I definitely appreciate your articles on energy, resource scarcity and complexity. My sense is that extreme austerity is the next phase of the global putsch. All indications point to.. we are at the very edge of the seneca cliff. The silver lining is that this is all a natural cycle of energy dissipation and self-organization.. technocrats will also be limited by the thermodynamic collapse. I believe we should hold the line while building self-sustaining communities and making investments in off-grid systems, hand tools, seeds and healthy relationships. See you on the other side. Many thanks!

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It is the series of volcanic eruptions which will unleash the miniapocalypse which has been planned. Then, the heat shock proteins and the isomeric antibodies will be activated to create the coronathrax.

Few scientists know that the Gizeh plateau (including the Gizeh pyramid) was covered in the recent past by sea water up to an altitude of 100 meters. It wasn't the Santorini island volcanic explosion. Here is the problem: the heliocentrists generally agree that this cosmic cataclysm was caused by a partial pole shift of the Earth. However, the calendar of the Gizeh pyramid based on the solstices and the equinoxes was not modified in the least (any pole shift would have removed this calendar very quickly). The mammoths were frozen instantly at a temperature equal to that of outer space.

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