Galega officinalis (goats ru) is the mother of metformin. And a huge thumbs up to berberine.

Therapeutic properties of Berberine

A literature review


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Man there is so much thing going on, I forgot to check, and couldn't even remember you covered, I will add that to the post.

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Tell me about it, we keep finding new pathologies eg ANCA-associated vasculitis, homologous miRNAs activating the K-RAS oncogene (distinct from p53), galectin binding (cancer again), a sequence for gp130 (yet another cancer signalling pathway, nothing to do with gp120) and so on...

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by Moriarty

While I am never one to put anecdote over solid evidence I can say that in my experience I had many patients who despite being on metformin did very poorly

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Metformin is more about avoiding the wrong immune response and the immune shift than anything else.

Also diet, and other variables apply. Metformin alone won't do much on the face of crap diet, poor glycemic control, other underlying conditions.

From my perspective, it is mostly to avoid Th17 and its outcomes, both from the viral infection (now basically extinct with Omicron, so far at least) and from the vaccines. It can also fix a lot of what some people experience after Covid/vaccines. Cheap enough just to "try and see if it helps your X, Y or Z issue", especially if it is immune mediated.

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Metformin also helps with the CD147, and the Cyclophilin A aspect of the infection. I get so much muscle pain from the viral infection because of the release of CypA from the muscle fibers, the only thing that helped me was Metformin.

But unlike my previous comment this truly is just a n=1.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Interesting .. wondering how this all factors in with Epstein - Barr virus and its various strains being a factor (or cause of?) PCOS. (And also reactivated by covid).

OK, FDA and media - hurry up and trash Metformin! "Metformin hydrochloride is a biguanide derivative that has been widely used to treat type 2 diabetes in humans. In veterinary medicine, metformin has shown increasing potential for diabetes treatment in different species, such as equids, dogs, cats and rabbits.Sep 25, 2021"

Horse medicine, right?

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Does berberine also increase the cellular / endosomal pH like metformin does?

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I'm glad to hear your stack stayed the same. 👍🏽 I do feel clearer after taking it for a couple weeks, and have it on hand to do every few months when I need it.

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Walter M. Chestnut had a metformin post tonight a few minutes ago also. Something I guess I should look into.

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Grifters gonna grift.

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