
A friend brought to my attention that there is subscribe message in this email 10 times. I can't see it, so there is a glitch on my end.

Sorry for that but also have no idea how that happened, and how to fix it. I can't see it in any of my devices.

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They won’t stop until

God takes them,

they off themselves or

they’re offed

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Amen brother.

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fauci has nightmares about the next scamdemic ! his nightmares should be about all the ravage he has done already. But anyway, I hope he has nightmares for the rest of his miserable life.

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He is most likely a carrer bureaucrat and a puppet, not exactly the one pulling the strings, he isn't even closer to being that smart.

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There’s something organically wrong with the concept of immune escape and the alleged mutation and variants.

Use common sense for a while: We assume some invisible particle is more powerful than the whole body. They say that Inf A virus is 120 nm (-9) long. You will need about 20,000,000 of these guys placed in a line to be as high as an average person. And it’s 80 nm wide - which makes it completely invisible and irrelevant against the human body scale.

It is one isolated cell, with simple biological structure (they say). No internal organs, no brain, no senses, no means of communication. For unknown reasons, these guys flock together (they say) - so there must be some social engineering in place, but we are too dumb to explain this. We put blame for everything on basically three elements, Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen, which conspire together to make up the enemy. No nutrients, no supplements, no microelements, no water filtration, no masks protecting against the body’s toxic environment.

Strangely enough, we “know” the structure of this thing to the minutest detail. We describe its different coding functions, we name them appropriately, we draw fancy representations and we spin theories on how this thing operates in us. There are millions of scientific articles and publications about Inf virus alone. Despite all this knowledge base and our God-level certainty, we don’t know how to tame this 120 nm thing - they say so.

Now, the “fight them all” mechanism, supposedly inherent to all these nm-size public enemies, would need some kind of thinking. You know, reconnaissance of the terrain, attacking where needed, retreating where not, timing, scaling, regrouping, and so on. Like, why the influenza virus doesn’t attack where the battle may be won in the easiest way? Why not the tips of our fingers? The most peripheral part, with weakest defenses and longest communication with the HQ. Why not attack there and only there?

But we accuse this invisible thing of being intelligent enough to detect and recognize our body’s countermeasures and to adapt to them. They say there are trillions of these viruses in our body, so to survive they have to modify themselves in unison - all at the same time and all in the same manner. Where is their communication center and lines? Where is their commander? Who manages their intelligence operations? Mind you, that 120 nm thing is - they say - 100% successful in the whole fight against the human body that is 20 million times higher than them and trillions times heavier.

Now they say that it is successful over time, allegedly since times immemorial. This means that a single primitive cell 120 nm long is wiser than an infinitely complex organism of trillions of cells all intertwined and working in absolute harmony, mutually supporting each other in the continual existence PLUS development from two cells to 120 years or so, PLUS growing, regrowing, replacing, discarding, integrating, splitting, merging, isolating, sucking out nutrients, removing waste, all 24/7, no lunch breaks, no holidays, no TV news reports, unending and unending.

The whole story of “virus enemy” sounds wrong. Considering all these mechanisms, I would rather say that it’s the Inf A virus that is the master of the universe, and the human body is an unsuccessful invader. Or… the whole virusology story is just a theory, nicely packaged in sciencelese to make us feel better that we “understand” something.

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Viruses defy "common sense" and have been describe as such many times. Neither alive, nor dead.

Every time I get a comment similar to yours my response is the same.

Don't think of viruses as living organisms. Think of viruses as living code. Like computer code, but biological.

Viruses communicate with each other by sending signals too, this is how they "organize", they also talk to other pathogens sometimes and can hang out together 😎. This two has scientific evidence, the living code is just me being me lol.

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reading a book about Bechamp, who proved Pasteur wrong. But it is hard to read as I have no medical background and the book is 100+ years old... double hard.

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If this was true, we should put all science books in “Fiction”. I don’t mind the existence of intelligence higher than human and integrated into a single-cell primitive organism which we cannot comprehend. My problem is with those genius scientists who write thousands of pages about viruses, dissect them into minute details, translate all their behavior into biochemical interactions, explain them easily, or even make computer databases of these things detailed enough to immediately identify unanimously them in a picogram of body fluids. We have all this precise work and cosmic knowledge put up without a shadow of doubt. However, these same genius scientists are not able to explain causes of headache, properly diagnose changes that manifest in the whole body, understand blood pressure dynamics, or prevent medical harm from happening to patients in hospitals.

Clearly, if we cannot understand these guys in terms of our common sense (= scientific, measurable, verifiable, repeatable) medical approach, we need to open witchcraft clinics in hospital buildings - to complement the knowledge that misses something, yet is stubborn to admit it. Anyway, we have survived millennia in harsh nature, dirt, adverse weather, scarce food, non-hygienic at large, without a single doctor anywhere. This caste appeared only a hundred years ago or so, and claim they know everything, just because they have managed to compress Life into 4 letters. Aren’t we in for a huge huge blunder?

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I thought the hospitals WERE witchcraft already LOL. Certainly the jabs are. Take some dog kidney tissue, some egg, some tissue from unborn aborted babies, mix in some PEG, mercury and aluminium and mix well. Freeze to minus 70 then thaw up and immediately inject it... I think I would prefer the original witchcraft. The one without the chemicals.

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Great. And spells are propagated: "safe and effective" or "just take the jab" are most frequent. By checking who uses these spells, we can tell cult witches and apprentice cohorts from human healthcare workers.

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still trying to hear if there are docs here in town who are not jabbed, do not push jabs or meds, and listen to you and treat you for what you have come. Probably will have to go to our vet! He is 4 towns over, but not a pusher.

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The thing about the fingertips reminds me that the EU has contributed draft language to the pandemic treaty text and to the Intl health regulations revised text, where they suggest to ban over the counter microbials. They are evidently fully aware of the potential of the entry point finger tips with a view to creating systemic sepsis by banning topical treatment of the infection.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Moriarty

With the immense complexity of reactions post-jab and over 20 years of full-time active research in multiple sites and with unlimited funding, I'd say that the creators of the C agent know a lot more. Like with true drugs: you don't open a trial not knowing the outcome (waste of money and market perspectives).

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I think a few of them know a lot more, everyone else was flying blind, a literal massive experiment to gather untold amounts of data.

Compartmentalization is the SOP after all for things like this. But I do agree with you, my remaining question is just who.

I do not think the ones most blame are the actual "brains" of this operation, such as Pfizer and Moderna.

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Whatever conclusions we may have, it’s all post factum and incomplete or unreliable due to lack of sound source data.

However, one thing is obvious: the whole healthcare system and the whole medical field has been sentenced to annihilation - by their very own. At best, it is a change of the medical paradigm. The cost paid by people is of no importance to anybody, and an attitude to this does not change even when huge things come up. This alone shows that the true health system does not exist. The whole system, not a single company.

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Two questions:

1. Don't viruses typically tend towards lower pathogenicity? What is the evolutionary advantage of becoming more pathogenic?

2. Do you have a link to your "other publications", or are you keeping those isolated from this substack?

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Yes, in general, viruses tend towards more adapt towards lower pathogenicity and higher trasmissibility, but sometimes evolutionary hickups happen, when the replication treshold (in regards to transmission) is reached, such as Marek's Disease.

It is less evolutionary advantage and more adapting for surival in a paradoxical way, at least in my weird perspective. The video in the viral evolution substack makes a good explanation on what I am refererring here.

I think clicking on my name or picture sents you to the main page, there is Things Hidden, and below in smaller letters Beyond Mathematical Odds, which is the second publication focused on different subjects.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Moriarty

Thank you, I see.

So it could be that in an environment of high competition among variants, a specific mutation may provide improved infectiousness but also increase pathogenicity. While bad for the host, it may not kill them fast enough to diminish the infectiousness much.

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So it is just a matter of time, much like Gert has said.

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Pretty easy to make the broadest possible forecast and say "I was right". He changed his tunes half a dozen times when I paid any attention to him (I haven't for a long time).

Virus is still virusing and causing damage. Doesn't need to change much in "long term" perspective.

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Amazing though, that the focus is all on the vaccines, which is a temporary problem (those that took the shot & the offspring) whereas the virus (& mutations) are here forever.

We are running out of time, to help those that got the shot and those that didn't.

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We need a lot of research done into that regard and nobody is doing it, at some point flying blind ain’t gonna cut it for some cases. Wouldn’t be a problem if millions didn’t take many doses. At least the number of people who took 4 aI t that high. Even less for 5.

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Professor - Chinese "discovery" of eight "new" viruses, accelerated viral evolution, Tedros WHO whore pimping a WEF pandemic treaty...

Excellent sleuthing & salient points which address viral porn, hobgoblins, fear mongering and anthropologic influence. Given 10^31 viruses mostly unidentified and uncharacterized, it's biomes o plenty, and one does not need Chinese "take out" Mr. Mulder

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