
Between the last article and today's I have been experimenting with a variation of peptide dosage, and found out that for my particular circumstance, I need to go higher otherwise healing takes too long, and I must heal as fast as possible.

Among other things, so thank you for your patience and for the supporters sticking around =P

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Take the rest in between so you heal deeper rather than faster. Take the time. You'll let us know if you need some coffee.

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You are well? ☕

Thank you for this, I'll need to give this dedicated reading time (and a re-read of past written work). So many I know are mentally declining right before my eyes! 20 years of acceleration in a few, maybe only 5 for others. Actively seeking good times with them. Laugh with them!

Nerd out moment: Olive oil is 1 of what I call the holy 3 repeated, together throughout the Bible (I'm sure some scholar has written plenty about it!). Bread/wheat, wine, oil. I wonder what combo of these may equal metformin/berberine? Hmmm. I emphasize these three highly symbolic items for both spiritual and physical health. It is a thing hidden in complexity. 😁

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I am good, thanks.

Past work is paramount to actually wrap your head on everything that is going on in the brain (no pun intended lol). Everyone I know. Observe, or track has been experiencing different levels of cognitive decline.

Didn't know olive oil was sacred I do remember Greeks and Romans used it in many rituals. Wonder if this comes from the Bible itself or another integration to convert people. 🤔

I was kicked out of Catholic school because I asked too many questions 🤣"go study science, your mind is better fit for that" lol

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🤣 Well, I didn't stick around passed 6th grade for the same reason...no one seemed to know 'why'. I am about to be asked to leave a weekly bible study (for old ladies) because of my recent rant about Tamar, no one can see the hidden things all beautifully woven! The mystery and the symbols and archetypes and repeated patterns, over and over. The unnamed heroes/heroines. The constant 'opposites' literally at day 1.

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There is also likely a correlation between eigher covid-19, covid vaccines, or the ramp up to widespread 5g AND reduced cognitive abilities in undergrad and post grad students. It has been being observed since around 2019 that students could not handle as much reading assignments quantities, had shorter attention spans, and were not able to produce as much quality and quantity of complex writing or analysis by many professors, who have begun paring down assignment demands and reducing reading amounts. Some have conjectured that it was due to the increase in use of technologies and concomitant information overload and in a change in the way that students take in information in spurts, but the articles I've read seemed to note an inflection point for all these widespread effects around 2018-2019. The beginning of widespread use of 5g technologies and broadcast systems and covid of course was right around the same time, roughly 2019, so it's not easy to separate possible overlap, but it's an interesting related topic to these ones.

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Oh, the 5G angle I just didn't have time to get into, as you could gander by the amount of articles I have written, it is just too much, but I am 100% legit and I have mentioned a couple times this.

One of my followers on Twitter was resposible for helping finish designing the towers they use for 5G, what we call "galaxy brain" in electromagnetism, waves, biophysics and he confided to me that when they were first testing 5G towers, they just killed ALL biological life, including any "green" in quite a large radius.

It is definitely another accelerator and disruptor of highly important cellular metabolic pathways such as lipids, it disrupts membranes of all cells. There is significant evidence on the harms of 5G now, it is just very weird titles (usually to do with specific frequencies in 5G, and not title "5G something, something").

Sorry for the delayed reply.

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Good points. 👍🏽

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I, for one, have seen sepsis up close and personal. Post Sepsis Syndrome is real and patients are never quite the same though many do well. When I was working in hospital, I considered it a failure if I could not identify impending sepsis, recommend the right antibiotic and mitigate any untoward effects from treatment.

And metformin. I remember.

Great post. A bit depressing though, lol.

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It has been my assessment for a while that sepsis is much more complex and entirely an adaptative response and most diagnostic systems and protocols miss it.

Similar to low grade chronic inflammation, I think there is a low-grade long term septic response that adds to so many dysfunctions we see. Not the primary cause but fuel to the fire if it makes sense.

Yes. It is depressing but needed from my perspective.

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Feels like even MSM are staring to pick up on cognitive decline, it’s becoming impossible to ignore. It just amazes me how many people cannot join the dots, they know something is wrong but continue to be unable to connect how ‘mild omicron bro’ a few months before this all started is the obvious cause. It’s worrying that it’s starting to be seen in children, hopefully the elasticity of their brains means a quicker recovery but a life of constant re infection will likely nullify that. The question is what to do? Exercise, good diet, Omega 3, Choline, Mag-L-Thre. It’s been the only long term asymptomatic I’ve noticed since my one (known) infection. I found upping my Taurine has made me feel more clear but the forgetting names and words I simply can’t shake off. Luckily it doesn’t seem to have affected my processing ability, just specific aspects of memory.

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Both sides are now fully entrenched into their narratives and what I wrote here is a perfect example on how the changes brought up by the subject matter discussed here will cause people to adhere to their narratives with even stronger grip. Brain washing made it easy.

Most researchers can’t connect the dot of Omicron and this deluge of neurodecline let alone the people.

The neurplasticity of even young adults, and dare I saw <50 is insane high given the proper nutrition, so I am hopeful here for the attentive parent. I would add Thiamine that will be incredibly beneficial for your long term cognitive health but it takes time to see any measurable effects, like months. If you adopt it you must stick to it for months.

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Sep 23Liked by Moriarty

This explains our silly season (elections) here in the US. Politicians got it bad. This is also why people can't drive properly anymore.... and why I don't get on an airplane. Frightening to think of surgeons blanking out mid surgery.

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I have often been saying (more and more lately)- why are people lying so badly? Politicians, media, colleagues, friends.... unless they really did forget!? It's probably both, coupled with people losing their abilities in judgment, sort of like being tipsy on alcohol. Maybe this judgmental capacity is another area that has degraded.

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Sep 23Liked by Moriarty

Seems to have affected their moral compass as well...

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Sep 23Liked by Moriarty

73 here and had my 5th round of Covid back in April. Losing my hair just like I did with the first infection in early 2021. And my feet and ankles have starting swelling any time I sit or stand for 30 minutes. Wondering if this variant could have caused it?

I keep seeing Metformin and Berberine mentioned together. Does Berberine give the same help as Metformin? (I’m not diabetic, so not excited about taking Metformin.)

Also, could all the mask wearing (for more than the 2 hours recommended on the box that also says “will not protect from viruses”) be the cause of some of the mental decline, especially in children?

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Yes the falling hair is a direct effect of COVID, your body is basically consuming the nutrients in the hair to fix whatever is going on. Adding Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Biotin and iodine salt will help with that (and a lot more). Olive Leaf Extract would be helpful with the swelling and so would Serrapeptase 🙏🏻. Black seed oil extract too. Many options here.

Berberine is an alnost perfect analogue to Metformin so yes it will be very helpful. I am not diabetic but take Metformin sometimes for the health benefits.

Mask could aid a little bit on the decline but not considerably unless people are using 8 hours a day for 3+ years. Little bit it does affect, especially now IMO.

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Sep 23·edited Sep 23

Thank you! I’m taking zinc, biotin and resuming Berberine ( just had rotator cuff surgery, so was off everything this month). I was eating handfuls of Brazil nuts for the selenium until I found out they were toxic. I need to get the serrapeptase and oils. What is iodine salt? We have salt that contains iodine here. Is it the same?

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I had issues with peripheral venous insufficiency myself, beginning around 2019, believe it or not. So I went in and got about 15 outpatient sclerotherapy/RF venous ablation surgeries. They would get puffy and feel hot just standing up for 1/2 hour on concrete, and tingle, even if I moved around. The surgeries helped. Still, nowadays, I have what feels like electrical sensations of being shocked in my feet, especially noticeable when I sleep at night. I bought a grounding kit, which plugs into the electrical outlet, and I attach a ground wire strap to my ankle, or when I get some extra money I am going to buy legit copper infused sheets and wire them to the steel of my bed frame which will be wired to the grounding outlet of my electrical outlet near the bed. Personally, the conspiracy theorist side of me thinks it's related to the nanotechnology they are putting in us, which responds to the 5g network, which is connected with the satellites going up left and right through the IoT mesh. Maybe it's nothing, but try grounding.

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This wi-fi shielding business has 10 square meters of copper fabric on sale for $120. That's a good deal considering how expensive shielding is.


I agree we have an onslaught of not only covid, but nano particles in the shot, metals sprayed in the air, and frequencies that surround us. The brain and emotions have been mapped, so it is possibile that mentation and emotions can be manipulated. It's an important time to stay healthy, detox, exercise and enjoy loved ones! Take good care.

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I use this stuff: https://ibb.co/gdPbXvs for SCIF rated protection. It's aluminum based. I bought a 100 foot roll. Guess what happens when I completely surround myself with it? The electrical shock activity increases in my feet and other extremities. I think it's the nanotechnology inside me trying to send signals and not being able to communicate with anything. If I ground while I am surrounded by it, the activity reduces. I get extremely sharp electrical pin prick sensations and whole foot or lower leg electrical feelings with it surrounding me, as well as pinprick shock like sensations with no devices in the room, room fully covered with up to 5 layers of this stuff and only when I am grounded do I not feel that kind of thing. The copper sheet would be to act as a conduit to ground my body to the ground connected metal bed frame. I really do believe that the nanotechnology was already in place, that the start of 5G in earnest was hidden behind the story of covid 19. I never got any of the shots but I definitely still started getting strange symptoms. I don't necessarily feel afraid of this brave new world. It does bother me that they choose to do things that affect me without informed consent. I am transhumanist. I really believe it's full of potential. I do not support how they decide for people, in their efforts to control whole populations, what they will think or experience

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Sep 23Liked by Moriarty

I wonder if your point on sepsis is worth drawing out more. There could be a larger connection here to the neurological sequelae, given it's now documented that antibiotic usage declined significantly from 2020 onwards, and that official advice was energetically against antibiotics. This is contrary to previous viral pandemics, where (it is now accepted) bacterial co-infections played a significant role in mortality. Since various writers have examined how early covid pandemic protocols saw a dearth in testing for bacterial infections in primary care or when people arrived at EDs (relying near solely on SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests), we could now be dealing with the longer-term consequences of an inappropriate covid exceptionalism, even despite the virus itself having the ability to cause neuro sequelae.

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I have been drawing the sepsis point for a long time now, but hadn't been able to fully write for 2 main reasons. One, data, since I usually "forecast" things, I need the data to demonstrate that the scientific basis for the forecast was correct. Second reason, the absurd complexity of sepsis itself, which correlated and connects to dozens of my articles in the last 2 years.

I agree with your closing remark "we could now be dealing with the longer-term consequences of an inappropriate covid exceptionalism, even despite the virus itself having the ability to cause neuro sequelae."

I wouldn't say the mistake was Covid exceptionalism, rather scientists and doctors trying to divide everything into small neat boxes. The fact that the virus interacts with bacteria at multiple levels even displacing them long-term was enough evidence to revise that. Fuel to the fire as its said.

I like calling SARS-CoV-2 a chimera, but the appopriate term would be a hydra, with an abundance of heads.

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The Great Accelerator indeed. Thank you for this.

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Sep 24Liked by Moriarty

JP and all his smart readers here… I have a question and will take any suggestions you give.

Several moms in my group are contacting me because their daughters have been diagnosed with POTS after getting concussions from volleyball injury.

I have POTS, mostly gut related symptoms. Not sure the “stack” I use would be beneficial for them.

Has anyone seen this recently? Concussion then POTS diagnosis?

One doesn’t have any of the hallmark symptoms of POTS (dizzy/passing out) they all have killer headaches nonstop on a daily basis. It’s sad they are 16-18 and can’t function anymore.

A big thank you to JP. You have no idea how many people you’ve helped here. You always have a place with us if you come to the states. 🙏

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These are questions that came up while talking to a friend about your comment. Where they officialy diagnosed with POTS by a doctor ?

Any other symptoms besides headaches ? Any diagnostics tests done ?

From my side, any Covid infection in the past 12 MONTHS. Yes, MONTHS. Any other symptoms, any other infections, I don't care how meaningless they may sound to others, anything else is helpful to me (I make sense of chaotic data, that is why I ask for anything people think it is meaningless).

Thank you, I appreciate it =).

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Thanks friend! I sent her a message. Waiting to hear back from her. I don’t know if the concussion covid connection is another data point but I personally know 3 of the 4 girls and she’s telling me of two others. (Concussed)

Below is part of our text thread.

“Also I think you know she got a concussion on Nov 10. 2022 and is still having constant headaches and pain. They can’t figure out why and think it could be POTS. She doesn’t pass out and her cousin has dysautonomia which I believe is similar to POTS but she passes out a lot.

They go to the same Dr.

Do you think she could have POTS with her main symptom a chronic headache? I feel like they are just trying to find something to call if but don’t want to rule it out.

I had no idea this is all connected but did wonder about the Covid being the cause because of so many people I know not recovering from concussions since.”

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Sep 24Liked by Moriarty

Thank you for everything you do for us JP.... presently i dont feel like taking much supplements.. maybe some days just glynac, some days OLE or ginkgo etc...i just maintain some daily walking ,and IF routine , minimum 16-18hrs fast daily and 4 days of 36hrs-42 hrs fast a month...and a couple 24hrs in between... i take ginger tea, turmeric tea, green tea with tulsi(all good quality),lemon water, shilajit tea sometimes.. good amounts of pink salt,.. if there is any 1 supplement i should take, what that would be? Thank you!

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Taurine, Thiamine, Choline, Creatine. In this order. The first one is obligatory, and I would consider the second and third one too.

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Thank you , will start in that order.. also would like you to know that I had to pause your subscription for a month , but things are in order again !

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Conspiracy wise…

If I had the power of media and narrative and journalistic tactics to both create a Kartesian crisis and be the sole arbiter of truth and information … it may be helpful to go at it at full strength to create enough time to usurp any and all power. Pushing people to the limits by also impairiNg cognitive capacity. Switching wiper into the “ just getting by” mode.

And as someone in the farming organic healthy food business I noticed people are buying less quality cuts of meats , and avoiding higher priced meats like lamb altogether . So with financial burden going into a consumption of lower quality foods suggests poorer nutrition. Add that to the list

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Hey, physical exercise. I think many people kind of do a min and check the box and move on. I am finding in my own experience that the min needs to be sustained BEats per min targets. Up there around of 130. And sustained for like 10-20 min. Because there is metabolical effects that one wants to enable and trigger to have the desired effects.

Personally I tell people the benefits of chasing ball sports. Not only will it get the bpm in the range for the sufficient time , it will also liberate the brain from the cycling of thoughts and patterns. Because chasing ball requires dropping everything else. This clears and always for some reset to occur. Stress and anxiety create like a pdsd effect with cycling circuits in the cns. So intensely chasing ball, like soccer , basketball, squash , tennis. Even table tennis will help liberate the circuits stuck in reverberation .

The high bpm and such will trigger a cascade of hormones and such to break down and build . Both catabolic and anabolic . And provides a kind of vascular clean out .

But don’t go to much too fast or you will encounter injury . Build up to it and find the fun and joy of embodiment

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That is why I recommend rucking so much, even with lighter load and not so big of a distance, you are getting your HR to the 130-150 easy. When you start improving and getting stronger, bigger load and longer distance, eternally at the high HR.

Your recommendations are also very poignant and another options for those at a little better shape or not old/long covid.

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You should keep your heart rate as low as possible at all times. The only useful physical exercise is *very* low intensity cardio. Anything else is a self-inflicted attack on your body. Running should be avoided even for short distances.

If you stick to it, you'll build up a physical resilience that's almost unimaginable. As a sixty-year-old man who works as a stonemason, I'm living proof of this. I know of almost no one who could survive - and I mean survive, not endure - my weekly workload.

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Hello! Thanks for all you do, I sincerely appreciate it!

Am I missing something or should that study listed have had both Covid catchers that have the experimental gene therapy bioweapon along with a group that got covid but never got a jab?

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Not much difference anymore but what do I know, the guy getting 95% of all his COVID forecasts right since January 2020.

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Does that mean "body status" is more important than the amount of spike you encounter?

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The amount of Spike you encounter will always be significant but now we all face the same amount with different kinetics and dynamics, the vaccinated and unvaccinated have distinct responses. Body status thus plays a significant role now.

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Doctors and nurses surely encounter more often the virus, do they have higher impact on this "collateral" effects?

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No, the immune system, and especially memory cells keep the current strain at bay, they only get infected again when the virus mutate sufficiently.

They will still experience the same hit everyone else does. It is progressive with time with high variance too, but you also can observe doctors being dinners than their usual self.

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Right, the vaccinated versus unvaccinated studies are extremely rare. This has always been on purpose when it comes to testing any vaccines. Unfortunately there have been reports that the blood of unvaccinated people looks much like those vaccinated. But I can't imagine that injecting billions of nanoparticles (if one got a full shot) resulting in something like 13 trillion spikes (if all mRNA are converted to spikes) doesn't make a difference, particularly when people do this more than once! As I understand, we have around 30 trillion cells in our body.

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According to the people involved on developing the mRNA that messaged me and we had conversations, and according to published evidence, not even 30% of the mRNA is converted to Spike really.

And that 13 trillion spikes is one of the worse maths that I have ever seen not surprising coming from the Alt Covid crowd.

Yes, it does not make much difference anymore, it doesn't matter what people feel about it. It has been years since mass injection, many recovered.

We are all in the same boat now, with significant differences between how each group respond (vaccinated vs unvaccianted).

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Whether the numbers are correct or not, I still disagree that there isn't a difference being injected with billions of nanoparticles multiple times versus what we're ingesting from the air and food. It is not the same, but I do think it's true that we all have a toxic load. An Australian senator quoted the 13 trillion number to Australia's regulatory agency, so that's where I got that number, and I'm not saying I'm sure that's correct. I imagine it's variable how much mRNA is converted to spike. Depending on how many nanoparticles and mRNA are injected, even 30% could be a big number. Can you easily link the study you are referring to? I'm interested to know how spikes are measured in a study.

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If that misguided assumptions from people who I know see as acting in bad faith were correct, why we don't have hundreds of millions dead, billions sick ?

The conversation rate is based on the nanograms injected, converted into particles, it is upwards of hundreds of billions, but it does not reach 1 trillion even if translation was PERFECT (which is not). 30% was my math, which I checked with the Pfizer people, no study was done on Spike translation because the people involved (FDA, DoD, Pfizer, Moderna) wanted to hide it.

Measuring that is highly complex, my 30% is an (accurate in my opinion) mathematical prediction given what I know about it. Takes into account at least 40 of my own articles to come up with the equation to that.

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I think it's likely that all of these events going on has to do with being inducted into a great hive mind, and that the loss of cognitive capacity might in fact be a systematic attempt to limit our knowledge if it strays too far away from what the AI mediated central mind has been pprogrammed to allow us to attain to. I actually am able to think fine in certain areas and my cognitive capacity has improved markedly in these areas. It is almost as if I am being funneled to know certain things and Not Know certain other things.

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