Sep 30, 2022Liked by Moriarty

I have to mention that Peter Denk has been right way more than he's wrong, having consulted with multiple alternative sources.... like his call around early Nov'21 that both Germany and Austria was going to drop their vex mandates effectively by late Jan... and it was spot on. At that time, people were saying, can't you see the huge amount of pressure the authorities are putting on? they will impose the fines, they will impose the jailtimes etc blah blah blah.

I bring him up, as he actually predicts that Russians will be welcomed as liberators in Germany by year-end or soon after. When he first mentioned it in June, people thought he was smoking something strong. But after the obvious Nordstream pipeline attacks by you-know-how (Garland does a great job of explaining the obvious and brings up other implications which I hadn't thought of - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4XbaVSx4Fw ), it should be obvious to the European vassal states that the US is in full-on abusive mode now... forget about their compromised elites - either the people get a backbone soon, or they will truly suffer.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Moriarty

As someone, Corbett I think, said, when an empire is failing it may not be able to dominate it's enemies or the planet, and but can dominate and abuse its allies...

Right now Germans should be mad as hell with America.

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I don't think you can avoid conspiratorial thinking when you're observing blatant conspiracy. Those are the waters you must wade into. This was a really good one.

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I still prefer to avoid it and stick to what I do, but I will delve into it inevitably in the near future.

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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Moriarty

I liked your previous essay on the circular outcome of drought and food supply loss.

The same logic looks forthcoming in Germany- reduced energy, reduced industrial output, reduced money to buy food, and inevitably a downward spiral. I generally look at these situations as examples of positive feedback, which in engineering usually leads to destruction.

It will be interesting to see how the ECB deals with the "printing money from thin air" temptation, which was one of the root causes of the problem. Without the ECB and EU, it would be easy to see Germany printing marks- there may be enough resentment from other EU members to impede this.

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The previous one should be part I of this one, to avoiding such massive texts I am attempting to limit these for different reasons, but appreciate the liking.

You can apply different analytical frameworks from both physics and math (therefore engineering, but also biology) to this, it is a feedback loop into destruction indeed. It is how complex system usually collapse, starting with expensive energy, or spending too much resources to get energy, and the systems crumbles shortly after it.

That will indeed be interesting, printing more money is a trap with a inevitable end, because this isn't merely a monetary problem, but more of a supply issue, too many ripple effects.

How printing/flooding the system with billions of euros will help you create MORE ENERGY when there is scarcity of energy ? Among many other aspects i previously written about (and are playing out right now, one of the other reasons I write these with less frequency).

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I heard there are some farmers who don't use phosphate fertilizers....and I heard that 150 years ago, we didn't even use petrolium fertilizer! We might be eating less, but it will be of denser and better nutrition! And think of all the big farms, with their GMO seeds that require extensive chemicals, maybe they will not be able to use them to make Roundup laden food....know your farmer and hope its an organic farmer on a smaller farm. Or become one.

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Without modern fertilizers we will have to let close to 1 billion people starve, the only reason we have enough food to feed most of the world is because of modern fertilizers.

At a local scale it is completely feasible to not use it, but at a national/global, you get Sri Lanka. But to a certain degree I do agree with your points. Have a nice weekend.

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