Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022

All of our worst fears about the long term effects of this clot shot forced on innocent people are coming to fruition. May the God of all comfort comfort their loved ones in their grief.

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I'm keeping a list of potential vaccine damage repair protocols here: https://davenarby.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccine-damage-repair-protocol

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The deaths will continue until morale improves.

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Sweden? I know they didn't get on board with all the hysteric mandates.

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These articles from January provide data about Swedish excess deaths being lower than 2020:



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No mandates but people took the quakcines as candy.

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Thank you 🙏

They are trying to normalize myocarditis in kids (videos on yTube. Pure evil.

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Excess mortality is ubiquitous and in the US our life span has decreased 3 years in just one year an unprecedented decrease. VAERS, as under reported as it is provides insight to the causes of excess mortality. Unfortunately, sudden onset cancers are not being reported.

Find me at Larry’s Letters on substack for a higher level look at the Great Deceit.

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Are there any records of excess mortality in countries that didn’t adopt the vaccine?

It’d be very interesting to run a regression analysis of percent vaccinated vs. excess death between nations…

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When people ask me why I am not vaxxed now I ask them to explain the excess deaths and lack of births first before i get the safe and effective

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Wait till the next outbreak ...

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Thank you. I reread your diabetic post because I was wondering about the mechanism of diabetes. 👍🏽💕

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