John, they are already experimenting using mRNA in honeybees to "infect" the DNA of mites with no regard for the fact that the honey would be contaminated as well.

Somebody wrote about that here on Substack.

EDIT: IGOR wrote about it, Igor's Newsletter, "COVID Vaccine Technology" will Make Varroa Mites Infertile"

Look at Unit 731 run by Japan in World War II, they found insect vectors ideal for transmitting disease. Not just disease, but now mRNA to alter your activity, attitude, intelligence, fear, reproduction, you name it.

Not only that, but T. Gondii is linked to mental disease in dozens of studies.

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the honeybee thing is horrifying. They are used industrially to pollinate so many things. Bee collapse could be catastrophic for food production. Honeybees outcompete native bees in the US, so that would be a benefit, but most native bees are specialists while honeybees are generalists. Honey stores pretty much indefinitely, so this would be a good time to buy some bulk honey!

This is also random and interesting if validated. Wouldn't undo gene therapy, but maybe could mitigate damage? Look for Shungite Beehives on YT. Channel archived some vids, but doesn't post anymore


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It would, in general, also help if homeowners who can would grow indigenous wildflowers in their gardens and thus help bees survive.

The beauty of these wildflowers is they are hardy perennials that can adapt to weather conditions and as perennials they show back up every spring.

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totally agree. I had the most darling leaf-cutter bee snippets on my redbud tree. I'm a sucker for nature and will plant almost anything to see a cool bee, bird or caterpillar :) Watched the birds ransacking my blueberries today, which is bittersweet, LOL. I won't put up bird netting because I don't want to injury the birds. Le sigh

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We have a bee hive in our chimney and it’s not going anywhere lol. They like our native wattles (we live in Australia).

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So interesting. It is so life affirming to watch insects and birds go about their activities.

The bees, dragon flies, and grasshoppers fascinate us.

We had swifts nest in the eaves of our front porch. Their second year with us. As soon as their family flew away, barn swallows moved in. They bulked up the nest and laid eggs of their own. Mother bird is sitting on her eggs as I write this.

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Seems like anything we farm industrially goes this way. Nature doesn't like the industrial farming strategy. I don't want to eat bugs, but I was a least inclined to believe they were healthier than synthetic foods... minus the chitin that we can't digest, LOL. Guess not. Did try some bugs at a museum once that had samples out. Not at all compelling. Also ate ants as a kid. They were acidic, and to my child brain, a bit spicy. :) I'll save the bugs for my venus fly trap

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Blessings, I rely on various mammals to process my bugs, like chickens and ducks, or any other bug eating creature we tend to eat. It works great, since whenever chickens and ducks and humans have been cohabitating.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Moriarty

One of my cats eats cicadas. The other two even won't eat them.

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A cat that is often around my house just kill the insects, never eats them. But I have seem that cat rip (and eat) mice lol.

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I wonder if there isn’t already something parasitical afoot. Why else would anti parasiticals ivermectin and HCQ ‘work’ on ‘Covid,’ and so many other things?

Because my belief all along has been that Covid is the renaming of a flu and attaching the name to a myriad of symptoms like Fauci et al did with HIV/AIDS.

Early on in the ‘pandemic’ when I pondered this I saw a Japanese study that suggested a large number of ‘Covid’ patients had parasites.

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Ivermectin has many actions, not just anti-parasitic. The way it’s taken for covid doesn’t really work for parasites in the gut either - for covid you take it with fatty food, so that you absorb it into your blood stream. For parasites you take it on an empty stomach so it stays in the digestive tract to do it’s work.

I do think a lot of people have unknown gut dysbiosis though, including parasites, that could weaken the immune system.

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interesting parallel, strongyloides was something someone ID'd as a mimick for the shattered glass effect in the lungs that people were attributing to COVID early on. Ivermectin is the treatment.

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That is interesting, but other things can produce the ground glass effect too, like chronic severe asthma

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of course. The interesting part is that Ivermectin helped people with early COVID, though I'm certainly open to the possibility that ivermectin could help asthma, just not aware of any evidence. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've also never looked into parasites and asthma

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Oh I wasn’t suggesting ivermectin would help asthma. I was more saying I don’t think we need to find a parasitic reason for covid symptoms or for the fact that ivermectin works on covid. It’s not surprising ivermectin helps covid because it was also effective against SARS-1. It really is a wonder drug in terms of having numerous actions that work on several different things in nature. That’s probably because it was made from a fungus that probably had those functions to protect itself and to push out competitors in the environment.

Regarding asthma, I do know a LACK of exposure to different pathogens in general as young person can lead to increased likelihood of asthma, because our immune systems need exposure to things to train them. I wonder if we shall see an explosion of asthma and other allergies in the young generation that was locked inside (so cruelly) for two years.

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There are Clinical trials using ivm to treat cancer. Idk the if there was any anticancer evidence for ivm. But I am interested.

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While ivm has in vitro antiviral activity, reducing parasites potentally relieves the immune systems burden.

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It’s a global corp market-grab from the generational family farms. Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity put it very well I think when he said they want us to eat ‘plant-based’, as in factory-based.

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Patentable nature is their new business model. like gmo seeds farmers must pay for seeds every year they are not allowed to use seeds from last year's harvest the way it has been done for centuries. Thru policy and law, crisises are created and then a profitable solution is presented to us. Ie covid, fertilizer shortages. That is the pattern I see is occurring thru our our world.

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I certainly would not feed that to my pet lizard.

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That’s nothing. Just wait for the transgender parasites in the transgender insects. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/merriam-webster-bends-knee-lgbtq-radicals-changes-dictionary-definition-female-include-identify-opposite-male/

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Merriam-Webster ceased to be a dictionary a number of years ago.

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Neither will I.

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Ah the timing, just as Australia has identified for the FIRST time in history hand, foot & mouth disease in products coming in from China (pork) whilst also battling to pick up the disease coming in from Indonesia, it would decimate our livestock & probably native animals as well, the hit to the economy would bankrupt our country no less as EVERY beef, lamb etc stock would be culled that has taken over 100 years of specialist breeding ( which is disease free ) . 1st in history seem to be happening a lot here in Aus, including monkey pox. Whilst Im a firm believer for over 30 years the world is over populated, the solution is nothing that the globalist would ever entertain, such as low to no immigration to stabilise each country. Eating bugs is the one of the most REGRESSIVE things these morons have suggested, along with the push to use "toilet water" as a drinking source & tap source which I think is already done in Singapore. Never in my life has it been clearer that those in power are nothing short of mentally deranged. The west has been on a suicide mission for years & its closer to collapse than ever before. Australia is no longer the country we once knew; it has been slowly destroyed

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I suggest you to read the book the limits to growth from the club of rome. They are not deranged. Population control is a long objective of these people...

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Yes they are perfectionist at misinformation and blaming others. foot and mouth is sabotage by corps-artists and they're just trying to create more animosity and chaos

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022

Why the hell do we need to import meat from them anyway? And how on Earth can anything get in with our bio security laws?

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I think they get away with it because it’s packaged & possibly cooked. These Chinese shops have the products on display so I’m gathering it’s totally legal, but why we import food from a unregulated country is beyond ridiculous, remember the berries that spread hepatitis as they we fertilised with human feaces ?

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Jul 28, 2022

Foot and mouth outbreak likely intentional, drum up fear and pop reduction. Like cullef chickens due to current avian flu crisis by PCR in US. Create a crisis and have ready a patented solution. Ghates Artificial beastmilk and artificial meat are examples of products being developed. If can not kill us with injections they will poison us with fake products. Btw Any processed food by definition requires a lot of energy to manufacture so I don't believe for one instant this would benefit our worlds ecology or energy.

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What if we find out that crickets elevate TMAO? Will they still make us eat them?

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My instinct was to be concerned about allergies to bug proteins. Cooking might not be able to neutralize bug allergens. We evolved to consume a diet over thousands of years to shift a diet quickly will have biological negatives just as discovering poisonous plants thru observations.

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Aardwarks do appreciate fattened larvae but would suggest humans avoid the insectivore repast on offer. You bipedal hominids don’t have the innate defenses to handle the good stuff. Greetings to John Paul from Graveyard of the Twitter Anarchists. My acct nuked el permanente. Considering setting up a Pleroma instance at some point …

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Translated into French, published here: http://skidmark.blog/2022/07/21/insectes-comestibles-parasites-microbiome-par-john-paul/. You know, routine stuff ;-)

Great findings, John!

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