
And so I don't publish any meaningless e-mail, the latest news of the AI world.

At Moderna, OpenAI’s GPTs Are Changing Almost Everything

‘People literally talk about how AI is going to cure diseases someday, and I think this is a very meaningful first step,’ said OpenAI CEO Sam Altman


The DoD, Moderna and Pfzier thank you for producing untold amounts of data on social media so they could train their models to produce better drugs, vaccines, and >>>enzymes<<<.

Its nothing personal Jack. It's just good business.

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Apr 24Liked by Moriarty

I will not allow someone to sign away my God given inalienable rights to anyone. The people pushing this agenda have already murdered millions and will not stop until there is enough pushback. Freedom is never free, and its price is a never ceasing defense of it.

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Apr 24Liked by Moriarty

Well they can add me to their list. The pox on Bill Gates may karma bite him in the ass. I despise that man as much as I do that infernal word ‘stakeholder’.

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Say hi to the Vaccine-Industrial Complex!

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Moriarty

Professor - your firing on all 8 today. "tested positive for remnants... the findings do not represent actual virus"

As in, the same PCR test used to fraudulenty: claim millions of infections, deaths "with", not from, and declare a pandemic emergency, amongst other especially heinous acts.

"Think Tank types... incapable of actively learning, they poorly adapt and iterate into the same things over and over and over again. Now they will just add Climate to the mix."

As long as its properly caged and fed, a parrot will repeat most whatever you want it to. Intelligence is the ability to properly filter, not regurgitate.

As for: accidental or deliberate, I think Ol Ralphies theme song sez it all...


"These documents outline policy that will be pursued or rather, in this case, enforced."

Did you really think they would ever let any of us escape the kill box Mr. Mulder?

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From my perspective, there is a cabal of evil, inter-generational predators intent upon determining who is allowed to live and how those who are allowed to live are allowed to live. Everything is inextricably linked, there are no coincidences, and woefully few, unintended consequences. This issue we are supposed to see is never the real issue. DEI, ESG, GFANZ, etc., are designed by those at the top to eliminate all competition. This is how ExxonMobil can enjoy an enviable ESG score while being in the oil and gas business. The big boys can't retain their control and profitability in a competitive world when "customers," due to AI, are living on Universal Basic Income ..., if they are allowed to live!

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Growing, raising and processing your own poison-free food is the best prophylactic against illness and disease. In the process of producing your own food you also get plenty of exercise, fresh air and sunshine; you will also be socially distanced; by practicing regenerative organic (poison-free) agriculture you will be IMPROVING the environment, MITIGATING cLiMaTe ChAnGe, and “saving the planet; by providing for your own needs you reduce stress on the artificial scarcity economy and leave more food in the system for the purposely sTaRvInG cHiLdReN iN aFrIcA. Just don’t go trying to sell your poison-free food products to your neighbors or you might get raided by the feds.

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I didn’t create tracking and tracing, digital currency, forced health programs, big pharma, big ag, DOD, DARPA.

Frankly if disentangling myself from their tentacles they intertwine with modern life’s comforts requires me to do without comforts I’ll gladly choose freedom with suffering over slavery in comfort.

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Self sufficiency is the only weapon against this push. Dependency on large systems is a form of slavery.

The only freedom to be found is in a willingness to suffer for your autonomy through work, isolation, and self denial.

The maxim “you can’t have your cake and eat it too” has never been truer. You can’t expect to be free while using the systems they create.

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Just a picky detail, but the link to the BG video in the Jan 22, 2022 'stack is not working. Is there another location for the video? Thanks for all you write about!

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