that twice in this post alone. What I think should in no way affect what YOU think, I have my reasons to not share my opinions, maybe I will get to it in the coming months. If you pay attention to the syntax behind all this, it is still grounded in analysis, and very few “opinions”.

Well, there is no hope for recovery, as is painted in the media, and by all different types of experts, but there is possible recover, and necessity is the mother of all inventions, so in times of strife, huge strides in progress are made, this is a historical fact. Recovery will come in other forms, and it will need new ways of thinking. Relying in the current elites, academia, or governments is a good receipt for disaster.

I won’t sugar quote it, decline, and collapse are never clean, nor beautiful but alas I am trying not to focus on the catastrophic perspective, and finding ways out of it. One of the problems of westerns is think short term, 4 year cycles, 10 year changes. Better most adopt a more Eastern perspective of generational changes.

You do know I am Brazilian right ? I already mentioned more than once. In the opportunity aspect, maybe you are correct, but I would rather disagree. In the CHANGE aspect, I completely, absolutely, 100% disagree that one person can effect systemic change.

I understand the rest of your message, but completely disagree with it. If you are either European, or American it would made much more sense to me too.

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I think it's Alex Jones (?lol) that likes to remind us that the Constitution of the United States, the "world's first federal democratic republic founded on the consent of the governed" was written DURING the American Revolution. It was actually a bit of a low point too as the British has just taken New York... Anyway, so what was once the worlds most free nation (now debatable) was created during what was basically the World War for the New World... So there's always hope, but especially during times of great change...

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Yes, the point of this Substack, this particular posts are to bring awareness, for people to get prepared, and (poorly attempt to) demonstrate how to understand complexity.

I completely agree with you, and in my opinion this is a time of great change, opportunity, and there real chance for us to be free.

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Good questions on surviving past the early phase in a rural area. Preserving our humanity and cherished freedoms will be a challenge.

Nature speaks on the right timing for change and provides warning for safety. Look inside for a connection and hone the senses.

Surviveworldcollapse.com has some practical suggestions and resources towards that end. You're blessed to have a partner who trusts you, she's a keeper, lol. Best wishes!

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I really agree with you and I've I had the same perspective, that things really have needed to break down so humanity has the opportunity to make a shift. It will be a painful and hard process, but good things can come out of it.

I've been prepping for the last year, and trying to get my adult sons to prep to. I've been delaying getting a good water filter, and your post moved me to get my butt in gear and do so. Thank you.

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Thanks for sharing! Which water filters are you considering? I have my sights on a Big Berkey. Already purchased a few Sawyer minis and a Survival Filter Pro.

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I'm a little short on cash right now and I'm not a huge fan of plastic, although this is BPA free. I bought this one on eBay for now. I'd like a berkey, I hear they're great, so good for you. 👍🏽 They can't be delivered in California for some reason. I have a mini water filter too, and another slightly bigger one. These were the size I would take on a camping or hiking trip, and I needed something even bigger for my home. I am on well water, which has its ups and downs. I'm not dependent on city water.


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I have been following you for a while, but I find it hard to check and see if I have missed a post because your main page is not featuring articles in chronological order. I just found this one (must have missed it when it was released). Am I doing something wrong with Substack, is there a way to see everything chronologically? Other substack authors show posts by date and I find it helpful not to miss something.

Thanks for your hard work!

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Yes just checked, it is by the style I chose for my page (maganize), so people have access to more of my pinned pieces, the other style (one pinned piece only) follows a more chronological order.

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Thanks, I never check the email for this account since it's just for Substack and Twitter and is 100% not connected with me (irl I'm female lol) so I don't get your emails. That's why I make a donation with Koffee rather than through subscription.

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I have been correcting some grammatical errors, and other minor mistakes in some articles, when you do that (the majority don't) the article gets "republished" in the site but e-mails are not sent, basically it gets bumped.

I don't know if there are settings to change that in your end or mine, I avoid messing with the setting because I fucked up bad once lol.

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Hey. Check your emails.

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I check it more than once a day, no new emails besides the one telling me about this message, nor in the spam folder.

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Strange, I'd sent one to Tutanota one mentioned on Twitter and the older one.

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Send a DM on Twitter, because there are no new emails in Tutanota. Some people are able to send emails to me using Substack. Don't know how though lol.

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Tried the latter (I've been locked out of Twitter for a while now)

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